

Yoga For Chakra Balance — 9 Asana to Fix Stress, Fatigue & Low Vibes

Shrabani Pattnaik

Written By :

Shrabani Pattnaik

Lavina Chauhan

Researched By :

Lavina Chauhan


Published on: 19-Mar-2025


5 min read



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Yoga For Chakra Balance — 9 Asana  to Fix Stress, Fatigue & Low Vibes

Life feels like a mess sometimes, doesn’t it? Your health isn't at its best; occupational stress makes you feel heavy, and nothing seems to make you happy. You've tried exercise and diet, but something still doesn't feel right. 


Maybe the missing piece lies in something ancient yet incredibly powerful—your chakras.


Think of chakras as spinning wheels of energy inside you, much like Wi-Fi routers. When the signal is strong, you feel amazing physically, emotionally, and mentally. But when these energy hubs get blocked, it shows up as stress, fatigue, and even physical ailments. That’s where yoga for chakra balance comes in.


Yoga is the ultimate energy reset. Yoga assists in clearing blockages and re-establishing balance and vitality by balancing the seven chakras in the human body and their significance. To find out how to activate your energy centres, the best yoga for chakra balance, and easy ways to maintain the health of your chakras, continue reading!


Table Of Contents 

  1. How To Balance Your Chakras With Yoga? Which Yoga Opens Chakras — 7 Yoga For Chakra Balance 
  2. The 7 Chakras in the Human Body and Their Significance
  3. Tips to Activate Chakras in the Human Body
  4. Expert’s Advice 
  5. The Final Say 
  6. FAQs
  7. References 

How To Balance Your Chakras With Yoga? Which Yoga Opens Chakras — 9 Yoga For Chakra Balance 

How To Balance Your Chakras With Yoga Which Yoga Opens.

One of the best ways to support chakra balance is by aligning your physical body with the principles of yoga and meditation. Once energy blocks are removed, you can enhance energy flow using healing techniques to activate each chakra.


Here are some key benefits of practising yoga for chakra balance:


  • Feeling grounded and safe
  • Improved self-confidence and self-awareness
  • Sharper mental focus
  • The ability to give and receive love freely
  • Brighter communication and self-expression
  • A deeper sense of connection to the universe

1. Mountain Pose – Root (Muladhara) Chakra

This yoga for leg strength promotes stability, strengthens your back and improves posture.

  • Stand with your feet slightly apart.
  • Engage your core, relax your shoulders, and elongate your spine.
  • Bring your palms to your heart centre and take deep breaths.
  • Close your eyes and visualise your root chakra.

2. Goddess Pose – Sacral (Svadhisthana) Chakra

This asana opens the hips and improves pelvic circulation.

  • Stand with your feet about three feet apart, toes pointing outward.
  • Bend your knees over your toes and sink into a squat.
  • Extend your arms at shoulder height, bend your elbows, and keep your palms facing forward.
  • Draw your shoulder blades back, engage your core, and hold for five deep breaths.

3. Boat Pose – Solar Plexus (Manipura) Chakra

This pose strengthens your hip flexors and core muscles.

  • Sit with your knees bent and feet on the mat.
  • Place your hands on your hips and lengthen your spine.
  • Lean back slightly and lift your chest to activate your core.
  • For more intensity, lift your shins and extend your arms parallel to the mat.

4. Camel Pose – Heart (Anahata) Chakra

This yoga pose for flexibility enhancement focuses on opening the chest, quadriceps, and abdomen.

  • Kneel with your hips stacked over your knees.
  • Slowly lift your chest and reach your hands back to grasp your heels.
  • Allow your head to drop back, opening the throat.
  • To release, bring your chin to your chest, hands to hips, and return to an upright position.

5. Shoulder Stand – Throat (Vishuddha) Chakra

Also known as Salamba Sarvangasana, this pose enhances circulation and throat chakra activation.

  • Lie on your mat with bent knees.
  • Walk your shoulders under your upper back to gently lift your chest.
  • Raise your hips and press your hands into the mat.
  • Lift onto the balls of your feet and extend one leg upward.
  • Support your lower back with your hands and extend the other leg up.
  • Keep your head and neck straight, gazing upward.
  • Hold the pose for 10 deep breaths.

6. Child’s Pose – Third Eye (Ajna) Chakra

This yoga pose for mental relaxation stretches the spine, thighs, hips, and ankles.

  • Kneel on your mat with knees apart and big toes touching.
  • Extend your arms forward and rest your forehead on the mat.
  • Breathe deeply and stay in the pose for as long as you need.

