

Get Instant Relief With These Top 10 Yoga For Neck And Shoulder Pain

Lalita Vishwakarma

Written By :

Lalita Vishwakarma

Lavina Chauhan

Researched By :

Lavina Chauhan


Published on : 02-May-2024


5 min read



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Get Instant Relief With These Top 10 Yoga For Neck And Shoulder Pain

Are you someone who suffers from neck pain or stiffness? Does it make daily life more difficult and reduce productivity at work or elsewhere? If so, you are not the only one dealing with this situation. In fact, according to the study, the prevalence of neck pain ranges between 0.4% and 86.8% in the general population and in women.   


Neck pain is very common these days and is generally caused by poor posture, weak muscles, prolonged screen exposure, and other factors. However, there is hope that one effective way to alleviate neck pain is to practice yoga.  


Regular neck yoga exercises practice can improve function in as little as nine weeks. Here, we will explore some yoga for neck and shoulder pain. So, if you're looking for a natural and effective way to treat neck pain, keep reading!  


Table of Contents   

  1. Role Of Yoga For Neck And Shoulder Pain    
  2. Top 10 Yoga For Neck And Shoulder Pain    
  3. Some Effective Yoga Poses For Neck Hump    
  4. Expert's Advice  
  5. The Final Say   
  6. FAQs    
  7. References 


Role Of Yoga For Neck And Shoulder Pain   


Neck pain and related disorders are very common, and the World Health Organization (WHO) has dedicated a study group to research them. However, there is a simple yet effective way to prevent and relieve neck pain that you might have yet to try before yoga. Practising neck yoga exercises regularly can stretch and strengthen your neck muscles, reduce stiffness and tension, and improve your body's flexibility and balance.  


Additionally, breathing techniques used in yoga for neck and shoulder pain can help release tension and reduce stress levels. All these benefits combined make yoga an ideal treatment for neck pain. In fact, some people have found that they no longer need medication or other treatments for their neck pain once they start practising yoga regularly. 


Even a short 30-minute yoga program can help relieve neck, shoulder, and lower back discomfort. Therefore, if you are experiencing neck pain, it is worth trying neck yoga exercises as a safe and natural way to alleviate your symptoms. 


Also Read: Super Brain Yoga: Discover Its Procedure, Benefits & Exercises! 


Top 10 Yoga For Neck And Shoulder Pain   

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Yoga for neck and shoulder pain may complement other treatments such as massage therapy or physical therapy. Some yoga postures that help relieve neck pain are as follows:   


1. Forward Standing And Bending Pose   

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This yoga for neck pain, also known as Uttanasana, can help with neck discomfort by increasing blood flow to the head and neck.   


Steps to follow 


  • Get into a standing position with your feet under your hips.    
  • With your knees slightly bent, lean forward to extend your upper body. Place your hands on your feet, blocks, or the floor.    
  • Place your chin against your chest and allow your head and neck to relax completely.    
  • You can gently rock your head from side to side, back and forth, or in a circular motion.    
  • This helps relieve the stretch in your neck. 
  • Finally, lift your arms and head to a standing position with your spine straight.    


2. Warrior II Pose   

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Warrior II (Virabhadrasana II) is a yoga pose that can help with neck pain by strengthening and opening the chest and shoulders to support the neck. It also helps to lengthen the spine.


Steps to Follow 


  • Warrior II opens and strengthens the chest and shoulders to support the neck.    
  • From a standing position, walk your left leg backwards with your toes pointing slightly to the left.    
  • Bring your right leg forward. The inside of your left foot should align with your right foot.    
  • Uplift your arms until they are parallel to the floor with your palms facing down. Bend your right knee, making sure your knee does not extend beyond your ankle.    
  • Press into both legs while extending upward through the spine. Look beyond the fingertips of your right hand.    
  • Hold this position for 30 seconds. Then do the other side.    


3. Extended Triangle Pose    

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It can help prevent neck pain and tension while stretching the spine, hips, and groin while strengthening the shoulders, chest, and legs.  


Steps to Follow 


  1. Triangle pose helps relieve pain and tension in the neck, shoulders, and upper back.    
  2. Jump, walk or spread your legs to the side. Now, turn your right toe forward and your left toe at an angle.    
  3. Uplift your arms parallel to the floor with your palms facing down. Reach your right hand forward and place it on your right thigh.    
  4. From here, just lower your right arm and raise your left arm towards the ceiling.    
  5. Look up and down by looking in any direction or gently rotating your neck.    
  6. Hold this position for 30 seconds. Then, do the same on the other side.    


Also Read: Yoga For Stress Management And Its Instant Benefits | ToneOpFit 


4. Cat Cow Pose    

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This yoga pose for neck and shoulder pain increases the flexibility of the neck muscles and stretches the muscles of the back, hips, abdomen, and chest.   


