

8 Bicep And Tricep Exercises To Maximise Your Arm Day With Workout Tips And Insights!

Mahi Baraskar

Written By :

Mahi Baraskar

Lavina Chauhan

Researched By :

Lavina Chauhan


Published on: 12-Jul-2024


6 min read



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8 Bicep And Tricep Exercises To Maximise Your Arm Day With Workout Tips And Insights!

Building strong, sculpted arms isn't just about aesthetics; it translates to improved pulling power, better posture, and a stronger upper body. Bicep and tricep exercises are essential to an effective upper-body workout. They target the primary arm muscles to enhance strength, definition, and functionality. Incorporating a mix of compound plus isolation movements, these exercises help build muscle mass and improve aesthetics while supporting arm health and performance.


Whether performed at the gym or at home using dumbbells and resistance bands, the best bicep and tricep workouts are adaptable to different fitness levels and goals, making them a part of any strength training routine. So, let’s explore the best-targeted bicep and tricep exercises that target every angle of these muscles, helping you achieve that horseshoe bicep peak and sculpted triceps.


Table Of Contents


1. What Is Bicep And Tricep?

2. 8 Bicep And Tricep Exercises

3. Can I Do Bicep And Tricep Workout Together?

4. What Is The 5-10-20 Workout?

5. Biceps And Triceps Mix Workout Chart

6. Expert’s Advice

7. The Final Say

8. FAQs

9. References


What Is Bicep And Tricep?


Scientifically, the biceps and triceps are two separate muscles that differ significantly in form and function. Have a look at its functions for better understanding:


1. Biceps


This is short for biceps brachii, a muscle located on the front of the arm. It is called "bi" because it consists of two distinct heads—a longer outer and a shorter inner head. Both heads originate from the scapula, commonly referred to as the scapula. They insert (attach) to the radial tuberosity, a small protrusion of bone just behind the elbow.


Functions of the biceps include:

  • Flexion of the elbow joint. This involves bringing the forearms closer to the body.
  • Supination of the forearm. This means turning the palm upwards.
  • Shoulder height. That means raising your hand.
  • Generally, the biceps are smaller than the upper arm muscles, second only to the triceps.


2. Triceps


The triceps, short for triceps brachii, is a muscle on the back of your arm. It is called "tri" because it consists of three distinct heads - medial (middle), lateral (side) and long head. All three heads insert (attach) to the back of your elbow on a small bump of bone called the olecranon process. Typically, the triceps are the larger of the upper arm muscles.


Functions of the triceps include:

  • Elbow extension. This involves moving the forearm away from you.
  • Shoulder stabilisation. For example, when carrying things overhead.
  • Shoulder extension. This involves moving the arms back and behind the body.
  • The triceps serves as the antagonist or opposing muscle of the biceps.


Also Read: Top 5 Highly-Effective Home Workouts For Toned Arms!


8 Bicep And Tricep Exercises


Let’s explore these selected bicep and tricep exercises for arm workouts with targeted benefits and steps to perform for better results:


1. Dumbbell curl 


The dumbbell curl primarily targets the biceps brachii, enhancing muscle size and strength and contributing to the upper arms' overall aesthetic. This exercise also engages the brachialis and brachioradialis muscles, aiding forearm development and improving grip strength.


Steps To Perform This Bicep And Tricep Exercise:

1. Using an underhand grip, firmly grip the EZ Curl Bar with your hands and shoulder-width apart.

2. Keep your elbows close to the sides of your body for maximum control.

3. Keep your core tight before you start.

4. Raise the barbell toward shoulder height and aim for a maximal contraction at the top.

5. Then, slowly lower the weight back down and repeat.


2. Dumbbell JM Press


The dumbbell JM press focuses on the triceps brachii, particularly the long head, which is crucial for increasing muscle mass plus strength in the upper arms. This exercise also improves pressing power, making it beneficial for enhancing performance in bench presses and other pushing movements.


Steps To Perform This Bicep And Tricep Exercise:

1. The starting position for the JM Press dumbbell is on a flat bench with your feet on the floor.

2. It's very similar to Skull Crushers, but you must not worry about the bar touching your face.

3. Start with the dumbbells at your shoulders, lengthen your triceps to bring them forward, then press them straight up.

4. With the dumbbells, focus on your shoulders and let your elbows drop and roll over a bit as you extend your arms overhead.


Also Read: 12 Most Effective Upper Body Workout Poses


3. Crossbody Hammer Curl


The crossbody hammer curl targets the biceps brachii and brachialis, enhancing muscle thickness and strength in the upper arms. This exercise also engages the brachioradialis, strengthening forearm strength and overall arm aesthetics. Crossbody movements improve coordination and stabilise the shoulder joints, greatly reducing injuries.


Steps To Perform This Bicep And Tricep Exercise:

1. Begin by standing with your feet at a shoulder-width distance and holding a dumbbell in each hand, palms facing one another in a hammer grip and elbows close to your body.

