

Yoga for Sinusitis: Breathe Better with These Simple Pranayam & Yoga Techniques

Riddhima Kadam

Written By :

Riddhima Kadam

Lavina Chauhan

Researched By :

Lavina Chauhan


Published on : 26-Jan-2025


5 min read



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Yoga for Sinusitis: Breathe Better with These Simple Pranayam & Yoga Techniques

If you’ve ever woken up with a stuffy nose, pounding headache, or constant pressure around your eyes and forehead, you know just how frustrating sinusitis can be. Whether it’s seasonal allergies, a cold, or something more chronic, sinusitis can make simple things like breathing and thinking feel like a challenge. 


Sinusitis, medically referred to as rhinosinusitis, is an inflammatory condition in which the area inside the nose and head becomes swollen and inflamed. Sinusitis may last a few days, but more serious conditions could last over 12 weeks. It is usually recorded more in the monsoons and winter months. 


Sinusitis mainly affects the way the natural mucus drains from the nose, making it too congested and hindering normal breathing. For those of you who have had sinusitis for a very long time but it keeps coming back, we have a few tricks to help you get relief, and that’s yoga for sinusitis!


In this blog, we’ve shared pranayama techniques and yoga poses for sinusitis. If you do them every morning for at least a month, you are sure to feel a visible change in your condition and breathe better. 


Table of Contents

  1. Can Yoga Cure Sinusitis?
  2. 5 Effective Yoga Poses For Sinus Problems
  3. Which Pranayama Is Best For Sinusitis? Best Pranayama Yoga Exercises For Sinusitis
  4. Expert’s Advice
  5. The Final Say
  6. FAQs
  7. References 


Can Yoga Cure Sinusitis?

Sinusitis is a non-life-threatening disease that commonly manifests in people during monsoon and winter. As the name suggests, it is characterised by sinus inflammation. 


Sinusitis may be caused by allergies, infections or nasal polyps that cause swelling of the lining of the sinuses. Its common symptoms include: 

  • Nasal congestion
  • Problems breathing through the nose
  • Pain and swelling around the eyes, face, nose or forehead
  • Cough
  • Headache
  • Fever 
  • Sore throat


Now, coming to the main topic: can yoga help cure sinusitis? Well, yes, yoga can help relieve sinus pressure and congestion. 


Certain yoga poses can open nasal passages, reduce inflammation and improve circulation. This will improve your breathing by opening up your nose, providing relief from a stuffy nose. In fact, some studies have also found that yoga for sinus problems can improve respiratory muscle function and reduce nasal congestion. 


Also Read: Stay Flu-Free This Winter With 12 Morning Drinks to Boost The Immune System!


5 Effective Yoga Poses For Sinus Problems

5 Effective Yoga Poses For Sinus Problems

Let’s look at the yoga poses that can help you clear your sinusitis and breathe a little better: 


1 . Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward-Facing Dog)

This is one of the most effective yogas for improving blood circulation, opening blocked channels, and alleviating the overall tension in the body. It decks the nasal cavity and provides rapid relief from the sinus.

  1. Start on all fours with your hands and knees on the ground, shoulder-width apart, and hips aligned with your knees.
  2. Slowly lift your hips up, straightening your elbows and knees.
  3. Your body should form an inverted "V" shape.
  4. Press your hands firmly into the floor and stretch your neck so your ears touch your inner arms.
  5. Look towards your navel, keeping your body aligned.
  6. Hold the position for 5-8 breaths.
  7. Slowly return to the starting position on all fours.


Also Read: 5 Benefits Of Adho Mukha Svanasana: A Journey to Better Physical, Mental, and Spiritual Wellness 


2. Salamba Sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand)

The position of the shoulder, known as the "mother of all positions," provides relief from sinusitis and other allergic conditions. It improves blood flow in the lungs and helps protect the body from infections.

  1. Lie on your back with your feet together and arms resting by your sides.
  2. Lift your legs, buttocks, and hips off the ground while supporting your body with your elbows.
  3. Keep your spine straight and your feet aligned.
  4. Hold the pose for 30-40 seconds.
  5. Slowly lower your legs back down into Shavasana.
  6. Repeat 2-3 times.


3. Sethubandhasana (Bridge Pose)

This yoga practice, known for lifting the heart, stimulates the thoracic cavity, allowing for better oxygenation of the heart's four chambers. By enhancing blood flow, it can also improve sinus conditions. Additionally, the opening of the neck during this practice helps alleviate allergies and relieve sinus pressure.

  1. Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet placed near your hips, arms resting at your sides.
  2. Press your hands and feet onto the floor for support.
  3. Slowly lift your hips up and create a straight line from your knees to your shoulders.
  4. Hold the position for 20-30 seconds, keeping your neck relaxed.
  5. Slowly lower your body back to the ground and return to the starting position.


Also Read: Yoga For Glowing Skin: Stop Ageing And Start Glowing With These 7 Yoga Poses


4. Matsya Asana (Fish Position)

The position promotes deep breathing by stretching and strengthening the lung muscles—blocked channels inside the chest and neck open to relieve sinusitis. 

  1. Lie on your back and tuck your hands under your body, palms facing down.
  2. Inhale deep and lift your head and chest up, arching your back.
  3. Tilt the crown of your head gently toward the floor, resting it lightly (like a "bookmark").
  4. Balance your body using your elbows for support, and keep your chest open.
  5. Breathe deeply and hold the position for as long as it is comfortable.


5. Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)

This yoga pose for flexibility enhancement opens the lungs and refreshes the heart. It also works as a great relief of tension and is one of the best positions to get relief from the sinus by stretching the lungs and facilitating breathing.

