

Unlock The Best Exercises For Weight Loss At Home With Workout And Yoga Routine

Anvesha Chowdhury

Written By :

Anvesha Chowdhury

Anvesha Chowdhury

Researched By :

Anvesha Chowdhury


Published on: 06-Apr-2024


5 min read



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Unlock The Best Exercises For Weight Loss At Home With Workout And Yoga Routine

Who says a sculpted physique requires a fancy gym membership? Your living room can be your personal fitness haven and your body, your ultimate weight-loss machine! 


This blog unlocks the best exercises for weight loss at home that ignite your metabolism and melt away fat. We'll explore the best exercises for fast weight loss at home – bodyweight movements that challenge your core, cardio blasts that get your heart pumping, and even yoga routines that improve flexibility and mindfulness, all essential ingredients for sustainable weight loss. 


So, ditch the excuses and get ready to transform your physique with the best exercises to lose weight quickly. Let's unlock the potential within your own four walls and embark on a weight-loss journey that's convenient, effective, and empowering! 


Table Of Contents 


1. Which Exercise Is Best For Weight Loss At Home?  

2. Best Cardiovascular Exercise For Weight Loss 

3. What Exercise Burns The Most Belly Fat? 

4. Best Yoga Exercise For Weight Loss 

5. Expert’s Advice 

6. The Final say 

7. FAQs 

8. References 


Which Exercise Is Best For Weight Loss At Home?  

  Exercise Is Best For Weight Loss At Home

Here are some of the best exercises for weight loss and toning at home that can be done without equipment: 


1. Stair Master   


The staircase is a secret weight loss weapon and a convenient workout platform. Not only does climbing stairs help burn calories and tone muscles, but it also improves cardiovascular health and boosts energy levels, making it an efficient and accessible exercise option for busy individuals. It is one of the best exercises for losing weight quickly at home. So, ditch the elevator at your workplace and use the staircase instead; you will surely see visible results in a matter of weeks. 

How To Use Staircase Effectively? 

  • Start by incorporating stair climbing into your daily routine, such as using the stairs instead of the elevator or escalator whenever possible. 
  • Begin with a manageable number of flights or steps and gradually increase the intensity and duration as your fitness level improves. 
  • Focus on maintaining proper posture while climbing, engaging your core muscles, and using the entire foot to push off from each step. 
  • To add variety, try interval training. Alternate between walking, jogging, or sprinting up the stairs, followed by a slower descent or rest period. 


2. Jump Rope 


Most of you actively skipped rope when you were younger. But mind you; it is not just for kids; it is a full-body workout for adults since jumping burns calories and is regarded as one of the best exercises for weight loss at home. Consuming fewer calories and collaborating with jump rope exercises can help you lose weight conveniently at home. 

How To Do Jump Rope? 

  • Start by selecting a suitable jump rope that is comfortable to hold and of appropriate height length. 
  • Begin with proper form, keeping your feet together, knees slightly bent, and elbows close to your sides. 
  • Use your wrists to rotate the rope smoothly and aim for a consistent rhythm, jumping just high enough to clear the rope as it passes beneath your feet. 
  • Land softly on the balls of your feet to reduce impact and minimise strain on your joints. 
  • To challenge yourself and target different muscle groups, incorporate variations such as single jumps, double unders, or crisscrosses. 
  • Gradually increase the duration and intensity of your jump rope sessions as your endurance and skill improve. 


3. Planks 


Planks work the best for core strength and help you maintain its stability. Core training is ideal for getting the perfect summer body, especially in summer. You can use a mat or even planks directly on a clean floor. They are of two kinds:   

  • High planks- Get into the top or start a push-up position.  Keep your palms and toes tightly on the ground, your back straight, and your core tight.   
  • Low planks- Lower your body to your forearms, maintaining the exact. Take position and form as the high plank. 

How To Do A Perfect Plank? 

  • Begin by positioning yourself face down on the floor, supporting your upper body with your forearms and elbows bent at a 90-degree angle. 
  • Extend your legs straight behind you, resting on the balls of your feet. 
  • Engage your core muscles by drawing your navel toward your spine and maintaining a straight line from your head to your heels. 
  • Hold this position, ensuring that your body remains parallel to the floor, avoiding sagging or arching of the lower back. 
  • Aim to hold the plank for a set duration, gradually increasing the time as you build strength and endurance. 


