

10 Washboard Abs Exercises + How Body Fat Affects Your Six-Pack

Mahi Baraskar

Written By :

Mahi Baraskar

Mahi Baraskar

Researched By :

Mahi Baraskar


Published on: 13-May-2024


5 min read



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 10 Washboard Abs Exercises + How Body Fat Affects Your Six-Pack

The urge to attain washboard abs often stems from a desire for physical fitness and aesthetic appeal, signifying a strong and toned physique. To get these, targeted washboard abs exercises are essential for strengthening and defining the abdominal muscles, ultimately contributing to the coveted washboard abs appearance. Implementing the right selection of sets and reps in your personalised washboard ab workout proves to be highly beneficial. However, achieving washboard abs involves targeted exercises and requires reducing body fat percentage to reveal the underlying musculature. 


So, let's explore effective exercises for washboard abs, specifically targeting the abdominal muscles and their correlation with body fat percentage, discussing how a combination of exercise and adjustments is essential for attaining washboard abs. 


Table Of Contents 

1. What Does It Mean To Have Washboard Abs? 

2. How To Get Washboard Abs? Try 10 Targeted Washboard Abs Exercises 

3. What Body Fat Percentage Is Washboard Abs? 

4. What's The Difference Between Washboard Abs And Normal Abs? 

5. The Final Say 

6. FAQs 

7. References 


What Does It Mean To Have Washboard Abs? 


It means achieving a low body fat percentage, usually below 10-12% for men and 15-20% for women, to reveal well-defined abdominal muscles with visible ridges. Beyond aesthetics, washboard abs indicate strong core muscles essential for stability, balance, and overall physical performance. People with washboard abs often follow strict diet regimens, focusing on lean proteins, healthy fats, and complex carbohydrates while minimising processed foods and sugary beverages. Additionally, they incorporate targeted abdominal breathing exercises into their fitness routines to strengthen and define their midsection. 


Moreover, washboard abs can boost confidence and self-esteem, representing a significant achievement in one's fitness journey. It demonstrates dedication, commitment, and perseverance in maintaining a healthy lifestyle and physical fitness. However, it's important to recognise that washboard abs are not attainable for everyone and may not necessarily equate to overall health or fitness. Genetics, body composition, and individual metabolic changes affect how easily one can achieve washboard abs. 


Also Read: 25 Targeted Ab Exercises For Weight Loss And Tips | ToneOpFit 


How To Get Washboard Abs? Try 10 Targeted Washboard Abs Exercises 

Washboard Abs

Let’s explore the best washboard abs exercises to get clearly defined and rigid abdominal muscles for better appearance and endurance for men and women: 


1. Reaching Oblique Crunch 

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These washboard abs exercise target both the rectus abdominis and oblique muscles, providing a comprehensive core workout. This washboard abs exercise helps to strengthen and define the obliques, contributing to a more sculpted waistline and improved stability. Variations can include holding a dumbbell or medicine ball for added resistance or performing the exercise on a stability ball for increased challenge. 


Steps to Perform: 


1. Lay on your back straight with slightly bent knees and feet flat on the floor. 

2. Place your hands behind your head or extend them to the sides for balance. 

3. Crunch upwards, bringing your right elbow towards your left knee while lifting your left shoulder off the ground. 

4. Engage your obliques as you twist your torso, aiming to touch your elbow to your knee. 


2. Flat Bench Leg Raise 

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These raises primarily target the lower abdominal muscles, helping to strengthen and finely tone the lower abs. This washboard abs exercise also engages the hip flexors and stabilises the core muscles, promoting overall core strength and stability. Variations can include adjusting the angle of the bench or adding ankle weights for increased resistance. 


Steps to Perform: 


1. Lay flat on a plain bench with your legs extended and your hands gripping the sides for stability. 

2. Keeping your legs straight and together, slowly lift them towards the ceiling, engaging your lower abs. 

3. Avoid swinging or using momentum by maintaining control throughout the movement. 

4. Pause briefly at the top Once your legs are perpendicular to the floor. 


3. Flutter Kicks 

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These kicks are dynamic washboard abs exercises that target the lower abdominal muscles, helping to improve endurance and definition in this area. This washboard abs exercise also engages the hip flexors and improves coordination, making it an effective addition to the best core strengthening exercises. Variations can include adjusting the speed or range of motion or adding ankle weights for increased resistance. 


Steps to Perform: 


1. Lie flat on your back straight with your arms extended or placed under your hips for support. 

2. Lift your legs off the surface a few inches, keeping them straight and together. 

3. Alternate kicking your leg lifts up and down in a fluttering motion, maintaining a steady pace. 

4. Focus on engaging your lower abs to control the movement and prevent your lower back from arching. 


4. 3-Point Crunches 

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These crunches effectively target the rectus abdominis, obliques, and lower abs, providing a comprehensive workout for the entire core. This exercise helps improve abdominal strength and definition, leading to a more sculpted midsection. Variations can include adding a twist at the top of the crunch to further engage the obliques or incorporating a stability ball for added challenge and instability. 


