

15 High-Impact Standing Ab Exercises For Maximum Core Activation!

Anushka Tripathi

Written By :

Anushka Tripathi

Akshata Gandevikar

Researched By :

Akshata Gandevikar


Published on: 29-Apr-2024


5 min read



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15 High-Impact Standing Ab Exercises For Maximum Core Activation!

Hello, readers! You must know that a solid core is crucial to everything! Stable core muscles can significantly improve your quality of life and exercise performance, whether lifting weights, running, or walking. There are various methods for toning and shaping your core, especially your abs, but it will take time and effort.  


Additionally, the mental attention needed for a stand-up ab workout can improve mindfulness, offering a comprehensive approach to overall health. To provide a thorough and practical method of improving core stability, this blog will examine a home-based core training program and efficient standing ab exercises you may perform independently.  


In this guide, we will examine 15 standing ab exercises that help build a strong, toned core. Keep reading!   


Table Of Contents 

1. What Is A Standing Ab Workout? 

2. Top 15 Standing Abs Workouts 

3. What Is The Best Standing Ab Workout? 

4. Standing Workout Routine For Men And Women 
5. Do Standing Abs Really Work? 

6. Expert’s Advice 

7. The Final Say 

8. FAQs 

9. References 

What Is A Standing Ab Workout? 


Standing abdominal exercises are designed to strengthen the abdominal muscles while standing. Unlike traditional floor abdominal exercises such as crunches or sit-ups, standing abdominal exercises and crunches involve the muscles and often involve balancing and stabilising movements that cooperate.  


Maintain an upright position while performing various abdominal exercises. These movements may include bending, twisting, stretching, or lifting, targeting different core parts, including the abs, obliques, and transversus abdominis.  


Standing core exercises aim to improve core strength, stability and overall health. By integrating abdominal exercises into daily movements, people can strengthen the body and spine, be more effective in daily exercise and sports, and reduce the risk of injury. 


Also Read: 8 Stability Exercises With Home-Based Core Training Plan 


Top 15 Standing Abs Workout 


Here are the top 15 standing ab exercises that you must take a look into: 


1. Standing Bicycle Crunches 


This standing workout strengthens your obliques and rectus abdominis to improve stability, balance, and posture. It improves the spine and coordination while shaping and toning the muscles. 



  • Your hands behind your head and stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.  
  • Bring your right knee to your elbow as you bend your body.  
  • Repeat on the other side by returning to the starting position. 
  •  Aim for 3 sets of 15 repetitions per side. 


2. Woodchoppers 


This stand-up exercise for the stomach targets the core, shoulders, and legs to increase functional strength for alternative sports and daily activities. It promotes proper biomechanics, reduces the risk of injury, and improves overall athletic performance. 



  • Start by standing with your feet wider than shoulder-width apart and holding a weight or medicine ball in each hand.  
  • Start by squatting slightly and keeping the weight on one side of your body.  
  • Flex your body as you lift the weight diagonally across your body.  
  • Maintain momentum as you return the weight to the starting position.  
  • Complete 3 sets of 12 repetitions on each side. 


3. Standing Side Crunches 


This standing ab exercise strengthens your oblique muscles and increases lateral stability, can help correct body imbalances, and reduce the risk of lower back pain.   



  • Your hands behind your head and stand with your feet hip-width apart. 
  •  Bring your knee to your right elbow while keeping your body to the side.  
  • Repeat on the other side by returning to the starting position.  
  • On each side, do 3 sets of 15 repetitions. 


4. Russian Twists 


It uses oblique muscles to increase rotational strength and body stability, improving athleticism, agility, and overall performance. It also helps improve the body's strength and balance. 



  • Sit on the floor with your knees bent and your feet off.   
  • Hold a dumbbell or exercise ball in front of your chest with both hands.  
  • Step back a little and turn your body to the right and left.   
  • Protect your core with every move.  
  • Plan 3 sets of 20 twists (10 per side). 


5. Standing Leg Raises 


Bolsters abdominal muscles and hip flexors to increase hip flexibility and stability. It increases overall core strength, muscle tone, and athletic performance while reducing the risk of hip and back injuries. 



