

8 Targeted HIIT Workouts For Women With Training Plan And Exercises!

Mahi Baraskar

Written By :

Mahi Baraskar

Mahi Baraskar

Researched By :

Mahi Baraskar


Published on: 11-Apr-2024


5 min read



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8 Targeted HIIT Workouts For Women With Training Plan And Exercises!

High-intensity interval Training (HIIT) is a fitness approach characterised by alternating intervals of intense exercise with periods of lower intensity or rest. It's a powerful training that pushes individuals to work near their maximum effort, typically around 80-95% of their maximum heart rate, followed by intervals of recovery at 40-50%. For women looking to optimise their fitness goals efficiently, targeted HIIT workouts for women explicitly tailored to their needs can be incredibly beneficial. These ladies HIIT workout exercises help in shedding excess fat, sculpting lean muscle, enhancing strength, and boosting cardiovascular health. 


Despite its proven effectiveness, the adoption of HIIT routine for women remains relatively low compared to men. According to the National Center for Health Statistics, only 20.4% of women meet national exercise guidelines, highlighting the need for a tailored HIIT workout routine for women. Bridging this gap requires tailored HIIT workouts designed specifically to address women's unique fitness needs and preferences, encouraging them to achieve their fitness goals confidently. 


To take your workouts to the next level, this blog explores the best HIIT workouts for women, including an adaptable and effective plan for HIIT training for women that caters to various fitness levels and goals. So, keep reading! 


Table Of Contents 

  1. 8 Best High-Intensity Workout For Women 
  2. High Intensity Training For Women (Sample Plan) 
  3. 5 HIIT Workouts For Weight Loss Female 
  4. 5 Essentials Of Female HIIT Workout To Consider 
  5. The Final Say 
  6. FAQs 
  7. References 


8 Best High-Intensity Workout For Women 

8 Best High-Intensity Workout For Women.jpg

Let’s explore the best HIIT workouts for women to streamline their physical efficiency functionally: 


1. Alternate Squat Jumps 

These squat jumps combine cardio and strength training, targeting multiple muscle groups simultaneously. They primarily work the quadriceps, glutes, and calves while also engaging the core for stability. This high intensity move helps improve explosive power, agility, and cardiovascular endurance. Variations include adding weights, increasing the height of the jump, or incorporating a plyometric box for added challenge. 


Instructions To Do: 

  1. Stand with feet and hip-width distance, knees slightly bent. 
  2. Lower into a squat position, keeping the chest up and back straight. 
  3. Explosively jump up, switching legs mid-air and landing softly. 
  4. Repeat the movement, alternating legs with each jump. 


2. Kettlebell Swings 

These HIIT workouts for women primarily target the posterior chain, including the glutes and lower back. They also engage the shoulders, core, and grip strength. This dynamic movement enhances power, explosiveness, and cardiovascular endurance. Variations include single-arm swings, double kettlebell swings, and incorporating different kettlebell weights. 


Instructions To Do: 

  1. Stand with feet shoulder-width distance, holding a kettlebell with both hands between legs. 
  2. Hinge at the hips, lowering the kettlebell between the legs with a slight bend in the knees. 
  3. Explosively drive hips forward, swinging the kettlebell to shoulder height. 
  4. Control the descent as the kettlebell swings back between legs and repeat the movement. 


3. Mountain Climbers 

These high-intensity, full-body exercises target the core, shoulders, chest, and legs. They also elevate heart rate, making them an effective cardiovascular workout. This move improves coordination, agility, and core stability. Variations include cross-body mountain climbers, mountain climbers with a twist, or increasing speed for added intensity. 


Instructions To Do: 

  1. Start in a plank position, hands directly under shoulders, core engaged. 
  2. Drive one knee towards the chest, then quickly switch legs, alternating in a running motion. 
  3. Keep hips low and core tight throughout the movement. 
  4. Continue at a moderate to fast pace for the desired duration. 

Also Read: 6 Best Resistance Band Exercises For Legs: Tone Your Legs In 2 Weeks!  


4. Dumbbell Thruster With Curl 

This compound exercise combines a squat, shoulder press, and bicep curl, targeting multiple muscle groups simultaneously. It primarily works the quadriceps, shoulders, triceps, biceps, and core. This high intensity move enhances strength, muscular endurance, and calorie burn. Variations include adjusting the weight of dumbbells, incorporating a pause at the bottom of the squat, or performing a single-arm thruster. 


Instructions To Do: 

  1. Hold a dumbbell in each hand at shoulder height, palms facing inwards. 
  2. Perform a squat, lowering hips back and down until thighs parallel the ground. 
  3. As you stand up, simultaneously press the dumbbells overhead, extending your arms fully. 
  4. Lower the dumbbells to your shoulder height while performing a bicep curl. 


5. Jumping Lunges 

These HIIT workouts for women target the lower body, including the quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, and calves, while also engaging the core for stability. This high intensity move enhances lower body strength, power, and cardiovascular endurance. Variations include adding weights, alternating legs mid-air, or increasing the jump height for added challenge.