Steps to Follow 


  • Bending and straightening your neck helps relieve tension.    
  • Assume a tabletop position by placing your hands under your shoulders and your knees under your hips. 
  • While inhaling, allow your stomach to fill with air and sink toward the floor.    
  • Tilt your head back slightly and look at the ceiling. Place your head here or lower your chin slightly. As you exhale, turn your body and look over your right shoulder.    
  • Hold your gaze here for a moment and then return to the centre.    
  • Exhale and look over your left shoulder.    
  • Hold this position before returning to the centre. From here, pull your chin toward your chest and round your spine. Maintain this position with your head down.    
  • Shake your head side to side and back and forth. After these changes, continue the gentle movements of the cat-cow pose for at least one minute.    


5. Thread The Needle Pose    

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It's a beginner-level yoga pose for neck and shoulder pain that stretches and opens the upper back, chest, and arms. It also slightly twists the spine, which can help reduce tension. 


Steps to Follow  


  • This pose helps relieve neck, shoulders, and lower back tension.    
  • Take the cat position by placing hands under the shoulder and knees under the hips.    
  • Raise your right hand, palm up, and move it along the floor to the left.    
  • Press your left hand into the floor for support, rest your body on your right shoulder and look to the left.    
  • Hold this position for 30 seconds. Slowly relax and return to Child's Pose (see below), take a few breaths, and repeat on the other side.    


6. Cow Face Pose    

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This yoga for neck and shoulder pain can help relieve tension in the upper back and prevent discomfort caused by poor posture.   


Steps to follow 


  • The cow face pose helps stretch and open your chest and shoulders.    
  • Take a comfortable sitting position by lifting your left elbow and bending your arm so your hand is behind your back.      
  • With your right hand, gently pull your left elbow to the right or lift your right arm to hold your left arm.    
  • Hold this position for 30 seconds.    
  • Then, do the same on the other side.    


7. Fish Pose    


This yoga for neck pain can help you release neck, throat, and shoulder tension. It also works well for toning the abdominals and front of the neck. 


Steps to Follow  


  • This twist stretches your spine, shoulders, and hips.    
  • From a seated position, walk your right leg across the floor toward the outside of your left thigh.    
  • Start bending your left knee by crossing it over your right leg so that your left foot is "rooted" on the floor outside your right thigh.    
  • Lengthen your spine and twist your upper body to the left. Place your left hand on the floor behind your hip.    
  • Bring your right hand to the outside of your left leg. Turn your head to look over your shoulder or gently move your neck back and forth.    
  • Stay in this position for 1 minute. Then do the other side, too.    


Also Read: Super Brain Yoga: Discover Its Procedure, Benefits & Exercises! 


8. Extended Puppy Pose    

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This yoga for neck pain is a combination of Child's Pose and Downward Dog and stretches the spine, shoulders, upper back, and arms. 


Steps to Follow 


  • Get into a tabletop position with your hand under your shoulder and knees under your hips. 
  • Move your hands slightly forward and lift your heels up onto your toes.    
  • Slowly lower your hips toward your heels, pausing halfway through. Place your arms together and lift your elbows.    
  • Place your forehead on the floor or blanket.    
  • Completely relax your neck. Keeping your back slightly arched, press into your palms, extend your arms, and pull your hips toward your heels. Wait 1 minute.   


9. Child's pose    

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Child's pose, or Balasana, is a yoga pose that can help relieve neck pain. It's a forward bend that stretches many tight areas of the body, including the neck, shoulders, and back.  


Steps to Follow  


  • The child's position helps relieve headaches as well as neck pain.    
  • From a kneeling position, sit with your heels on the floor and bring your knees into a comfortable position.    
  • You can lean forward by lengthening your spine, extending your arms forward, and bending your hips.    
  • You can extend your arms forward to support your neck or fold your arms and rest your head on them. This may help relieve headaches.    
  • If comfortable, lie with your arms back and along your body.    
  • Inhale deeply and focus on releasing any tension or pressure in your body. Relax in this position for a few minutes.    


10. Legs-Up-The-Wall Pose   


This restorative pose has incredible healing potential and can help prevent back, shoulder, and neck tension.   


Steps to Follow 


  • From a seated position, tilt your hips forward toward the wall. When you get close to the wall, lie on your back, lift your legs, and press your body against it.     
  • You can place a folded blanket or pillow under your hips for support. Move your arms into a comfortable position.     
  • You can gently massage your face, neck, and shoulders. You can stay in this position for up to 20 minutes.    

Note: Always warm up properly before engaging in yoga for neck and shoulder pain to prepare muscles for stretching and movement. 


