

7 Best Mental Exercises for Sleep: Plus Breathing Techniques & Activities to Take You Into The Dream Matrix Fast!

Shrabani Pattnaik

Written By :

Shrabani Pattnaik

Shrabani Pattnaik

Researched By :

Shrabani Pattnaik


Published on : 16-Oct-2024


5 min read



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7 Best Mental Exercises for Sleep: Plus Breathing Techniques & Activities to Take You Into The Dream Matrix Fast!

It’s 2 AM. You know you should be sleeping, but your brain says, “Let’s overthink everything.” Seriously, how many times have you thought, "I want to sleep, but my brain won’t stop talking to itself!"


If only you could just plug into the Dream Matrix like Neo, right? But guess what? You don’t need some sci-fi pill to drift off into dreamland. All you need are some mental exercises for sleep that work faster than you can say “red or blue pill.”


Now, forget counting sheep—those are old school. We're talking about legit exercises to fall asleep fast that’ll have you drifting off like Neo dodging bullets— straight into REM mode. So, if you’re done with tossing and turning, hit pause on the late-night Instagram binges and try these moves to get that much-needed shut-eye. ‘Cause, let’s be real—no one wants to be the zombie at 9 AM. Ready? Let’s tag along with these mental exercises for sleep and get you dozing in no time.


Table Of Contents 

  1. The Science Behind Mental Exercises For Sleep 
  2. 6 Best Mental Exercises To Improve Sleep 
  3. 3 Effective Breathing Exercises To Fall Asleep Fast 
  4. How To Sleep Peacefully Without Thinking? 4 Physical Exercises To Sleep Fast
  5. How Can I Train My Mind To Sleep? 
  6. Expert’s Advice 
  7. The Final Say 
  8. FAQs
  9. References 

The Science Behind Mental Exercises For Sleep 

Mental activities are cognitive techniques for relaxation and sleep induction. Many times, racing thoughts of anxiety over undone tasks or worries about the next day prevent a good night's sleep. Cognitive exercises attempt to distract the mind from stressors and create inner peace (and what is called in science “great illusions”). 


The common thread between many of these pursuits is the relaxation response, which is physically opposite to our natural fight-or-flight reaction. By relaxing your thoughts, you literally signal to the parasympathetic nervous system (PNS), which connects with heart rate and blood pressure (check out these fun exercises to lower blood pressure), giving those last strains a fall before slipping into slumber.


For instance, a study published in the Journal of Clinical Psychology found that individuals who practised mental relaxation techniques experienced significant reductions in anxiety and improvements in sleep quality compared to those who did not engage in such practices. 


Also Read: 5 Mental Health Exercises To Boost Concentration Levels And Brain Functioning 


7 Best Mental Exercises To Improve Sleep

7 Best Mental Exercises To Improve Sleep


Alright, fam, it is time to keep insomnia and other sleep troubles at bay with these 6 amazing mental exercises for sleep: 


1. Mindfulness Meditation

Mindfulness meditation is the process of becoming laser-focused on your immediate surroundings and making no assumptions or judgements about anything that you observe. As used for a pre-sleep regime, mindfulness meditation helps. 


In other words, it quiets down mind and body tractions, elevating an overall release from the tired, busy mind of the day. Research has shown that mindfulness reduces insomnia, improves sleep quality, decreases stress hormones and enhances relaxation.


How do you practice this mental exercise for sleep?

  • Sit or lie down in a comfortable position.
  • Close your eyes and focus on your breath. Take a deep breath in and slowly exhale.
  • As thoughts emerge, observe them without judgment and gently bring your concentration back to breathing.
  • Do this for 10-15 minutes.

With practice, the brain will learn to disconnect from thought patterns and allow for calm sleep.


2. Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR) 

Progressive Muscle Relaxation is accomplished by tensing and then relaxing different specific muscle groups one after the other. This engagement stimulates the cognitive brain, reducing physical stress — essentially telling our body to wind down. 


How do you practice this mental exercise for sleep?

  • Lie down comfortably in bed.
  • Start with your toes. Contract your toe muscles for 5-10 seconds, followed by releasing them entirely.
  • Slowly move upward through your body—tense and relax your calves, thighs, abdomen, arms, shoulders, neck, and face.
  • After completing the sequence, take a few deep breaths and notice how your body feels more relaxed.

By focusing on your muscles rather than external concerns, you can distract the brain and induce sleepiness.


3. Visualisation Technique 

Visualisation is a cognitive process that includes forming calming and tranquil mental pictures. When you picture yourself in a peaceful location like a quiet beach, a mountain meadow, or a serene forest, your mind starts linking those images with feelings of peace and tranquillity.