2. Keep your back straight, shoulders relaxed, and core engaged throughout the exercise.

3. Curl the weight toward your opposite shoulder, keeping your elbows close to your body and rotating your wrists so your palms still face each other.

4. Squeeze your biceps and hold the position for a second or two.


4. Triceps Pushdown


The triceps pushdown isolates the brachial, promoting muscle hypertrophy and strength, particularly in the lateral and long heads of the muscle. This exercise also improves elbow stability, which is essential for safely performing other upper-body exercises.


Steps To Perform This Bicep And Tricep Exercise:

1. Stand facing the weighted cable machine with a rope handle attached to a tall pulley.

2. Grasp the rope with a proper overhand grip.

3. Stand with your feet and shoulder-width distance and your knees slightly bent.

4. Keep your back straight and core engaged throughout the exercise.

5. Pull the rope down until your elbows are properly extended and your arms are straight.

6. Keep your elbows close, and make sure to avoid using momentum for the weight.

7. Slowly release the weight back to the starting position with control.

Also Read: Check Out These 15 Barbell Back Workouts


5. Bicep Chin-Up


The bicep chin-up primarily targets the biceps brachii, promoting muscle growth and strength. This exercise also engages the latissimus dorsi and improves upper-body strength and stability. Regular chin-ups can enhance functional strength, aiding in daily activities that involve pulling or lifting.


Steps To Perform This Bicep And Tricep Exercise:

1. Reach up and grab the bar with your palms facing you.

2. Hang from the bar, keeping your core tight and your shoulders down.

3. Bend your elbows and squeeze your biceps to come up.

4. Put some distance between you and the bar to target your biceps.

5. Keep your elbows close, and make sure to avoid swinging your legs or using momentum to lift your body.

6. Once your chin is over the bar, pause for a second or two and hold the position.


6. Weighted Upright Dip


The weighted upright dip targets the triceps brachii, chest, and shoulders, enhancing upper body strength and muscle mass. This exercise also improves overall pressing power, benefiting bench and shoulder presses.


Steps To Perform This Bicep And Tricep Exercise:

1. Before you begin, adjust a weight belt around your waist with a weight plate firmly attached.

2. Stand between two parallel bars or a dip station with your hands on the bars and palms facing in.

3. Keep your entire core engaged, plus your back straight throughout the exercise.

4. Lower your body down to the bar by bending your elbows, bringing your chest up and shoulders down.

5. Stop when your elbows are at a 90-degree, and your arms are parallel to the ground.

6. Push your body back to the starting pose entirely by straightening your arms, squeezing your triceps and keeping your core engaged.


Also Read: Strength Training Exercises With Benefits & Routine


7. Banded Bicep Curl


The banded bicep curl targets the biceps brachii, promoting muscle hypertrophy and endurance. This exercise also engages the brachialis, aiding in the overall development of the upper arms. Using resistance bands adds variable resistance, enhancing muscle activation and improving grip strength.


Steps To Perform This Bicep And Tricep Exercise:

1. Start by standing in the middle with a resistance band with your feet shoulder-width apart.

2. Grasp the ends of the tape with the palm of your hand, palms up and hands shoulder-width apart.

3. Keep your elbows close to your body, and your shoulders relaxed throughout the exercise.

4. Curl the band toward your shoulders by bending your elbows and squeezing your biceps.

5. Keep your wrists straight, plus avoid bending them during the exercise.

6. Squeeze the biceps at the movement's top and hold the position for a second or two.


8. Overhead Triceps Extensions


These extensions primarily target the triceps brachii, enhancing muscle growth and strength, particularly in the long head of the muscle. This exercise also aids in improving shoulder stability and range of motion, which helps upper body health. Regularly performing this exercise can enhance your performance in pushing movements and reduce the risk of shoulder injuries.


Steps To Perform This Bicep And Tricep Exercise:

1. Start in the centre by standing with a resistance band with your feet and shoulder-width apart.

2. Hold the ends of the band with an overhand grip, palms up and hands shoulder-width apart.

3. Raise your arms above your head, elbows by your head and wrists straight.

4. Lower the band behind your head by bending your elbows and keeping your arms close to your head.

5. Keep your elbows close to your head, and make sure to avoid swinging your arms or using momentum to lift the band.

6. Squeeze your triceps at the bottom of the movement and hold the position for a second or two.


Also Read: 15 Powerful Dumbbell Exercises For Back At Home


Can I Do A Bicep And Tricep Workout Together?


Absolutely! You can definitely train the biceps and triceps together in the same workout. In fact, training both groups together is an effective way to maximise your gym time and achieve better overall upper-body strength and muscle development.


Have a look at how practising bicep and tricep exercises together transforms your muscles and upper body:




Maximises gym time by working opposing muscle groups.

Ensure at least 48 hours of recovery time for muscle groups.

Alternate biceps and triceps exercises for efficiency.

Allows for supersets or circuits, increasing workout intensity.

The biceps and triceps are different muscle groups with distinct functions.

Include a variety of exercises targeting both muscles.

Promotes balanced and proportionate upper body development.