  • Keep your feet together and hold a stationary object for balance if necessary.  
  • Bring one leg straight to the side, keeping it as straight as possible.  
  • Slowly lower your leg to its original position and repeat on the other side.  
  • Per leg do 3 sets of 12 repetitions. 


6. Standing Oblique Crunches 


It focuses on oblique muscles to support lower back definition and core stability. It also increases flexibility and range of motion, improving performance in demanding activities. 



  • In your right hand, hold a dumbbell and stand with your feet hip-width apart.  
  • Lean to the right, keeping your body straight and extending your upper arm.  
  • Engage in your obliques and lower the weight to your right hip.  
  • Repeat on the other side by returning to the starting position. 
  •  Complete 3 sets of 15 repetitions on each side. 


7. Standing Knee to Elbow Crunches 


Engages the entire core. It strengthens the abdominal muscles and increases strength for daily physical activities. 



  • Raise your arms above your head and stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.  
  • Bring your right knee to your chest while bringing your left elbow into contact.  
  • Engage your core muscles when you do the exercise. 
  •  By repeating on the other side, return to the starting position.  
  • Aim for 3 sets of 12 repetitions per side. 


8. Standing Mountain Climbers 


It increases cardiovascular endurance and targets core and muscle tone to promote calorie burning and overall health. It also improves agility, coordination, and muscular endurance.  



  • With your feet hip-width apart, start standing.   
  • Alternatively, quickly bring your knees closer to your chest, like running in place.   
  • Keep your core tight and maintain your strength.   
  • Do 3 sets of 30 seconds each. 


9. Standing Side Bends 


It targets the oblique and lateral stabilisers to increase lateral flexibility and reduce the risk of side injuries. It also improves movement patterns and sports performance. 



  • Stand with your feet hip-width apart and hold a dumbbell in one hand.  
  • Keep your back straight and lean towards the side holding the weight.  
  • Use your oblique muscles to lower yourself back to the starting position.  
  • Complete 3 sets of 15 repetitions on each side. 


10. Standing Knee Tucks 


This strengthens the core and hip flexors to improve balance, agility and coordination. It improves athletic performance and contributes to a strong, stable body. 



  • Raise your arms above your head, and stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.  
  • Bring your knees to your chest as you lower your arms to meet them.  
  • Use your core strength when performing folding movements.  
  • Repeat on the other side by returning to the starting position.  
  • Aim for 3 sets of 12 repetitions per side. 


11. Standing Windmills 


Strengthens oblique muscles, increases thoracic muscle stiffness, and improves rotation pattern. Increases mobility and ease of use for daily activities and sports. 



  • Stand with your feet wider than shoulder-width apart and hold a weight or kettlebell in one hand.  
  • Straighten your arms and extend your weight overhead.  
  • Keep your legs straight, lean on your hips, and take the weight off your feet.  
  • Use your oblique muscles to return to the starting position.  
  • Complete 3 sets of 12 repetitions on each side. 


12. Standing Knee Circles 


It increases hip flexibility and stability, reduces the risk of hip injury, and improves overall performance. It also promotes balance, cooperation, and collective health. 



  • Stand with your feet hip-width apart and extend your arms out to your sides for balance.  
  • Pull your knees into your chest and start making small circles with your knees.  
  • Do 10 rotations clockwise, then 10 rotations counterclockwise.  
  • Repeat on the other leg.  
  • Plan on 3 sets per leg. 


13. Standing Plank 


It makes the core strong and stable, promotes better posture and reduces the risk of back pain. Increases overall body stability and strength and enhances athletic performance and work performance. 



  • Lean against a wall with your hands against the wall at shoulder height.  
  • Walk your feet back until your body forms a straight line from head to toe.  
  • Engage your core and hold this position for 30-60 seconds.  
  • Complete 3 sets. 


14. Standing Stability Ball Rollouts 


It challenges core stability and strength and improves overall balance and coordination. It increases core endurance and provides better control during dynamic movements. 