How do you practice this mental exercise for sleep?

  • Lie in bed and close your eyes.
  • Think of a place that makes you feel safe, calm, and happy. Picture every detail: the colour of the sky, the texture of the ground, the sounds around you, and the smells in the air.
  • As you immerse yourself in the visualisation, allow your body to relax and sink deeper into your mattress.

By focusing on a peaceful scene, you shift your brain away from stress and towards relaxation, making it easier to fall asleep.


4. Breathing Exercises

Controlled breathing is one of the simplest and most effective ways to promote relaxation before sleep. Practical breathing exercises work for the calming of the nervous system, less stress hormones, better blood circulation of oxygen all of which enhance sleep.

More on this in detail in the section below. 


5. Cognitive Shuffling

Cognitive shuffling is a mental exercise that involves deliberately shifting your thoughts to random, neutral subjects to distract your mind from overthinking. It’s based on the idea that when your brain can’t make logical connections, it tires out and transitions into sleep.


How do you practice this mental exercise for sleep?

  • Lie down comfortably in bed.
  • Think of a random word, like “apple.”
  • Consider words that start with each letter of "apple" (e.g., A for ant, P for pear, P for pillow, etc.). Avoid thinking deeply about any of the words.
  • After a few minutes, your brain will have difficulty keeping up, and you’ll likely fall asleep.

Cognitive shuffling works because it prevents your mind from spiraling into worries or concerns, making it easier to relax and fall asleep.


6. Counting Backward

This simple but effective technique involves counting backwards from a high number. The repetitive nature of counting acts as a distraction for the brain, preventing anxious or racing thoughts that can keep you awake.

How do you practice this mental exercise for sleep?

  • Lie in bed with your eyes closed.
  • Choose a high number, such as 100 or 200, and start counting backwards.
  • If your mind starts to wander, gently guide it back to the counting.

This mental exercise works because it requires minimal cognitive effort but is enough to keep the mind occupied and away from stressful thoughts.


7. Mantra Repetition

Repeating a calming word, which is called a mantra, may help one’s mind and help achieve a state of focus. The mantra serves as a kind of anchor here and brings your concentration onto the present moment which has a way of helping one to sleep.

How do you practice this mental exercise for sleep?

  • Select a soothing word or phrase, like "I am relaxed" or "I feel peaceful."
  • While lying in bed, shut your eyes and silently chant the mantra in your head.
  • If you find your thoughts drifting, softly redirect them to the mantra.

Reciting a mantra repeatedly can calm the mind and establish a mental pattern that aids in falling asleep.


Also Read: 12 Best Exercises For Brain Health To Improve Memory, Cognition And Mental Wellness 


3 Effective Breathing Exercises To Fall Asleep Fast 

The following are some effective breathing exercises that can help you fall asleep fast. You can also try yoga asanas and pranayama too. 


1. 4-7-8 Breathing

This method is easy to follow and can help you relax, slow your pulse, and release tension.

  • How to do it: Take a deep breath through the nose for 4 seconds; hold the breath for 7 seconds; exhale through the mouth for 8 seconds. Repeat the cycle 4-5 times.
  • Why it works: The deep breathing able activates the parasympathetic nervous system, which helps to relaxation of the body and the mind. 

2. Box Breathing (4-4-4-4)

This is a great stress relief workout which you can do any time of the day, especially after coming back from work. 

  • How to do it: This is structured such that you breathe in through your nose for four seconds; follow this up by holding your breath for four seconds afterwards, take a breath out, and hold your breath again for four seconds. Doing this for a few minutes.
  • Why it works: It oscillates the levels of oxygen to produce a pattern that puts one asleep; that can only be an advantage.

3. Diaphragmatic Breathing

This practice involves blowing air into the stomach to help calm the body and its movements. It’s also called abdominal breathing.

  • How to do it: Stand with your feet shoulder width apart, then standing upright, place one hand on your chest and the other on your abdomen. Depths breathe in with your nose while your tummy pops out. Take a slow breath out of the mouth. Continue this for 5-10 minutes.
  • Why it works: This is helpful in bedtime because deep breathing lowers cortisol (the stress hormone) therefore easing the body into sleep.

How To Sleep Peacefully Without Thinking? 4 Physical Exercises To Sleep Fast

Apart from mental exercises for sleep, these 4 physical activities can also help you unwind and get a peaceful slumber: 


1. Gentle Stretching

Light stretching is another way that can be used in order to address the matter on muscles tension. Concentrate the stretches on the large muscles of your body, including the neck, shoulders, back and legs.