4. Push-Ups 


While often referred to as a chest exercise, it is categorised as a compound bodyweight exercise, which targets several upper body muscles and tops the list of best exercises for weight loss at home. Push-ups target multiple muscle groups simultaneously and have great potential to build upper body strength. Though push-ups predominantly target upper body muscles, performing them with good form can also strengthen core muscles, specifically the abdominal muscles and lower back. It improves body composition and reduces cardiac arrests. 


How To Do Push-Ups Correctly? 

  • Get in a high plank position with your arms extended and palms on the floor at shoulder width. Align your toes with your legs.   
  • Your core muscles, glutes, and legs must be engaged to align with your spine.   
  • Maintain a straight back and focus your eyes just a few feet ahead. Gradually bend your elbows down in a controlled motion until your chest approaches the floor. 
  • Your elbows must be tucked to your sides closely throughout this movement.   
  • Now exhale and push your palms towards the floor to return to the starting position. 
  • Your focus should be on contracting the chest and tricep muscles. Keep your core tight while you do this.  
  • Repeat accordingly. 


5. Squat 


Squats are a fundamental lower body exercise that engages multiple muscle groups, including the quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, and calves. They are highly effective for building strength, power, and stability in the legs and hips, making them a staple in any workout routine. 


How To Do Squats? 

  • Stand with your feet width apart and parallel.  
  • Keep your hands on your thighs.   
  • Turn your head up and lift your chest.   
  • Both your knees should be at a 90-degree angle, with your body weight on your heels. Sit back slowly.   
  • Make sure your knees do not go beyond your toes.  
  • Hold this position for up to 5 seconds.   
  • Come back up to the starting position by straightening your hips.  
  • Repeat five times. 


6. Lunges 


Lunges are a powerful exercise that allows you to get your lower body in shape and strengthens it, including hips, glutes, quads, hamstrings, and calves. They help boost your lower body, increase core strength and muscle tissue, and help you get the perfect buttocks you always hoped for. Lunges, regarded as another best exercise for weight loss at home, also increase your resting metabolism, which may allow you to increase your appetite and burn some extra pounds. 


How To Make Lunges?  

  • Stand with your feet hip-width apart and hands on your hips.    
  • Squeeze your glutes and ensure the front of your hips are facing forward.   
  • Step forward with either of your legs, keeping your feet still hip-width apart.    
  • Your spine should be straight and perpendicular to the floor, and slowly lower your body to the ground.    
  • Both legs must be at a 90-degree angle, with the front knee over the front ankle and the back knee directly under the hip.    
  • Press back through the front foot to come back to the starting position.  
  • Repeat this with the other leg. 


7. Bicycle Crunches 


They can help tone your midsection and slim your waist. Since they require more leg movement than standard crunches, they improve stability, flexibility, and coordination. They are an excellent way to burn those extra calories around your belly area.   

How To Do Bicycle Crunches? 

  • Contract your core muscles and draw in your abdomen to stabilise your spine.   
  • Hold your head gently with your hands. Pull your shoulder blades back and slowly lift to get your knees at a 90-degree angle, lifting your feet from the floor.   
  • Exhale and slowly pedal like a bicycle. At first, bring one knee towards your shoulder while your other leg should be straight, keeping both higher than your hips.   
  • Slightly rotate your torso, touching your elbow to the opposite knee as you bring it up.   
  • Twist to the other side while bringing that knee towards your shoulder and extend the other leg until your elbow touches the other knee.   
  • Aim for at least 10 to 20 repetitions and three sets. 


Also Read: Discover 13 Best Tips And Ideal Body Weight Plan For Perfect Physique! 


Best Cardiovascular Exercise For Weight Loss 


Cardiovascular exercises raise heart rate and blood flow throughout the body. Here are the best and most influential cardiovascular exercises for weight loss: 




Jumping Jacks 

Stand straight by spreading the arms to both sides; meanwhile, the legs must be wide apart.  


Then, jump and bring back your arms to the sides of your body near your thighs and the legs to the middle.  


Jump again, extending the arms and legs out. 


