
Try These 8 Weight Loss Exercises For Women And Home Workout Plan!


Published on : 01-Apr-2024


5 min read


Update on : 01-Jul-2024


Mahi Baraskar


For many women, exercising at home is a convenient and comfortable way to kickstart their fitness journey. With the right workout plan tailored for beginners, women can achieve their weight loss goals within the familiar confines of their own space. This is where women's weight loss exercises at home save time and money while providing a sense of privacy, which is crucial for those who feel self-conscious about exercising in public settings. For beginners, establishing a consistent and manageable workout routine, including easy at-home exercises for women's weight loss, is key to long-term success. 


Combining a workout plan which focuses on incorporating various weight loss exercises at home for women targeting different muscle groups while also integrating cardiovascular activities to enhance calorie burn and overall fitness. With a mix of cardio exercises, strength training, and flexibility exercises, women's weight loss exercises aim to shed excess pounds and improve your wellness. From the comfort of your living room to your bedroom, these weight loss exercises at home for women offer a convenient and sustainable way to jumpstart their weight loss journey and achieve lasting results. 


This blog explores the best women’s weight loss exercises at home, offering a structured workout plan suitable for beginners keen on transforming their bodies and lifestyles. So, keep reading! 


Table Of Contents 


1. Top 8 Women Weight Loss Exercises At Home  

2. How To Lose Weight Fast At Home Without Exercise?  

3. Plan To Include Weight Loss Exercise For Females At Home For Beginners  

4. Expert’s Advice  

5. The Final Say 

6. FAQs 

7. References 


Top 8 Women Weight Loss Exercises At Home  

Top 8 Women Weight Loss Exercises At Home

Let’s explore these women's weight loss exercises at home to get effective results:  


1. Jumping Jacks 


These classic exercises elevate heart rate, burn calories, and simultaneously engage multiple muscle groups. They are ideal for women aiming to lose weight at home as they require minimal space and no equipment. Variations of jumping jacks include: 

  • Traditional jumping jacks. 
  • Modified jumping jacks (low impact). 
  • Plyometric jumping jacks (explosive movements). 


How To Do Jumping Jacks? 


1. Stand with feet together and arms at your sides. 

2. Jump while spreading your legs shoulder-width apart and raising your arms above your head. 

3. Return to the starting position by jumping back to the initial stance with arms at your sides. 

4. Repeat for the needed number of rounds. 


2. Burpees 


Burpees are one of the best women's weight loss exercises to do at home, and they are a full-body exercise that combines strength training with cardiovascular conditioning. They are highly effective for weight loss and target multiple muscle groups, including areas from shoulders to legs, while also improving fitness levels. Variations of burpees include standard burpees, modified burpees (with or without a push-up), and burpee jumps (adding a jump at the end). 


How To Do Burpees? 


1. Start in a standing position with feet shoulder-width apart. 

2. Lower into a squat position and place your hands on the floor before you. 

3. Step back into a plank position. 

4. Jump or step your feet back to the squat position. 

5. Explosively jump up with arms overhead, return to the starting position, and repeat. 


3. High Knees 


This cardio exercise elevates your heart rate and engages the lower body muscles, particularly the quadriceps, hamstrings, and hip flexors. High knees are excellent for women seeking to lose weight at home as they require no equipment and can be easily modified according to your fitness level. Variations of high knees include: 

  • Standard high knees. 
  • Marching high knees (low impact). 
  • High knee sprints (maximum intensity). 


How To Do High Knees? 


1. Stand tall with feet hip-width apart. 

2. Lift one knee towards your chest as high as possible while raising the opposite arm. 

3. Quickly switch to lift the other knee and arm. 

4. Continue alternating in a running motion, lifting knees as high as possible. 


4. Squats 


Squats are mainly a lower-body exercise that targets the quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, and core muscles. They top the list of easy at-home exercises for women's weight loss. Squats are highly effective for weight loss as they recruit large muscle groups, leading to increased calorie expenditure and improved metabolism. Variations of squats include bodyweight squats, sumo squats (with a wider stance), and jump squats (plyometric). 


How To Do Squats? 