Steps to Perform: 


1. Lie on your back straight with your knees bent and feet on the floor. 

2. Extend your arms above your head and lift up your legs, bringing your knees towards your chest. 

3. Crunch upwards, bringing your upper body towards your knees while lifting your hips. 

4. Aim to touch your hands to your feet or shins at the top of the movement, engaging your core muscles. 


5. Pilates Side Hip Raises 

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This exercise primarily targets the oblique muscles, helping to strengthen and define the sides of the waist. It also engages the glutes and hip stabilisers, promoting overall core stability and balance. Variations can include adding ankle weights for increased resistance or performing the washboard abs exercise on an unstable surface like a Bosu ball to challenge stability and coordination. 


Steps to Perform: 


1. Begin by lying on your side with your legs stacked and your bottom arm extended straight underneath your head for support. 

2. Place your top hand on the floor before your chest for balance. 

3. Lift your legs and hips off the ground by engaging your obliques and keeping your torso straight. 

4. Pause briefly at the movement's top, then lower back down with control. 


Also Read: 10 Dynamic Ab Exercises With Dumbbells For A Sculpted Midsection! 


6. L-Sit Toe Reach 

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These toe touches target the entire core, including the upper and lower body abs, obliques, and hip flexors, while improving hamstrings' flexibility. This washboard abs exercise helps to build core strength and stability, leading to better posture and balance. Variations can include holding onto a stable object for support or adding ankle weights for increased resistance. 


Steps to Perform: 


1. Sit on the surface with your legs straight and your hands placed by your sides. 

2. Lift your legs off the ground, keeping them straight until your body forms an "L" shape. 

3. Engage your core and reach your hands towards your toes, aiming to touch them or get as close as possible. 

4. Hold the position briefly at the top, then lower back down with control. 


7. Knee Tuck Crunch 

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These washboard abs exercises, including knees, target the entire abdomen, including the upper and lower abs, while also engaging the hip flexors. This washboard abs exercise helps to improve core strength, flexibility and stability, leading to better posture and balance. Variations can include performing the exercise on a stability ball or adding a twist at the top to engage the obliques further. 


Steps to Perform: 


1. Lie on your back straight with your knees bent and feet on the surface. 

2. Place your hands behind your head or extend them to the sides for balance. 

3. Crunch upwards, bringing your knees towards your chest while pulling your shoulder blades off the ground. 

4. Aim to touch your elbows to your knees at the top of the movement, engaging your core muscles. 


8. Russian Twists 

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These twists primarily target the oblique muscles, helping to strengthen and define the sides of the waist. This exercise also engages the rectus abdominis and lower back muscles, promoting overall core stability and balance. Variations can include holding onto a weight or medicine ball for added resistance or lifting the feet off the ground to increase the challenge. 


Steps to Perform: 


1. Sit on the surface with your knees bent and feet on the surface, leaning back slightly to engage your core. 

2. Clasp your hands together before you or hold onto a weight for added resistance. 

3. Right twist your torso, bringing your hands or weight towards the floor beside your hip. 

4. Return to the centre and then twist to the left, repeating the movement in a controlled manner. 


9. Bicycle Crunch 

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These crunches target the entire abdominal region, including the upper and lower body abs, while also engaging the obliques and hip flexors. This exercise helps improve core strength, stability, and endurance, leading to a more sculpted and defined midsection. Variations can include increasing the speed or range of motion or holding a weight in your hands for added resistance. 


Steps to Perform: 


1. Lie on your back straight with your knees bent and hands behind your head, elbows pointing to the sides. 

2. Lift your shoulder blades off the ground and engage your core. 

3. Bring your right knee slowly up to your chest while twisting your right torso to bring your left elbow towards your right knee. 

4. Straighten your right leg and simultaneously bring your left knee up to your chest while twisting to bring your right elbow beside your left knee. 

5. Continue alternating sides pedalling, keeping your core engaged and elbows wide throughout the exercise. 


10. Hanging Knee Raises 

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These hanging knee raises primarily target the lower abdominal muscles, helping to strengthen and define the lower abs and hip flexors. This exercise also engages the grip strength and stabilising muscles of the upper body, promoting overall core stability and balance. Variations can include lifting the legs straight instead of bending the knees or adding ankle weights for increased resistance. 