Perform repeatedly or in multiple reps. 


Stand upright. 


Place your hands on the ground and Squat. 


Jump your legs back so that they are straight. 


Jump by bringing the legs to the squat position. 


Stand up and jump in place. 



Squat Jumps 

 Stand with your feet apart, and your arms must be on each side of your body. 


Come down in a squat position. Bring the knees at a 90-degree angle while swinging the arms backwards. 


Swing arms forward and jump. 


Land and repeat. 

Single-Leg Stand 

Keep your feet together. There can be a gap, but it only goes up to 3 inches. 


Now, slightly bend the knees and lift one leg off the floor. 


Try to hold this position for 10–15 seconds and bring back the foot to the floor. 


Repeat for the opposite leg. 

Arm Circles 

Stretch your hand in the front. Rotate them in a circular motion, both clockwise and counterclockwise. 


The movement resembles a butterfly or backstroke. 


People with limited mobility can extend their arms to their sides and draw small circles. 

Supine Snow Angel (wipers) 

Lie on the back with your feet on the ground straight. 


Your lower back must be on the floor. You can slightly tuck your pelvis. 


Extend the arms outwards and bend the hands toward the ears slightly. 


Slowly raise the hands outwards towards the head so that they meet each other. 


Then, bring down the hands to the starting position and repeat. 

Air Squats 

Keep feet at shoulder width apart and point straight ahead. 


Take a squat position; your hips should move down and back up. 


Keep your heels flat on the floor, and your lumbar curve should always be maintained. 


Bring your hips lower than your knees while squatting. 

Screamer Lunges 

Stand with your feet hip-width apart. 


Extend your right leg back to a lunge position. 


Push off using the right foot to lift the right knee until the hip height while jumping in the air. 


Bring the right foot back to the starting position. 


Perform 10 lunges on one side and repeat for the other leg. 


Also Read: Unlock The Best Exercises For Losing Weight Quickly And A 7-Day Workout Plan! 


What Exercise Burns The Most Belly Fat? 


To boost fat loss in the abdominal area, you must be mindful of what you eat and the calories you burn off. Here are some exercises that burn the most belly fat: 



Target Muscles 


Reps And Sets 







Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. 


Take your hips back as you lower your body in a low squat. 


Then, place your hands right outside your feet and hop back. 


Let your chest touch the floor. 


Plank by pushing your hands against the floor, and then jump your feet just outside your hands. 


Jump in the air with your arms over your head, and your weight must be on your heels. 

10 to 15 reps 

Mountain Climbers 






Bring your wrists under your shoulders to get in a high plank position. 


Your core must be tight, drawing your belly button toward your spine. 


Get your one knee towards your chest and then bring it back to plank. 


Do the same with the other leg as you are running on the floor. 


Continue to alternate sides. 

30 seconds of reps 

or 30 mountain climbers per side 


Fat loss 



Lower back 

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. 


Squat down and firmly place both hands on the ground. Jump to a plank position by lowering your body enough to touch the ground. 


Return to a plank position, jump with your feet and take them outside your hands into a squat position. 


Get back up. 

10 reps x 3 sets 

Side-to-Side Medicine Ball Slams 

Upper back 

Core muscles 



Stand with your feet, with your feet shoulder distance apart, keeping the medicine ball on one side. 


Pick up the ball and rotate your body as you throw the ball a few inches away from your pinky toe. 


Twist your feet and bend your back knee as you move to a split squat position to catch the ball on one bounce. 


Alternate sides. Tighten your core by bringing the ball overhead and to the side. 

10 reps x 3 sets 


Medicine Ball Burpees 





Stand shoulder apart with your feet, and hold a medicine ball with both hands. 


Extend the ball over your head, then throw the ball down on the ground, putting in as much pressure as possible. While doing so, hinge over and sit your butt back. 


As you hinge over, bend your knees. 


Place your hands on the ground outside your feet and jump back into a high-plank position. 


Keep your body in a straight line. 


Jump, pushing your feet back outside so you are squatting. 


Pick up the ball and take it over your head, extending your body and standing tall. 

20 reps x 3 sets 

Overhead Medicine Ball Slams 





Stand straight with your feet hip distance apart. Hold a medicine ball with your hands. 