7. Corpse Pose – Crown (Sahasrara) Chakra

Savasana is a deeply relaxing pose and an amazing stress-relief workout that fosters inner peace and positivity.

  • Lie on your back with legs slightly apart and arms at your sides.
  • Draw your shoulder blades inward for support and relax completely.
  • Breathe naturally and surrender to stillness.

8. Warrior Pose (Virabhadrasana)

This standing pose of yoga for strength and stability grounds your body, energises the root chakra, and enhances stability.

  • Strengthens the legs and opens the hips.
  • Supports knee and lower back health.
  • Promotes better circulation and deeper breathing.
  • Boosts focus, balance, and overall energy flow.

9. Bridge Pose (Setu Bandhasana)

This pose balances multiple chakras and relieves stress.

  • Root chakra: Grounds your energy by connecting your feet to the earth.
  • Sacral chakra: Enhances hip flexibility and circulation.
  • Heart chakra: Opens the chest and encourages emotional healing.
  • Throat chakra: Activates the neck and improves communication.

Setu Bandhasana also boosts digestion, lung function, and thyroid health while reducing stress and anxiety.


Also Read: 15 Power Yoga for Weight Loss With Insights & Tips | ToneOpFit 


The 7 Chakras in the Human Body and Their Significance

Chakras are energy centres in our body, intricately connected to our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. There are approximately 72,000 Nadis (metaphysical energy channels) in our body, with 109 nervous centres identified. Among these, seven primary chakras hold significant importance. 


When energy (kundalini) flows through these centres, it influences various emotions and feelings. Let's explore each of the seven chakras, their locations, and their significance.


1. Muladhara Chakra - Root Chakra

  • Element: Earth
  • Colour: Red
  • Mantra: Lam
  • Location: Base of the spine between the rectum and genitals


How Does It Affect the Body? 

The Muladhara Chakra influences the health of bones, teeth, nails, rectum, prostate, adrenal glands, kidneys, lower digestive functions, excretion functions, and sexual activity. An imbalance in this chakra can lead to fatigue, poor sleep, back pain, sciatica, depression, immune disorders, and digestive issues.


2. Swadhisthana Chakra - Sacral Chakra

  • Element: Water
  • Colour: Orange
  • Mantra: Vam
  • Location: Located at the pubis base between genitalia and sacral nerve plexus


How Does It Affect the Body? 

The Swadhisthana Chakra governs emotional identity, creativity, desire, pleasure, procreation, and personal relationships. Imbalances can result in back pain, reduced libido, pelvic pain, urinary problems, poor digestion, hormonal imbalances, fatigue, and menstrual issues.


3. Manipura Chakra - Solar Plexus Chakra

  • Element: Fire
  • Colour: Yellow
  • Mantra: Ram
  • Location: At the umbilicus level corresponding to the stomach or solar plexus


How Does It Affect the Body? 

The Manipura Chakra is associated with self-esteem and a sense of belonging. It governs the effective functioning of the upper abdomen organs, such as the gallbladder and liver. An unbalanced Manipura may lead to diabetes, pancreatitis, adrenal imbalances, arthritis, stomach ulcers, or low blood pressure.


4. Anahata Chakra - Heart Chakra

  • Element: Air
  • Colours: Green or Pink
  • Mantra: Yam
  • Location: On the heart plexus in the heart area


How Does It Affect the Body? 

The Anahata Chakra affects social identity and features such as trust, forgiveness, love, and compassion. It influences heart function and circulation. Imbalances can cause issues related to the thoracic spine, asthma, cardiac conditions, shallow breathing, and lung diseases.


5. Vishuddhi Chakra - Throat Chakra

  • Element: Sound or Ether
  • Colour: Blue
  • Mantra: Ham
  • Location: At the neck level near the pharynx area


How Does It Affect the Body? 

The Vishuddhi Chakra is linked to communication and self-expression. It controls neck-related functions, including thyroid health and vocal cords. An imbalance may lead to thyroid dysfunctions, sore throat issues, stiff necks, mouth ulcers, or hearing problems.


6. Ajna Chakra - Third Eye Chakra

  • Element: Light
  • Colour: Indigo
  • Mantra: Aum or Om
  • Location: Between the eyebrows (the third eye)


How Does It Affect the Body? 

The Ajna Chakra is associated with self-confidence and intuition. It governs brain functions and sensory organs. Imbalances can lead to headaches, learning disabilities, nightmares, panic attacks, or neurological issues.


