

Nurturing Maternal Health: Best Exercises During Pregnancy Third Trimester!

Anvesha Chowdhury

Written By :

Anvesha Chowdhury

Anvesha Chowdhury

Researched By :

Anvesha Chowdhury


Published on : 05-Apr-2024


5 min read



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Nurturing Maternal Health: Best Exercises During Pregnancy Third Trimester!

Maintaining physical activity cannot be overstated as a woman progresses through her pregnancy journey. During pregnancy, especially in the third trimester, exercise offers many benefits for the mother and the growing baby. However, navigating the dos and don'ts of exercise during this stage requires careful consideration and understanding. This blog will help you in knowing the intricacies of exercise during the third trimester of pregnancy, covering its benefits, safety precautions, recommended exercises, and expert tips for a healthy and active pregnancy. 


Table Of Contents 


1. What Is The Best Exercise During Third Trimester? 

2. Types Of Exercise During Pregnancy Third Trimester?  

3. Benefits Of Maintaining Fitness During Pregnancy Third Trimester 

4. How Much Exercise Is OK In Third Trimester? 

5. Safety Precautions To Take For Exercising During Pregnancy Third Trimester 

6. Expert Advice 

7. The Final Say 

8. FAQs 

9. References 


What Is The Best Exercise During Third Trimester? 

Best Exercise During Third Trimester

While the third trimester may limit the intensity and duration of exercise, there are still plenty of safe and effective options for staying active. Some recommended exercises for the third trimester include: 





Start with a slow warm-up walk for 5-10 minutes to prepare your muscles.  


Maintain a comfortable pace, Avoiding brisk or strenuous walking.  


Keep your posture upright and engage your core muscles gently.  


Choose flat, even surfaces to walk on to reduce the risk of tripping or falling. 


Aim for at least 30 minutes of walking most of the week, but listen to your body and take breaks as needed.  


Cool down with a slower-paced walk for 5-10 minutes, and finish with gentle stretches for the legs and hips. 


Begin with a gentle warm-up swim, focusing on slow and controlled movements.  


Choose comfortable strokes that don't strain your body, such as breaststroke or backstroke.  


Use a kickboard or floatation device to support your belly and reduce pressure on your back.  


Avoid diving or jumping into the pool to prevent impact on the abdomen.  


Swim at a comfortable pace and avoid overexertion.  


Cool down with a few minutes of easy swimming, and finish with gentle stretches for the arms, legs, and back. 

Prenatal Yoga 

Start with a gentle warm-up, focusing on deep breathing and gentle stretching. 


Choose yoga poses that make you feel safe and comfortable for pregnancy, avoiding deep twists or poses that compress the abdomen. 


Use props such as bolsters, blocks or blankets for support and stability.  


Focus on maintaining good posture and alignment throughout the practice.  

Pay attention to your body's signals and modify poses to accommodate your growing belly and any discomfort.  


End the practice with relaxation and meditation, lying on your side or sitting comfortably, focusing on deep breathing, and releasing tension. 

Pelvic Floor Exercises (Kegels) 

Sit or lie comfortably with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. 

Squeeze in your pelvic floor muscles as if you are trying to stop the urine flow.  


Hold on to this contraction for 5-10 seconds, then release and relax simultaneously. 


Repeat this sequence 10-15 times, 2-3 times per day. 


Focus on breathing normally and avoid tensing other muscles, such as the abdomen or buttocks. 


Gradually increase the duration of the contractions as you become more robust, but never overexert yourself. 

Modified Strength Training 

Use light weights or resistance bands for strength training exercises to avoid straining your muscles.  


Focus on targeting the major muscle groups of your body, such as squats, lunges, bicep curls, and shoulder presses. 


Do exercises with slow and controlled movements, focusing on proper form and technique. 


Avoid exercises that require lying on your stomach and heavy lifting or straining.  


Listen to your body and stop if you feel any pain, discomfort, or dizziness.  

Aim for 2-3 strength training sessions per week, with at least one day of rest in between. 


What Is The Best Exercise For Normal Delivery During Third Trimester? 


The above exercises, like walking, prenatal yoga, and Kegel exercise pelvic exercise are the same for standard delivery, but there are two critical exercises for normal birth mentioned below: 


1. Squats 


Squats are an effective exercise that strengthens the muscles of the lower body, including the pelvic floor and thighs. They also help open the pelvis, improve flexibility, and encourage optimal baby positioning for delivery. Performing squats during pregnancy can help prepare the body for the pushing phase of labour.   


2. Deep Breathing Exercises 


Practising deep breathing techniques during pregnancy can help manage labour pain. Deep breathing exercises also help reduce stress, promote relaxation, increase oxygen flow to the baby, promote a sense of calmness, and facilitate the progression of labour. 