  1. Lie on your stomach with your forehead resting on the floor and your hands placed on either side of your shoulders.
  2. Slowly lift your chest off the floor by pressing your palms into the ground, stretching your back and abdominal muscles.
  3. Straighten your arms while keeping your shoulder blades pressed towards your back.
  4. Look up towards the ceiling, keeping your neck relaxed.
  5. Hold 15-30 seconds, then exhale as you gently lower back down to the starting position.


Also Read: Here Are The 6 Best And Effective Yoga For Vision Improvement


Which Pranayama Is Best For Sinusitis? Best Pranayama Yoga Exercises For Sinusitis

Let’s also take a look at some great pranayama exercises to treat sinusitis:


1. Deep Breathing Through The Nose

This breathing exercise is a powerful way to clean the sinuses and nasal congestion to allow easy breathing. The best thing about these exercises is that they eliminate irritants and reduce stress and anxiety. 

  1. Sit in an upright and comfortable position.
  2. Keep your mouth closed, and begin breathing deeply and deeply through your nose, focusing on expanding your belly or abdominal breathing.
  3. Now exhale slowly from the nasal passages and empty the lungs completely.
  4. Repeat this practice, as it will help you become calm and more peaceful.


Also Read: Detox And Clean Your Lungs With These 5 Yoga Asanas And Pranayama!


2. Alternate Nostril Breathing

This type of breathing is a type of pranayama that balances the flow of energy and clears the excess mucus and other secretions from the nasal cavity.

  1. Sit in a comfortable upright position and close your eyes.
  2. While inhaling from the left nostril, place the right thumb on the right nostril.
  3. After reaching the maximum inhalation, close the left nostril and slowly exhale through the right one.
  4. In addition, inhale deeply through the right nostril and exhale deeply through the left nostril.
  5. Repeat alternating between the nostrils for several minutes.


3. Bhramari Pranayama

Bhramari Pranayama, with its soothing humming sound, helps reduce sinus pressure and promotes mental relaxation, providing relief from sinusitis symptoms.

  1. Sit comfortably with an upright spine, close your eyes and breathe deeply through your nose.
  2. Place your hands on your face so that your thumb covers your ears, your index finger touches the inner corner of your eyes, and your middle finger touches the side of your nose.
  3. Inhale deeply through your nose.
  4. As you exhale, make a humming sound like a bee, keeping your mouth closed.
  5. Focus on the vibration of the sound and the calming effect it has on your body.
  6. Repeat this for 5-10 rounds, breathing deeply and calmly.


Also Read: Yoga Asanas for High Blood Pressure: 10 Proven Yoga Poses To Manage Hypertension


4. Kapalbhati 

Kapalbhati pranayama is an effective way to shrink the obstructions in your nasal cavity and clear the passages.

  1. Sit in a comfortable position with an upright spine and breathe deeply.
  2. Remove the abs from the nose.
  3. Inhalation should be passive as the abdomen ..relaxes.
  4. Continue this breathing pattern and focus on strength expiration and natural inspiration.


5. Ujjayi Breathing (Ocean Breathing)

Ujjaya breathing, or ocean breathing, is also beneficial for managing sinusitis and nasal congestion.

  1. Sit in an upright position with a straight spine.
  2. Take a deep breath through your nose while pulling the back of your throat and making the soft sound of the ocean.
  3. Exhale slowly through your nose and keep the same constriction in the throat.
  4. Always perform the same breathing process and prioritise the sound and rhythm of the breath.


Also Read: Consider These 5 Exercises Of Yoga For Acid Reflux Or GERD Treatment!


Expert’s Advice

Along with practising these yoga poses for sinusitis relief, I believe it is also important to support your body with a healthy lifestyle. Ensure adequate hydration, especially hot water and drinks, to help thin mucus and relieve sinus pressure. I suggest that you incorporate foods like turmeric and ginger, which can help manage symptoms as they have anti-inflammatory properties. Also, don't forget practising mindfulness and managing stress can also improve sinus health, as stress can sometimes make symptoms worse. 


Health Expert

Lavina Chauhan

The Final Say

Yoga asanas work by reducing pressure in various sinus points, providing significant relief. Incorporating yoga and pranayama can make a huge difference in managing sinus infections. The stretching and bending in yoga poses stimulate the production of infection-fighting white blood cells, release endorphins, and boost circulation. So, the next time you experience a sinus infection, try using yoga, breathing exercises, and lifestyle changes. 


Complementing these practices with natural remedies can further enhance the results. In most cases, yoga can help alleviate the condition when practised consistently and intentionally.



1. How long can sinusitis last?

In the case of acute sinusitis, the infection may last for 7 to 10 days, while in the case of chronic sinusitis, the infection may last for more than 12 weeks.


2. Will yoga completely cure my sinusitis problem?

While yoga can significantly alleviate sinusitis symptoms, it may not completely cure the condition, especially in chronic cases, and should be practised alongside other treatments.


3. How often do I practice yoga to help my sinus condition?

To help manage your sinus condition, it's recommended to practice yoga daily, ideally for at least 15-30 minutes, to see noticeable benefits.




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ToneOp Fit is a platform dedicated to improving and maintaining good health through a comprehensive range of goal-oriented health plans with up to 3 Coach support. With a range of Weight Management, Medical Condition, Detox Plans, and Face Yoga Plans, the app also provides premium health trackers, recipes and health content. Get customised diet, fitness, naturopathy & yoga plans and transform yourself with ToneOp.

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