Also Read: Proven Exercises And Tips for Increasing Flexibility | ToneOp Fit 


Some Effective Yoga Poses For Neck Hump   


Following are the effective yoga poses that you can do to prevent neck hump   


1. Seated Rotation    


These are a simple and easy stretch to reduce lumps in your neck. You can do it by following the steps:    

  • Hold onto the armrests of your chair, straighten your back, and look to the right.    
  • Hold this position for 10 seconds and repeat on the left side.    
  • Complete the exercise by raising your arms and stretching your back thoroughly.   


2. Pushing Against The Wall Stretching    


This exercise can help you remove fat from the back and neck.    

  • You can easily do back and neck exercises at home by leaning against a wall.    
  • To start, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart between your legs. Stand with your back against the wall.    
  • Place your palms against the wall and stretch as much as your body allows.    
  • Make sure your face is facing towards the floor.    
  • Stretching as much as possible will relieve pressure on your neck.    


3. Eagle Pose    


This is one of the most effective yoga poses for tight neck and shoulders, and it helps stretch the muscles between the shoulder blades and lengthen the base of the neck.    

  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Inhale and cross your right arm over your left, bending your elbow and placing your hand on your opposite shoulder.    
  • Exhale, raise your forearm vertically and place the fingers of your left hand on the palm of your right hand.    
  • Stay in this position and take deep breaths.    
  • Repeat on the other side and hold for 30 to 35 seconds.    


4. Neck Rotation    


Neck rotation is a simple yet effective exercise that strengthens your back and neck muscles, relieves neck tension, and reduces neck lumps.    

  • It is easy to follow and reduces neck pain in a short period of time.    
  • Stand upright or sit upright before starting to spin. Your spine should be comfortable and in the correct position.    
  • Rotate your neck ten times clockwise and ten times counterclockwise, then roll it up and down.    
  • Repeat this process if necessary. Do not overdo this exercise, as this may cause additional pain.    


5. Chin Lift   


The chin lift is an effective posture to support spine and head alignment. Chin lifts keep your neck flexible and remove any lumps. It involves rotating the neck back and forth.  

  • Grasp your chin with two fingers and slowly move it back.    
  • Hold the position for a few seconds, and then gently but firmly relax your neck.    


7. Cat Stretching    


These gentle yoga poses for cold shoulders and stiff necks help relieve pain symptoms by stretching and lengthening the spine and muscles in the area.    

  • Get on all fours in a tabletop position with your knees shoulder-width apart. Inhale, lift your chin and tilt your head back.    
  • Press your belly button, take a long breath, and lift your tailbone.    
  • Exhale, lower your chin toward your chest and arch your back.    
  • Hold this position for a few seconds.    
  • Slowly return to the tabletop position.    
  • Hold for 20 to 25 seconds and perform at least 4 to 5 sets of 7 to 8 repetitions.    


Expert's Advice 


As an expert, I would suggest including the mentioned yoga poses to relieve pain in your neck and shoulder. These easy-to-do exercises can be done at home by following the steps. You can also get the help of videos or fitness apps to track your progress. Practising mindfulness during yoga for neck and shoulder pain can enhance your awareness of tension patterns and promote relaxation. However, stop immediately and consult a doctor if you feel any pain or discomfort while exercising.     

Health Expert  
Lavina Chauhan  


The Final Say  


Taking care of our physical health is the most important thing for our overall well-being. Indulging in yoga and exercise can be the best option to keep ourselves fit in every aspect. We usually get body pain due to poor sitting and sleeping posture. Not only this, but sometimes injuries also lead to neck and body pain.   


So, to get relief from this discomfort, you can follow the yoga for neck and shoulder pain mentioned in this blog. These yoga poses are effective and can prevent strain and muscle tension. Consult with your fitness expert for more positive results. 



1. Does yoga reduce neck pain?     

Yoga is effective in reducing neck pain. Regular yoga practice can help improve posture, increase flexibility, and strengthen the neck and shoulder muscles.   


2. Can a stiff neck be cured?     

Neck pain or neck stiffness is a common problem that usually disappears within a few days or weeks. This is rarely a sign of a serious problem.     


3. Can a lump in my neck be permanently fixed?     

Yes, practising proper posture daily and doing the above exercises can permanently correct a lump in your neck. The results of your workouts will be visible over time. You can change your neck hump to a straight neck and back. However, make sure you get a doctor’s consultation too to eliminate any underlying health issue.  




About ToneOp Fit  

ToneOp Fit is a platform dedicated to improving and maintaining good health through a comprehensive range of goal-oriented health plans with up to 3 Coach support. With a range of Weight Management, Medical Condition, Detox Plans, and Face Yoga Plans, the app also provides premium health trackers, recipes and health content. Get customised diet, fitness, naturopathy & yoga plans and transform yourself with ToneOp.  

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