Types Of Exercise During Pregnancy Third Trimester 


Here is a guide for exercise during pregnancy third trimester that women who are pregnant can indulge in: 


Breathing Exercises During Pregnancy Third Trimester 

Diaphragmatic Breathing 

(Deep Belly Breathing) 

Keep your back and shoulders straight, and lie down with your back in a comfortable position. 


Below your ribcage, keep one hand on your stomach and the other on your chest in a lightweight manner. 


Expand your stomach by breathing deeply with your nose and letting your stomach rise. 


Now, after taking a deep breath, hold it for 2-3 seconds and exhale slowly with your mouth, letting your stomach contract a bit.   


Repeat this deep belly breathing pattern for several breaths, focusing on the sensation of your breath filling your abdomen and chest. 

Equal-Length Breathing  

(Sama Vritti) 

Keep your shoulders and back straight and in a comfortable position. 


Deeply inhale slowly from your nose. Stay in the same position for up to four counts, then exhale.  


Likewise, for the equal duration of each inhale and exhale, repeat this equal length breathing pattern for several breaths by focusing on rhythm and maintaining it. 

4-7-8 Breathing  

(Relaxing Breath) 

With your back and shoulders straight, lie down in a comfortable position. 


For a count of four, breathe deeply by closing your eyes from your nose. 


Hold for a count of eight. Make a whooshing sound when you exhale through your mouth for eight counts. 


Focus on elongating your exhalation and allowing tension to be released with each breath for several cycles, repeating this 4-7-8 breathing pattern. 

Visualization Breathing 

Keep your eyes closed and imagine you are on a beach or in the woods where the surroundings are peaceful. 


Through your nose, exhale deeply and slowly, imagining that you are breathing with relaxation and calm. 


Through your mouth, exhale and release your stress and tension with each exhale. 


Visualize yourself surrounded by serenity by keeping your mind and body relaxed. 


Stretching Exercises During Pregnancy Third Trimester 

Neck Rolls 

Keep your back straight and stand or sit in a good position. 


Tilt your head slowly on the right by bringing your shoulder towards your ear. 


Stay in that position for 4-5 seconds, then move your head forward and let your chin touch your chest. 


Repeat this with the left tilt on the left shoulder. Repeat this motion for several repetitions, moving slowly and gently. 

Shoulder Stretch 

With your back straight, sit and stand. 


Press your opposite arm to your chest straight and press gently so that you feel the little stretch of your arm muscles. 


Hold this stretch for 20 to 30 seconds, then do the same on the other side. 


Repeat the stretch on both sides several times, focusing on deep breathing and relaxation. 

Chest Opener 

By keeping your arms at your sides, stand with your feet hip-width apart. 


Straighten your arms and hold both hands behind your back.  


Gently lift your arms from your body backwards and squeeze gently.  


Stretch for 15-30 seconds by holding the position, then release.  


Focus on opening the chest and shoulders and repeat the stretch several times. 

Seated Forward Fold 

Sit down on the floor while your legs must be extended in the front.  

Lengthen your spine and inhale, then hinge at the hips and exhale.  


Keep your back straight and reach your hands towards your ankles or feet. 


Slowly release after holding the stretch for 15-30 seconds. 


Aim to relax your spine, stretch the hamstrings and repeat the stretch several times. 

Hip Flexor Stretch 

Keep the front foot before you kneel on the floor and the knee behind you on the ground. 


Slightly lean forward, keep your back straight until you feel a stretch in the front of your hip.  


Switch the sides and hold the stretch for 15-30 seconds.  


Focusing on opening up the pelvis and hips, repeat the stretch on both sides several times. 

Calf Stretch 

Stand by facing a wall with one foot in front of the other. 


For support, place your hands on the wall at shoulder height. 


Press the heel into the ground by stepping back with your rear foot.  


Keep your back leg straight, and slightly lean forward to a point where you can feel a stretch in the calf muscle. 


Switch sides after holding the stretch for 15-30 seconds. 


Repeat the stretch on both sides several times, focusing on lengthening the calf muscles. 


Benefits Of Maintaining Fitness During Pregnancy Third Trimester 


Regular physical activity during the third trimester of pregnancy yields numerous advantages for maternal and fetal health. These benefits include: 


1. Improved Cardiovascular Health 


Regular exercise helps strengthen the heart and improve circulation, which benefits both the mother and the baby.  


2. Enhanced Mood And Mental Well-being 


Exercise releases endorphins, which can alleviate stress, anxiety, and depression commonly experienced during pregnancy.  