  • Stand with your feet hip-width apart and hold a hard ball at chest level. 
  •  Press forward slightly and roll the ball until your arms reach up.  
  • Use your muscles to pull the ball back to the starting position.  
  • Plan for 3 sets of 12 repetitions. 


15. Standing Bird Dogs 


Last in the list, this workout engages the core and stabiliser muscles to improve the spine and reduces the risk of injury during exercise. It also improves balance, coordination and overall core strength and stability. 



  • Stand with your feet hip-width apart and your arms extended overhead.  
  • Extend your leg straight back while keeping your right arm in front of you.  
  • Engage your core for balance and stability.  
  • Return to the starting position and repeat on the other side.  
  • Do 3 sets of 12 repetitions on each side. 


Also Read: 7 Easy To Do Shape And Tone Workouts At Home 


What Is The Best Standing Ab Workout? 


Determining the best standing abdominal exercise will depend on many factors, including personal health goals, fitness level, and personal preferences. However, one abdominal exercise that has been widely found to be very effective is the lumberjack. The Woodchopper exercise targets multiple muscle groups, including the obliques, rectus abdominis, and transversus abdominis, making it a great exercise.   


It also works on the shoulders, arms and legs, providing a full-body workout. The key to getting the most out of lumberjack exercises is to focus on proper form and control throughout the movement. Start with more weight for the main treatment before adding protection. Incorporating a woodchopper into your exercise routine can help strengthen your core, balance and stability, and overall health. 


Also Read: Guide To Accelerate Full-Body Workout Routine This Summer  


Standing Abs Workout Routine For Men And Women 


Here are some of the best standing ab workouts for men and women:  




Sets x Reps 

Standing Bicycle Crunches  

To perform this one of the best-standing ab exercises, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your hands behind your head. Lift right knee towards left elbow while twisting torso. Alternate sides.  

3 x 15 each side  


Stand with feet wider than shoulder-width, and hold weight with both hands. Squat slightly and twist the torso while raising weight diagonally across the body.  

3 x 12 each side  

Standing Side Crunches  

Stand with feet hip-width apart, hands behind head. Lift right knee towards right elbow while crunching torso to the side. Alternate sides.  

3 x 15 each side  

Russian Twists  

Stand with feet hip-width apart and hold weight in front of the chest. Lean back slightly and twist your torso side to side while holding your weight.  

3 x 20 twists (10 each side)  

Standing Leg Raises  

Stand with feet together and hold onto sturdy objects if needed. Lift one leg straight out to the side, return to start, alternate legs.  

3 x 12 each leg  

Standing Oblique Crunches  

Stand with feet hip-width apart and hold a dumbbell in the right hand. Lean right, and extend your left arm overhead. Contract obliques to bring the weight down towards the right hip. Alternate sides.  

3 x 15 each side  

Standing Elbow Crunches 

Stand with feet shoulder-width apart and extend arms overhead. Bring the right knee up towards the chest, simultaneously bringing the left elbow down to meet it. Alternate sides.  

3 x 12 each side 

Standing Mountain Climbers  

Begin in a standing position, alternate bringing knees towards chest quickly. Keep core tight and movements controlled.  

3 x 30 seconds 

Standing Side Bends  

Stand with feet hip-width apart and hold the dumbbell in one hand. Bend to the side towards the hand holding weight, and return to start. Alternate sides.  

3 x 15 each side  

Standing Knee Tucks  

Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, extend arms overhead. Bring right knee up towards chest while bringing arms down to meet it. Alternate sides.  

3 x 12 each side 

Standing Windmills  

Stand with feet wider than shoulder-width apart, hold weight or kettlebell in one hand. Extend weight overhead, hinge at hips, lower weight towards opposite foot. Return to start. Alternate sides.  

3 x 12 each side  

Standing Knee Circles  

Stand with feet hip-width apart and extend arms out to sides for balance. Lift the right knee towards the chest, and make small circles with the knee. Perform 10 circles clockwise, then 10 counterclockwise. Alternate legs.  


Standing Plank  

Stand facing wall, place hands on wall at shoulder height. Walk feet back until your body forms straight line from head to heels. Hold position for 30-60 seconds. 