7. Sahasrara Chakra - Crown Chakra

  • Element: Consciousness
  • Colours: Purple or White
  • Mantra: Silence
  • Location: Crown of the head


How Does It Affect the Body?  

The Sahasrara Chakra connects you with spirituality and higher consciousness. It influences brain function and your overall sense of connection with yourself and others. Blockages in this chakra may lead to feelings of disconnection or confusion regarding life's purpose.


Also Read: 5 Proven Hatha Yoga Benefits For Balancing Your Physical & Mental Wellness! 


Tips to Activate Chakras in the Human Body

Want to awaken and balance your chakras? Incorporate these simple yet powerful practices into your daily routine to harmonise your body's energy flow.


1. Diet – Fuel Your Chakras Right

An imbalanced diet often leads to energy blockages, disrupting your chakras. The key? A balanced diet that nourishes all five elements in your body. Eat mindfully, including fresh fruits, vegetables, and whole foods that resonate with each chakra’s energy. Consider ToneOp Fit’s Balanced Diet Plan for personalised and guided meal planning. 


2. Meditation – Tune Into Your Energy Centers

Set aside a few minutes daily to focus on each chakra. Visualise its colour, feel its light, and repeat positive affirmations to amplify its energy. Mindfulness meditation practice clears blockages and strengthens your inner connection.


3. Crystals – Amplify the Energy Flow

Crystals are powerful tools to enhance chakra balance. Place them on the corresponding chakra during meditation, or carry them with you throughout the day. Each crystal resonates with a specific energy centre, promoting healing and alignment.


4. Aromatherapy – Scents That Heal

Essential oils like lavender, sandalwood, and mint work wonders in balancing your chakras. Use them in a diffuser, apply them to your skin, or simply inhale their calming aroma to enhance your energy flow.


5. Reiki – Energy Healing for Chakra Alignment

Reiki is a transformative energy-healing technique that removes blockages and promotes a smooth energy flow. A Reiki practitioner channels healing energy into your body, helping to align your chakras, restore balance, and bring deep relaxation and inner peace.


Expert’s Advice 

To maintain a strong physical and emotional balance, it’s essential to nurture your body’s seven powerful energy centres—your chakras. One of the most effective ways to support this balance is by integrating a holistic approach that includes yoga, mindful nutrition, and self-awareness.


I highly recommend incorporating a well-balanced diet rich in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. These essential nutrients not only support brain health but also enhance overall well-being, complementing your yoga practice for chakra alignment.


Beyond diet and movement, deepening your connection with your inner self is key. When you consciously engage with your energy centres, you create a harmonious flow that brings clarity, stability, and vitality into your life.

Health Expert 

Lavina Chauhan 


The Final Say 

Balancing your chakras isn’t just about fancy yoga poses. It’s about tuning into yourself, clearing out the stress, and letting your energy flow like it’s meant to. If you are feeling stuck, drained, or just a little off, these yoga practices can realign your body and mind in ways you never imagined. The best part? The more you practice, the more you glow—inside and out. 



1. Which chakra impacts digestion?

The Solar Plexus (Manipura) chakra controls digestion and metabolism. If it's blocked, you may experience digestive issues, bloating, or a lack of energy.


2. Which chakra indicates mental health?

The Third Eye (Ajna) chakra is linked to clarity, intuition, and mental well-being. An imbalance can cause anxiety, confusion, or overthinking.


3. Which chakra is the most powerful?

The Crown (Sahasrara) chakra is considered the most powerful as it connects you to higher consciousness and spiritual enlightenment.


4. What chakra to unblock first?

Start with the Root (Muladhara) chakra, as it provides stability and grounding. A strong foundation helps balance the other chakras.


5. How to know which chakra to unblock?

Pay attention to your emotions and physical symptoms. For example, digestive issues indicate Solar Plexus imbalance, while emotional instability may signal a blocked Heart chakra.


6. How long does it take to unblock chakras?

It varies for each person. With consistent meditation, yoga, and mindfulness, you may feel changes in days or weeks, but deeper healing can take months.



About ToneOp Fit 

ToneOp Fit is a platform dedicated to improving and maintaining good health through a comprehensive range of goal-oriented health plans with up to 3 Coach support. With a range of Weight Management, Medical Condition, Detox Plans, and Face Yoga Plans, the app also provides premium health trackers, recipes and health content. Get customised diet, fitness, naturopathy & yoga plans and transform yourself with ToneOp

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