3. Better Posture And Body Awareness 


As the baby grows and the body undergoes changes, exercise can help improve posture, balance, and body awareness, reducing the risk of back pain and discomfort.   


4. Preparation For Labour And Delivery 


Certain exercises, such as pelvic floor exercises and prenatal yoga, can strengthen the muscles needed for labour and delivery and potentially ease the process.   


5. Improves Flexibility 


Regular prenatal yoga practice can enhance range of motion as well as flexibility, making it convenient to adapt to the changes in your body during pregnancy and prepare for labour and delivery.  


6. Maintenance Of Healthy Weight Gain 


Regular physical activity can help you manage your weight gain during pregnancy. It helps to minimize the complications and associated risks such as gestational diabetes and hypertension. 

7. Enhances Bonding 


Prenatal yoga allows expectant mothers to connect with their babies on a deeper level through mindful movement, breath awareness, and visualization techniques.   


 8. Supports Emotional Well-Being 

Prenatal yoga can boost mood, confidence, and self-esteem during pregnancy, fostering a positive emotional state and sense of empowerment. 


How Much Exercise Is OK In Third Trimester? 


In India, the recommended exercise during the third trimester of pregnancy is 20-30 minutes 5 times a week, at the above intensity. This is generally like international guidelines, with some cultural and regional variations. The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) provides maternal and child health care guidelines, including recommendations for physical activity during pregnancy.  


It's important to note that cultural and regional factors may influence the types of exercise accessible and acceptable for pregnant women in India. Pregnancy is a unique experience for each woman, so it's essential to listen to her body, understand its requirements, and adapt her exercise routine to suit her individual needs and preferences. 


Safety Precautions To Take For Exercising During Pregnancy Third Trimester 


In order to have a safe and enjoyable exercise experience during the third trimester, consider the following expert tips:  


1. Focus On Flexibility And Relaxation 


Incorporate gentle stretching and relaxation techniques into your exercise routine to alleviate tension and promote relaxation.   


2. Use Proper Form And Technique 


Pay attention to your posture and alignment during exercise to prevent injury and maximize effectiveness.  


3. Take Frequent Breaks 


Don't neglect your body's signals, and take breaks as needed during exercise to prevent overexertion and fatigue.   


4. Wear Supportive Footwear 


Wear supportive and comfortable athletic shoes to support and stabilize your growing body and reduce the risk of falls or injuries.   


5. Stay Mindful Of Your Limitations 


Your body undergoes significant changes during pregnancy, so adjusting your exercise routine is essential. Don't push yourself beyond your limits. 


Expert’s Advice 


Take personalized advice and be precautious to ensure a healthy pregnancy as during the third trimester of pregnancy, it is vital to induce labour for healthy delivery by indulging in walking, swimming, and prenatal yoga and avoiding high-impact activities, focus on low-impact exercises like to maintain fitness and prepare for labour, Stay hydrated, and listen to your body. 

Health Expert  

Akshata Gandevikar 

The Final Say 


Pregnant women can stay active and maintain their physical and mental well-being throughout the third trimester by following safety precautions, engaging in recommended exercises, and incorporating expert tips. Before starting any exercise routine during pregnancy, consult a healthcare provider and don't neglect your body's cues to ensure a safe and healthy pregnancy journey. Exercise offers numerous benefits for both mother and baby during the third trimester, including improved cardiovascular health, enhanced mood, better posture, and preparation for labour and delivery. 



1. What are some important exercises during pregnancy third trimester? 

  • Prenatal yoga 
  • Pelvic floor exercises 
  • Seated forward fold 
  • Calf stretch 
  • Squats 
  • Chest opener


2. What are some easy to do light exercises during third trimester? 

  • Deep belly breathing 
  • Equal-Length breathing 
  • 4-7-8 Breathing 
  • Prenatal yoga 
  • Neck rolls 
  • Shoulder stretch 


3. What are some safe exercises during pregnancy third trimester? 

  • Walking 
  • Swimming 
  • Prenatal Yoga 
  • Pelvic Floor Exercises 
  • Modified Strength Training 


4. Which exercise during pregnancy in the 9th month is the most suitable?  

Walking is generally considered the most suitable exercise during the 9th month of pregnancy as it is low-impact, helps maintain cardiovascular health, and promotes circulation without putting undue stress on the body or the baby. 




About ToneOp Fit 

ToneOp Fit is a platform dedicated to improving and maintaining good health through a comprehensive range of goal-oriented health plans with up to 3 Coach support. With a range of Weight Management, Medical Condition, Detox Plans, and Face Yoga Plans, the app also provides premium health trackers, recipes and health content. Get customized diet, fitness, naturopathy & yoga plans and transform yourself with ToneOp.   

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