Avoid overtraining by listening to your body's signals.

Warm up properly to prevent injury and enhance performance.


Also Read: Bodyweight Exercises For Muscle Strength | ToneOpFit


What Is The 5-10-20 Workout?


This hypertrophy protocol requires you to perform three specific types of exercises back-to-back, using 5, 10, and then 20 repetitions in that order. All three exercises are beneficial, but combining them in one sadistic set will multiply their effect.


The 5/10/20 protocol works by exposing you to different muscle-building stimuli at once. This combination of exercises targets the biceps using different muscle-building stimuli, enhancing hypertrophy and overall muscle growth.


Steps To Perform This 5-10-20 Workout:

1. Perform a heavy, multi-joint exercise that hits the biceps (5 reps).

2. Now do a moderate biceps isolation exercise (10 reps).

3. Finally, grab a resistance band for one final bicep exercise (20 reps).


Note this sample 5-10-20 biceps and triceps workout:

ExerciseRepsTempo / NotesRest
Narrow Grip Inverted Row5 reps4-second eccentric (lowering phase)10-30 seconds
Zottman Curl10 repsNormal lifting speed10-30 seconds
Overhand Band Biceps Curl20 repsStrong pressing2 minutes


Also Read: Workout For Beginners At Home Tips & Tricks | ToneOpFit


Biceps And Triceps Mix Workout Chart


This biceps and triceps workout will take up to 25 minutes, but you'll feel it long after you've finished the last rep. So sip on your pre-workout selection, warm up, and mentally get yourself ready for the insane pump you'll experience.


Do the given exercises in order, starting with the curl tri-set, then immediately do the triceps triset with as little rest as possible in between. Consider this bicep and tricep chart for reference:




Barbell curls

3 sets

8 reps( no rest)

Alternating Dumbbell Curl

3 sets

20 reps (alternating, 10 reps per side, no rest)

Cable rope hammer curl

3 sets

10 reps

EZ-bar skull crusher

3 sets

8 reps ( no rest)

Dumbbell Kick-Back

3 sets

10 reps (left side, no rest)

Dumbbell Kick-Back

3 sets

10 reps (right side, no rest)

Low cable overhead triceps extension

3 sets

10 reps (rest 2 min)


Expert’s Advice


Exercises that involve and target your biceps and triceps are significant for building bigger arms. Aim to work these muscles at least two to three times a week, and as you build strength, work to do more reps and sets with each exercise.


For a well-rounded workout, I recommend including exercises that strengthen your shoulders, back, chest, core, and legs. Along with targeted workouts, it's important to follow a meal plan that's rich in complex carbohydrates, proteins, and healthy oils and contains enough calories to fuel your workouts.

                                                                            Health Expert 
Lavina Chauhan


The Final Say


The biceps and triceps comprise most of your arm muscles. The biceps are present on the upper arm front and provide arm flexion, while the triceps are located on the upper arm back and are responsible for arm extension. Thus, to create a well-balanced exercise program that includes biceps and triceps training, speaking with a certified trainer for a customised approach may be helpful.



1. How do you select the best bicep and tricep routine exercises?

To select the best exercises for a bicep and tricep routine, focus on including compound and isolation movements. Ensure variety and progressively overload the muscles for optimal results with the following exercises:

  • Compound exercises, like narrow-grip inverted rows and close-grip bench presses, engage multiple group of muscles and help build overall strength.
  • Isolation exercises, such as Zottman curls and tricep kickbacks, target specific muscles to enhance definition and growth.


2. What are the essentials of a good bicep and tricep workout?

A good bicep and tricep workout should include:

  • Warm up to prepare the muscles and prevent injury.
  • A combination of compound and isolation exercises.
  • Different rep ranges target muscle endurance, strength, and hypertrophy.
  • Proper form plus technique to maximise effectiveness and minimise injury risk.
  • Adequate rest between sets and workouts is necessary to allow for muscle recovery.


3. Should I do biceps and triceps workouts at the gym instead of at home?

Both gym and home workouts can be effective for biceps and triceps development. Gyms offer many equipment and weights, allowing for greater variety and progressive overload. 

However, home workouts can be equally effective with the right equipment, such as resistance bands, dumbbells, and pull-up bars. The choice depends on your personal preference, access to equipment, and convenience.


4. What are the best bicep and tricep dumbbell exercises?

Some of the best bicep and tricep dumbbell exercises include:

  • Hammer Curls: Emphasize the brachialis and brachioradialis.
  • Concentration Curls: Focus on the peak contraction of the biceps.
  • Tricep Kickbacks: Isolate the triceps brachii.
  • Overhead Tricep Extensions: Engage the long head of the triceps.
  • Close-Grip Dumbbell Presses: Target both the triceps and chest.


5. What do bicep and tricep exercises for women target?

Bicep and tricep exercises for women target the same muscles as men: the biceps brachii, brachialis, brachioradialis in the arms, and the triceps brachii. These exercises help tone and strengthen the upper arms, improve overall arm definition, and enhance functional strength for daily activities.




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