3 x 30-60 seconds  

Standing Stability Ball Rollouts  

Stand with feet hip-width apart, hold stability ball in front of the chest. Roll the ball out until arms are extended overhead, and use core muscles to pull the ball back to start.  

3 x 12 reps  

Standing Bird Dogs  

Stand with feet hip-width apart and extend arms overhead. Lift the right leg straight back while lowering the left arm in front. Return to start, alternate sides.  

3 x 12 each side  


Also Read: Revolutionize Your Fitness Routine: Gym Workout Tips 


Do Standing Abs Really Work? 

Do Standing Abs Really Work.jpg

Yes, abdominal exercises are good for strengthening your muscles. While floor exercises like crunches and planks are famous for targeting the abs, standing ab exercises are incredibly practical and challenging. 


Standing ab exercises work not only the abdominal muscles ("six-pack") but also deep muscles like the obliques, transversus abdominis, and multifidus. These exercises often require the stability and coordination of various muscle groups, thus increasing overall functional strength and stability. 


Here are some reasons why standing ab exercises are effective: 


1. Functional Movement 


Standing abdominal exercises resemble real life, making them suitable for daily activities and sports. By working your muscles while standing, you can strengthen them in ways that translate directly into activities such as lifting, bending, twisting, and stretching. 


2. Improved Balance and Stability 


Most abdominal exercises require balance and coordination; This requires not only your muscles but also the muscles in your body. This helps increase balance and stability, reducing the risk of falls and injuries. 


3. Variety and Creativity 


Ab exercises have a variety of movements and variations, allowing you to target different parts of your core from different angles. This variety can make your game fun and prevent boredom or stagnation. 


4. Accessibility 


Many abdominal exercises require little equipment and can be done anywhere, making them accessible to those without the space or resources. Additionally, standing abdominal workouts can be adjusted to suit different levels and abilities.   


Also Read: Top 8 Functional Fitness Training Exercises For Beginners 

Expert’s Advice  


Combine abdominal exercises with a healthy diet rich in protein, fruits, vegetables and whole grains for optimal health. Adequate watering and portion control are important. Prioritise consistency and proper form during exercise to build core strength and improve posture, stability and overall health. Please consult a nutritionist for personalised advice.  


Health Expert 
Akshata Gandevikar 


The Final Say   

Incorporating standing abdominal exercises into your routine is a great way to strengthen and work on your core muscles. Doing these exercises regularly will sculpt your midsection and improve your balance, stability, and mobility. So, stand up straight, engage your core, and build strong, toned abs today!   



1. What is the benefit of a standing abs workout?  

The most practical approach to strengthen your core is to stand abs workout. Stand-up ab exercises are frequently mat-based versions of well-liked ab routines that have the added benefit of working your core (as well as other muscles) more fully.  


2. Can you suggest some of the best standing stomach exercises?  

Here are some of the best stand-up exercises for the stomach:  

  • Elbow to knee  
  • Standing crunches  
  • Squat  
  • High knees  
  • Standing bicycle crunch  
  • Dumbbell side bend  
  • Torso twist  


3. What is the importance of stand-up ab exercise?  

A standing ab workout will help you develop your core and reap several functional and physical benefits. It strengthens your general functional strength, balances and stabilises you better, and improves your posture.  


4. Why do standing core workouts bring faster results than lying down?  

Standing core workouts engage more muscle groups and require excellent stabilisation, leading to increased calorie burn and overall efficiency in building core strength compared to lying down exercises, which may isolate muscles but engage fewer muscle groups.  


5. How does stand crunch exercise benefit your body?  

Crunches performed while standing can help build stronger core muscles, which can assist in reducing lower back pain.  


6. Can beginners do stand-up and workout?   

Yes, beginners can exercise standing abs by gradually increasing the frequency and intensity.    




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ToneOp Fit is a platform dedicated to improving and maintaining good health through a comprehensive range of goal-oriented health plans with up to 3 Coach support. With a range of Weight Management, Medical Condition, Detox Plans, and Face Yoga Plans, the app also provides premium health trackers, recipes and health content. Get customised diet, fitness, naturopathy & yoga plans and transform yourself with ToneOp. 

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