How to do it:

  • Either you can stand or sit back and gradually try to pull all the muscles for approximately 15-30 seconds.
  • Be sure to breathe properly in as you stretch and out while stretching.

2. Yoga

Yoga involves gentle movements, occasional stretching, and controlled breathing to calm the mind. Some yoga poses for better sleep include Child's Pose, Legs Up the Wall, and Savasana, which are among the most well-loved yoga positions for promoting relaxation.


How to do it:

  • Include 10-15 minutes of calm yoga exercise for diminishing anxiety.
  • Make an effort to breathe and stretch and maintain each position for approximately 30 seconds- one minute.

3. Walking

Strolling around in the evening makes it easier to free your thoughts and get your body ready for rest. It helps to relax and sometimes has an anxiolytic effect.


How to do it:

  • You can spend 20-30 minutes for a walk in a calm zone, trying not to pay attention to your inner thoughts and breathing calm and deep.
  • The activities such as fast walking and any other forms of rigorous walking should be avoided because they are stiumulating.

4. Tai Chi

This is a traditional exercise technique that produces gentle arm and leg movements, all executed slowly while keeping the mind focused. When exercises like Tai Chi are done, undue stress can be minimised while sleep quality will also be improved.


How to do it:

  • Perform a set of 5-10 minutes, and if there is a guided session online, do it for 15-20 minutes.
  • Keep your attention on your breath and the coordinated and slow motions.

Also Read: Step Your Way to Health: 8 Benefits of Walking 10,000 Steps a Day And Insights to Lose Weight Fast 


How Can I Train My Mind To Sleep? 

Follow these tips to train your mind to sleep:

  • Establish a Sleep Schedule: Sleep at night and further stick to fixed waking up time. Consistency helps your brain learn when it is time for bed and prepares it to go to sleep.
  • Create a Relaxing Bedtime Routine: Do some form of exercise like, reading or bathing at least thirty minutes before bedtime. This assists in informing your brain that you are now on the way to getting some rest.
  • Avoid Stimuli Before Bed: Reduce the screen and bright light exposure one hour before going to bed. Blue light mustn’t affect the body’s hormone production, particularly melatonin, which regulates sleep.
  • Limit Caffeine and Heavy Meals: Do not take coffee and highly spiced foods near to bedtime since it will be difficult for your body to get into rest mode. 

Also Read: Feeling Extra Sleepy Lately? Here Are 6 Causes of Excessive Sleep And Symptoms Of Hypersomnia!

Expert’s Advice 

When suggesting solutions depending on the role, as a health expert, I will advise the patient to engage in mental exercises for sleep before going to bed. Here, I found the following useful: mindfulness meditation and progressive muscle relaxation make the mind more relaxed before going to sleep. 


Another way to promote relaxation is through visualisation, such as imagining oneself in a peaceful setting. Furthermore, exercising in the form of practicing gratitude journaling can bring you from focusing on stress to positive thinking in your disposition. Combine these thoughts with proper nutrition, no coffee, and fatty foods before bed.

Health Expert 
Akshata Gandevikar


The Final Say 

It is not a secret that getting a good night’s sleep is important for maintaining a healthy body and mind, but most people have difficulty with this and would benefit from some tips on how to destress before going to bed. 


Guided mental exercises for sleep assist one in thinking about things, such as mindfulness, progressive muscle relaxation, and visualisation. They can assist in changing the brain waves, making it easier for the body to sleep and stay asleep when the exercises are employed. This means that if you adopt those mental techniques with good sleep hygiene, you will be sure that your health and happiness will be boosted through having a good night’s sleep.



1. What is meant by Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR)?

This is a method where a person successively first contracts then relaxes different muscles of the body. This practice assists to reduce body tension and communicates to the body that it is to relax and this is a good time for the body to slumber.


2. How long does one have to practice these mental exercises for sleep?

It is appropriate to conduct practice of mental exercises for about 10-20 minutes before going to bed. This is important because it creates enough time for your mind to slow down from the many activities, preparing the body for sleeping.


3. Can I listen to white noise while doing mental exercises for sleep or relaxation routines?

Yes, you can listen to white noise while doing mental exercises for sleep or relaxation routines. White noise can help mask distracting sounds and promote a calming environment, enhancing your ability to focus and relax.



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ToneOp Fit is a platform dedicated to improving and maintaining good health through a comprehensive range of goal-oriented health plans with up to 3 Coach support. The app offers Weight Management, Medical Condition, Detox, and Face Yoga Plans and also provides premium health trackers, recipes, and health content. Get customised diet, fitness, naturopathy, and yoga plans and transform yourself with ToneOp.  

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