Instructions To Do: 

  1. Start with one foot forward and the other at the back in a lunge position, both knees bent at 90-degree angles. 
  2. Explosively jump up, switching legs mid-air so the back foot comes forward and the front foot goes back. 
  3. Land softly in a lunge position and immediately repeat the movement, alternating legs with each jump. 


6. Reverse Plank Leg Lifts 

These leg lifts target the posterior chain, including the glutes, hamstrings and lower back. This exercise helps improve hip mobility, core strength, and stability. Variations include adding ankle weights, increasing the number of reps, or holding the top position for an isometric hold. 


Instructions To Do: 

  1. Sit with your legs extended, hands behind your hips, fingers pointing towards your feet. 
  2. Lift hips off the ground, creating a straight line from head to heels. 
  3. Keeping core engaged, lift one leg towards the ceiling, then lower it back down. 
  4. Alternate legs or perform all reps on one leg before switching to another. 


7. Bicycle Crunches 

These crunches are highly effective core exercises targeting the rectus abdominis, obliques, and hip flexors. This move helps improve abdominal strength, definition, and endurance while also engaging the stabilising muscles of the core. Variations include slowing the movement, extending the legs, or adding a twist for oblique engagement. 


Instructions To Do: 

  1. Lie flat on your back with hands behind your head, elbows pointing to the sides. 
  2. Lift shoulders off the ground, bringing right elbow towards left knee while extending right leg. 
  3. Switch sides, bringing the left elbow towards the right knee while extending the left leg. 
  4. Continue alternating pedalling, pressing the lower back into the floor. 


8. Plank Jacks 

This plank variation targets the core, shoulders, chest, and legs while elevating the heart rate for a cardiovascular workout. This move enhances core stability, coordination, and endurance. Variations include adjusting the speed of the movement, performing plank jacks from forearms, or adding a push-up between each jack. 


Instructions To Do: 

  1. Start with hands directly under shoulders in a plank position and core engaged. 
  2. Jump feet wide apart, then quickly jump them back together, maintaining a stable plank position. 
  3. Continue moderately to fast, keeping hips low and core tight throughout the movement. 
  4. To modify, perform the movement from forearms instead of hands. 


High-Intensity Training For Women (Sample Plan) 

Try this beginners-friendly training plan of HIIT workouts for women and modify it as per your fitness levels: 





Jogging or brisk walking 

5 minutes 


Dynamic stretches (arm circles, leg swings, etc.) 

5 minutes 

Main Workout 

Circuit training: 



- Squats 

3 sets of 12 reps 


- Push-ups 

3 sets of 10 reps 


- Lunges (each leg) 

3 sets of 12 reps 


- Plank 

3 sets of 30 seconds 


- Burpees 

3 sets of 10 reps 

Cool Down 

Static stretches (hamstring stretch, quad stretch, etc.) 

5 minutes 


Deep breathing and relaxation 

3-5 minutes 

 Also Read: Try These 8 Weight Loss Exercises For Women And Home Workout Plan!  


5 HIIT Workouts For Weight Loss Female 

Try these best HIIT workouts for women seeking to lose weight sustainably: 


1. Burpees 

This full-body exercise aids in weight loss by burning a significant amount of calories in a short period. It targets multiple muscles like the legs, core, arms, chest and shoulders, making it efficient for total-body conditioning. Burpees also elevate heart rate, boosting metabolism and promoting fat loss. Variations include adding a push-up, incorporating a jump at the top, or performing them with weights for added resistance. 

Instructions To Do: 

  1. Begin by lowering into a squat position and placing your hands on the ground before you. 
  2. Kick both feet back into a plank position and perform a push-up if desired. 
  3. Jump feet back to hands, then jump up, reaching arms overhead. 
  4. Land softly and immediately lower back into the next repetition. 


2. Rope Jumping 

Also known as skipping, rope jumping is a highly effective cardiovascular exercise that burns calories rapidly, aiding in weight loss. It primarily targets the calves, quadriceps, hamstrings, and lower body muscles while also engaging the shoulders for stability. Rope jumping boosts coordination, endurance, and agility, making it an efficient workout for overall fitness. Variations include alternating foot jumps, double unders, or increasing speed for added intensity. 

Instructions To Do: 

  1. Hold the handles of a jump rope in each hand, elbows close to the body. 
  2. Begin jumping with both feet, keeping elbows bent and wrists rotating the rope. 
  3. Land softly on the balls of your feet, maintaining a steady rhythm. 
  4. Progress to variations such as alternating foot jumps or double unders for added challenge. 


3. Flutter Kicks 

These HIIT workouts for women are core-focused exercises that contribute to weight loss by strengthening the abdominal muscles and improving core stability. They target the rectus abdominis, obliques, and hip flexors, helping to sculpt and define the midsection. They also increase heart rate, aiding in calorie burn and fat loss. Variations include performing them on a stability ball, increasing the speed or range of motion, or incorporating a flutter kick hold for added intensity. 

Instructions To Do: 

  1. Lie with your arms by your sides flat on your back, keeping your legs extended. 
  2. Lift legs off the ground a few inches, keeping them straight. 
  3. Alternately kick legs up and down, fluttering, engaging the core to stabilise the lower back. 