1. Stand erect with your feet shoulder-width at a distance and toes slightly turned out. 

2. Engage your core while standing by keeping your chest lifted. 

3. Ben your knees to lower your body and push your hips back as you sit in a chair. 

4. Keep your knees aligned with your toes and lower until your thighs parallel the floor. 

5. Press through your heels to return to your starting position, and after a break, do some repetitions. 


5. Plank 


It is a core-strengthening exercise that engages the shoulders, arms, and glutes. It helps women lose weight at home by improving overall stability and posture, leading to better calorie burn and enhanced muscle tone. Variations of the plank include forearm planks, side planks, and planks with leg lifts. 


How To Perform Plank? 


1. Begin in a push-up position with hands directly under shoulders. 

2. Engage your core muscles and maintain a straight line from head to heels. 

3. Hold the position for the desired duration, keeping your body stable and avoiding sagging or arching. 

4. Breathe deeply throughout the exercise. 


6. Lunges 


These are a compound lower body exercise that targets the quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, and calves. They are effective for weight loss in women at home as they promote muscle growth and development while also improving balance and coordination. Variations of lunges include forward lunges, reverse lunges, and walking lunges. 


How To Do Lunges? 


1. Stand with your hip feet width at a distance. 

2. Take a step forward by lowering your body till your knees are bent at a 90-degree angle. 

3. Keep your front knee aligned with your ankle and ensure your back knee hovers just above the floor. 

4. Push the heel of your front foot to return to your pose's starting position. 

5. Repeat on the opposite side. 


7. Russian Twists 


This exercise targets the obliques, abdominals, and hip flexors. It is beneficial for weight loss in women at home as it engages the core muscles while also improving spinal mobility and rotational strength. Variations of Russian twists include weighted Russian twists, bicycle Russian twists, and seated Russian twists. 


How To Do Russian Twists? 


1. With your knees slightly bent and feet elevated, sit on the floor. 

2. Ten, slightly lean back to engage your core muscles. 

3. Clasp your hands together or hold a weight before your chest. 

4. Lower your torso to one side, bringing your hands or weight to the floor. Return to the centre and twist to the opposite side. 

5. Continue alternating sides in a controlled manner. 


8. Mountain Climbers 


These are the full-body exercise that elevates heart rate and engages the core, shoulders, and legs. They are effective for weight loss in women at home as they promote calorie burn and cardiovascular conditioning while also improving agility and coordination. Variations of mountain climbers include standard mountain climbers, cross-body mountain climbers, and mountain climber jumps. 


How To Do Mountain Climbers? 

1. Start in a push-up position with hands directly under shoulders. 

2. Keep your body in a straight line to engage your core from head to heels. 

3. Alternate bringing one knee towards your chest while keeping the other leg extended. 

4. Quickly switch legs in a running motion, maintaining a fast pace. 

5. Continue for the desired duration while maintaining proper form. 


Also Read: Unlock The Ideal Body: Discover The Best Guide For BMI For Women By Age!  


How To Lose Weight Fast At Home Without Exercise?  


Now let’s get to know ways to lose weight without exercising or better when combined with exercising for weight loss: 


1. Consider Dietary Changes 


Incorporate whole, nutrient-dense foods like fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains into your diet. Avoid processed foods, sugary snacks, and high-calorie beverages to support weight loss efforts effectively. 


2. Eat In Smaller Portions 


Monitor your portions and avoid overeating using smaller plates, bowls, and utensils. This simple tactic can help you control portions and prevent consuming excess calories, contributing to weight loss without exercise. 


3. Be Alert Of Your Body Responses 


Practice listening to your body's hunger and fullness cues by mindful eating. Eat slowly, chew your food thoroughly, and savour each bite. Also, avoid TV or smartphones while eating to promote mindful consumption and support weight loss goals. 


4. Practice Intermittent Fasting 


Consider incorporating intermittent fasting, alternating periods of eating and fasting. This approach can effectively reduce calorie intake, promote fat loss, and improve metabolic health, offering a non-exercise method to accelerate weight loss at home. 


5. Limit Added Sugars 


Be mindful of hidden sugars in foods such as sauces, condiments, and packaged snacks. Limit consuming your regular sugary treats and opt for naturally sweetened foods to reduce overall calorie intake and support weight loss without exercise. 


6. Limit Eating Out 


Minimise dining out at restaurants, as meals prepared outside the home often contain more calories, unhealthy fats, and sodium. Cooking at home gives you better control over ingredients and portion sizes, facilitating weight loss efforts even without engaging in exercise routines. 