Take both arms over your head while fully extending your body and throw the ball in front of you towards the ground. 


As you slam the ball, extend your arms towards the ground and hinge over. 


Take a Squat position to pick the ball up and then stand back up. 

10 to 20 reps 


Also Read: Top 5 Weight Loss Exercises At Home And Tips To Get In Shape In 7 Days! 


Best Yoga Exercise For Weight Loss 


Due to the inactive and unhealthy lifestyle, weight Loss seems to be a priority for many today. Here are the best yoga exercises for weight loss that, if you practice consistently, will show you great results: 


1. Chaturanga Dandasana – Plank Pose  


It helps strengthen the core. The plank pose has multiple benefits, such as improving flexibility, metabolism, body alignment, and overall mental health. Only when you are in the pose, do you feel its intensity on your abdominal muscles.  


2. Virabhadrasana – Warrior Pose  


The warrior pose has made toning your thighs and shoulders and improving your concentration easier. The longer you hold the warrior pose, the better its results on your body. You will get tighter quads by performing Virabhadrasana consistently, even for fewer minutes. 


The warrior pose improves your balance and tones your arms, back and legs. It also helps to tone your tummy region and give you a flat belly. 


3. Trikonasana – Triangle Pose  


This pose helps improve digestion and reduce fat deposited in the belly region and waist. Most of you are highly concerned about your belly fat because it restricts you from wearing specific clothes, especially for women. This pose is a great way to get rid of your belly fat. It improves blood circulation in your body. This asana helps you burn more fat from the waist region and build muscle in the thighs and hamstrings. It also improves concentration and balance. 


4. Adho Mukha Svanasana – Downward Dog Pose  


The downward dog pose benefits toning your whole body with extra attention to specific muscles.  


It helps strengthen your arms, thighs, hamstrings, and back. You can hold this pose and concentrate on breathing, which engages your muscles and tones them, improving your body's blood circulation and helping you focus better.  


5. Sarvangasana – Shoulder Stand Pose  


This pose comes with multiple benefits. It focuses on increasing your strength, improving digestion, boosting metabolism, and balancing your thyroid levels. The shoulder stand pose strengthens your upper body, abdominal muscles, and legs, strengthens the respiratory system, and promotes sleep.   


6. Sethu Bandha Sarvangasana – Bridge Pose  


The Bridge pose tones your muscles as well as improve digestion. It also regulates your hormones and boosts thyroid levels. Sethu Bandha Sarvangasana strengthens your back muscles and helps in minimising back pain. 


The Final Say 


To embark on the journey of weight loss at home, it's crucial to start by setting achievable goals and pacing yourself. Incorporating the best exercises for weight loss at home, like planks, push-ups, yoga, and squats, into your routine can yield significant results without needing a gym membership. Consistency is key, and by sticking to your plan and maintaining dedication, you'll see noticeable changes in your body and overall well-being. Remember, even simple lifestyle changes like using stairs instead of elevators can contribute to your weight loss journey. With dedication and commitment, you can achieve your fitness goals right from the comfort of your own home. 



1. What is the best exercise for losing weight quickly at home? 

Here are the best exercises for weight loss at home which can get you quicker results:  

  • Bodyweight squats 
  • Burpees 
  • Push-ups 
  • Planks 
  • Glute bridges 
  • Jump rope 


2. What is the best exercise for weight loss for females? 

Here are the best exercises for weight loss at home for females:  

  • Yoga 
  • Butt kicks 
  • High knees 
  • Arm circles 
  • Jumping jacks 
  • Squats 
  • Lunges 


3. What is the best exercise for weight loss for men? 

Follow these best exercises for weight loss at home for men:  

  • HIIT workout 
  • Mountain climbers 
  • Medicinal ball slam 
  • Forearm planks 
  • Push-ups 
  • Squats 




About ToneOp Fit 

ToneOp Fit is a platform dedicated to improving and maintaining good health through a comprehensive range of goal-oriented health plans with up to 3 Coach support. With a range of Weight Management, Medical Condition, Detox Plans, and Face Yoga Plans, the app also provides premium health trackers, recipes and health content. Get customised diet, fitness, naturopathy & yoga plans and transform yourself with ToneOp. 

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