4. Squat Twists 

These combine a lower-body squat with an upper-body twist, engaging multiple muscle groups simultaneously and promoting calorie burn for weight loss. They primarily target the quadriceps, glutes, and obliques. By incorporating a twisting motion, squat twists enhance core strength and rotational stability, aiding overall body toning. Variations include adding a weight plate or medicine ball for resistance, increasing the squat depth, or performing the movement faster. 

Instructions To Do: 

  1. Start in a standing position with feet and shoulder-width distance. 
  2. Lower into a squat position, keeping the chest up and back straight. 
  3. As you stand up, twist the torso to one side, bringing the opposite elbow towards the knee. 
  4. Return to the first position and repeat the movement, twisting to the opposite side with each rep. 


5. Crossbody Lunges 

These lunges are a dynamic lower body exercise that targets your hamstrings, glutes, quadriceps and adductors, aiding in calorie burn and weight loss. They also engage your core muscles for balance. Crossbody lunges help improve lower body strength, endurance, and coordination. Variations include adding weights, performing them with a jump for plyometric effect, or incorporating a twist for oblique engagement. 

Instructions To Do: 

  1. Start by stepping one foot diagonally forward and across the body, lowering into a lunge position. 
  2. Keep the front knee aligned with the back knee and the ankle hovering slightly above the floor. 
  3. Push through the heel to return to the starting position, then repeat on the opposite side. 
  4. Continue alternating sides, maintaining proper form throughout. 

Also Read: Best Cardio For Weight Loss And 14 Best Fat Loss Exercises To Do At Home!  


5 Essentials Of Female HIIT Workout To Consider 

Note the best HIIT workouts for women to consider for better efficiency: 




Integration of Plyometric Exercises 

It includes jump squats and box jumps for women to improve power, agility, and bone density. These exercises also aid in fat loss and boost metabolism, which is particularly beneficial for women aiming to tone their lower bodies. 

It is crucial for enhancing athletic performance, burning calories, and sculpting lean muscle mass, especially in glutes and thighs. 

Focus on Postural Alignment 

Women often have unique postural challenges due to pregnancy and high-heeled shoe use. HIIT workouts should emphasise proper alignment during squats and lunges to prevent injuries and improve posture. 

It is vital for reducing the risk of back pain, enhancing body confidence, and ensuring efficient muscle engagement for maximum effectiveness. 

Integration of Functional Movements 

Functional movements mimic everyday activities and are important for women's fitness and well-being. HIIT workouts should incorporate exercises like deadlifts and rows to improve strength, mobility, and balance, helping women easily perform daily tasks and prevent injuries. 

It is essential for enhancing quality of life, promoting independence, and preventing muscle imbalances commonly experienced by women. 

Progressive Intensity 

Women's bodies respond well to gradual increases in exercise intensity. HIIT workouts should be designed with progression in mind, gradually increasing the challenge through increased reps, weights, or intensity levels over time. 

It is critical for continually challenging the body, preventing plateaus, and achieving ongoing improvements in strength, endurance, and fitness levels. 

Varied Targeted Workout Routines 

Women's fitness goals vary widely, from weight loss to muscle toning to improving overall health. HIIT workouts should offer a variety of routines targeting different muscle groups and fitness goals, ensuring inclusivity and motivation. 

Fundamental for keeping workouts engaging, preventing boredom, and accommodating diverse fitness needs and preferences among women. 


The Final Say 

To wrap up the blog, targeted HIIT workouts for women offer a powerful and efficient means to boost their fitness levels, burn calories, and improve overall health. By incorporating HIIT into their exercise routines, women can overcome barriers to meeting national exercise guidelines and unlock their full potential. With the flexibility to adapt workouts to individual fitness levels and preferences, HIIT empowers women to take control of their fitness journey, achieve tangible results, and embrace a lifestyle of vitality and strength. So, get ready to improve your fitness game with these dynamic HIIT workouts for women! 



1. Is HIIT suitable for women of all fitness levels? 

Yes, HIIT can be adapted to suit various fitness levels. Beginners can start with modified exercises or longer rest periods, while advanced individuals can increase intensity or incorporate more challenging movements. 

2. How often should women do HIIT workouts? 

The frequency of HIIT workouts depends on individual goals, fitness level, and recovery ability. Generally, women can aim for 2-4 sessions per week, with at least one day of rest between sessions to allow for adequate recovery. 

3. How long should a typical HIIT workout for women last? 

HIIT workouts can vary in duration, but a typical session lasts 20 to 30 minutes, including warm-up and cool-down periods. Shorter workouts with higher-intensity intervals can also be effective. 




About ToneOp Fit  

ToneOp Fit is a platform dedicated to improving and maintaining good health through a comprehensive range of goal-oriented health plans with up to 3 Coach support. With a range of Weight Management, Medical Condition, Detox Plans, and Face Yoga Plans, the app also provides premium health trackers, recipes and health content. Get customised diet, fitness, naturopathy & yoga plans and transform yourself with ToneOp.  

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