Steps to Perform: 


1. Hang from a pull-up bar by keeping your shoulder-width distant and palms facing away from you. 

2. Engage your core and stabilise your upper body. 

3. Bend your knees and lift them towards your chest, controlling movement by using your abdominal muscles. 

4. Pause briefly at the movement’s top, then lower your legs with control. 


Also Read: Know Your Ideal Percentage Of Body Fat - Now | ToneOpFit 


What Body Fat Percentage Is Washboard Abs? 


Achieving washboard abs typically requires a very low body fat percentage, usually below 10-12% for men and 15-20% for women. This level of body fat allows for the visibility of well-defined abdominal muscles and the characteristic ridges associated with washboard abs. However, it's important to note that achieving washboard abs is not entirely dependent on the body fat percentage; muscle definition and overall muscle mass also play significant roles. Also, individual body compositions may vary, and genetics can influence how visible abdominal muscles become at different body fat percentages. 


Also Read: 10 Six Pack Exercises At Home & Tips To Build It | ToneOpFit 


What's The Difference Between Washboard Abs And Normal Abs? 


Note these significant differences between washboard and normal abs to make the right fitness goal for yourself:



Washboard Abs 

Normal Abs 


Highly defined and visibly separated abdominal muscles, often with distinct ridges 

Less pronounced muscle definition may show some abdominal muscles but without clear separation. 

Muscle Definition 

Characterised by deep muscle separation, resembling the appearance of a washboard 

Moderate muscle definition may have visible muscle outlines but lack defined ridges. 

Body Fat Percentage 

Typically requires a very low body fat percentage (usually below 10-12%) for visible definition 

Visible with a relatively lower body fat percentage, usually around 10-15%. 

Difficulty Achieving 

Achieving washboard abs demands strict adherence to a disciplined diet, targeted exercises, and consistent effort 

Normal abs can be attained with regular exercise and a balanced diet, though less stringent. 

Aesthetic Appeal 

Often associated with a lean, toned, and muscular physique, conveying a high level of fitness 

It represents a fit and healthy appearance, showing dedication to fitness without extreme focus. 

Fitness Level Indicator 

Considered a hallmark of exceptional fitness and dedication to maintaining low body fat levels 

Indicates good overall fitness and strength without necessarily requiring extremely low body fat. 


The Final Say 


Thus, the effectiveness of targeted washboard abs exercises significantly helps strengthen and define the abdominal muscles, contributing to the coveted washboard abs appearance. However, it's important to recognise that achieving toned and rigid washboard abs requires a combination of targeted exercises and a reduction in body fat percentage. Consistent dedication to a balanced diet, incorporating effective abdominal exercises into fitness routines, and maintaining overall physical activity levels are key to reaching one's washboard abs goals. 



1. Is having washboard abs good for all fitness levels? 

Washboard abs are a visible sign of low body fat and strong core muscles but achieving them requires dedication to both diet and exercise. While having defined abs can indicate good overall fitness, it's optional for everyone's fitness goals. 


2. What should I avoid while trying to achieve washboard abs? 

To achieve washboard abs, it's essential to avoid or limit processed foods high in sugar content and unhealthy fats, as well as alcohol consumption. Proper hydration and sleep can help progress towards a defined midsection. 


3. What are the major benefits of having washboard abs? 

Having washboard abs enhances physical appearance and indicates a strong core and overall fitness level. Strong core muscles contribute to better posture, balance, and stability, reducing the injuries during physical activities. 


4. Where are washboard abs located in the human body? 

Washboard abs and a six-pack refer to the same abdominal muscles, but "washboard abs" typically describe a more defined and pronounced appearance, with visible muscle separation resembling the ridges of a washboard. 


5. What is the difference between washboard abs and toned bodies? 

Washboard abs specifically refer to a highly defined and visible abdominal area. At the same time, a toned body encompasses overall muscle definition and low body fat levels throughout the body, not just the abs. 


6. How can I create a personalised diet plan to achieve washboard abs? 

To create a personalised washboard abs diet plan, focus on consuming healthy lean proteins, healthy fats, various complex carbohydrates, and plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. Monitor your calorie intake and adjust portions to support your fitness goals while staying hydrated and avoiding processed foods and sugary drinks. 


7. How can I determine if daily abs exercises are better for reducing my body fat percentage? 

While daily abs exercises can strengthen and define the abdominal muscles, reducing body fat percentage requires a combination of exercise and dietary changes. Monitor your regular progress by tracking changes in body composition, such as measurements and visual appearance, and consult a fitness professional for personalised advice. 




About ToneOp Fit  

ToneOp Fit is a platform dedicated to improving and maintaining good health through a comprehensive range of goal-oriented health plans with up to 3 Coach support. With a range of Weight Management, Medical Condition, Detox Plans, and Face Yoga Plans, the app also provides premium health trackers, recipes and health content. Get customised diet, fitness, naturopathy & yoga plans and transform yourself with ToneOp.  

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