Also Read A Complete Workout Routine For Beginners To Kickstart Fitness!  


Plan To Include Weight Loss Exercise For Females At Home For Beginners  


Note this workout plan with women’s weight loss exercises at home for reference: 





Warm-Up (5-10 minutes) 

Begin with dynamic stretches, such as arm circles, leg swings, and hip circles, to prepare muscles and enhance blood flow. 

Increases range of motion while reducing the risk of injury during workouts. 

Cardiovascular Exercise (15-20 minutes) 

To elevate your heart rate and burn calories, choose from brisk walking, jogging in place, jumping jacks, high knees, or marching with arm swings. 

Burns calories aid in weight loss and also increase stamina and endurance 

Strength Training (15-20 minutes) 

Incorporate bodyweight exercises like squats, lunges, modified push-ups, dumbbell rows, and planks to build strength and tone muscles. 

Boosts metabolism for increased calorie burn enhances overall body composition and improves bone density 

Cool Down and Stretching (5-10 minutes) 

Conclude with static stretches for major muscle groups, holding each stretch for 20-30 seconds. Focus on hamstrings, quadriceps, chest, shoulders, lower back, and hips. 

Reduces muscle soreness and stiffness, improves flexibility, and prevents muscle imbalances 

Hydration and Recovery 

Drink plenty of water daily throughout the workout sessions. Refuel your energy with a balanced snack containing protein and carbohydrates post-workout for muscle recovery. 

Aids in muscle recovery and repair while replenishing energy stores 


Gradually increase the duration and intensity of workouts. Incorporate new exercises or introduce light weights/resistance bands to challenge muscles further. 

It prevents plateauing and keeps workouts effective while helping achieve fitness goals in a sustainable manner. 


Expert’s Advice  


Losing weight naturally without exercise requires mindful eating habits and lifestyle adjustments. Avoid sugary drinks and processed foods, opting for water and herbal teas. Consider consulting a registered dietitian for personalised guidance. Portion control is key; use smaller plates and listen to your body's hunger cues. Focus on nutrient-dense foods like fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains. Prioritise adequate sleep and manage stress to prevent emotional eating. Keep a food journal to track intake and identify patterns. Practice mindful eating, savouring each bite. Remember, sustainable weight loss takes time and patience; the aim is gradual progress rather than quick fixes.  

Health Expert  
Akshata Gandevikar  

The Final Say 


As this blog on workouts for women's weight loss at home wraps up, you now know about different workouts that can be included in your exercise routine easily. Also, losing weight naturally without exercise is achievable with dedication, mindful eating, and healthy lifestyle habits. You can attain your weight loss goals by nourishing your body with whole foods, controlling portion sizes, staying hydrated, and prioritising self-care. Remember, it's not just about the number on the scale but about feeling your best from the inside out. So, celebrate your progress and enjoy the newfound vitality of a healthier lifestyle.   



1. How to lose weight naturally without exercise for women? 

Losing weight naturally without exercise for women primarily involves making dietary changes and lifestyle adjustments. Focus on consuming whole, nutrient-dense foods, practising portion control, and being mindful of eating habits. 


2. What are some easy at-home exercises for women's weight loss? 

Several easy at-home exercises for women's weight loss require minimal equipment and space. Some examples include- 

  • Jumping jacks 
  • Squats 
  • Lunges 
  • Planks 
  • High knees 
  • Burpees 

These exercises target multiple muscle groups, elevate heart rate, and promote calorie burn, making them effective options for women aiming to lose weight at home. 


3. Does only doing workouts for women's weight loss at home work? 

While home workouts can be effective for women's weight loss, various factors must be considered for optimal results. Successful weight loss results from exercise, maintaining a balanced diet, practising portion control, and adopting a healthy lifestyle. 




About ToneOp Fit  

ToneOp Fit is a platform dedicated to improving and maintaining good health through a comprehensive range of goal-oriented health plans with up to 3 Coach support. With a range of Weight Management, Medical Condition, Detox Plans, and Face Yoga Plans, the app also provides premium health trackers, recipes and health content. Get customised diet, fitness, naturopathy & yoga plans and transform yourself with ToneOp.  

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