

Check Out These Powerful 15 Strength Exercises At Home For Maximum Fitness Gains

Anvesha Chowdhury

Written By :

Anvesha Chowdhury

Lavina Chauhan

Researched By :

Lavina Chauhan


Published on: 25-May-2024


5 min read



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Check Out These Powerful 15 Strength Exercises At Home For Maximum Fitness Gains

Welcome, readers! Forget the crowded weight racks and intimidating bros. The key to unlocking your inner athlete lies within the walls of your own home! Strength exercises at home are not just a convenient alternative; they're a gateway to a strength training revolution. Strength training workouts at home empower you to take charge of your fitness journey on your own terms. No more waiting for machines in gym, feeling self-conscious, or battling traffic. 


This isn't just about convenience. Power exercises at home can be just as effective as gym routines, packing a serious punch for building muscle and boosting your metabolism. By incorporating bodyweight exercises, household items, and resistance bands, you can create an at-home strength workout program that rivals any gym session. 


This blog is your guide to strength exercises at home. We'll discuss effective workouts, creative exercise variations, and tips to maximise your results. Get ready to transform your living space into a personal fitness haven where sweat, strength, and sculpted muscles reign supreme! 


Table Of Contents 

1. How Do I Strength Train At Home? 

2. Top 15 Strength Exercises At Home  

3. What Are The 5 Exercises Of Starting Strength? 

4. Expert’s Advice 

5. The Final Say 

6. FAQs 

7. References 


How Do I Strength Train At Home? 

How Do I Strength Train At Home

Strength training exercises at home have become an essential part of any well-rounded fitness regimen. Prominent health institutions and subject matter specialists underscore its significance for everyone, irrespective of age or fitness level, not just for bodybuilders or athletes. Including strength training in your regular workout regimen can help you stay as healthy as possible on the pro-active side. Here's a quick guide on how to do strength training at home: 


1. Define A Suitable Space  

Choosing the proper environment is paramount. Start by identifying a suitable area in your home that provides plenty of room to move around. This maximises the benefits of each exercise while also ensuring your safety. An adequately lit and well-ventilated area can also improve the quality of your training.   


2. Gather Basic Equipment  

While strength training mainly uses your body weight, integrating specific tools can improve your workouts.  

  • The exercise mat provides essential cushioning and grip, ensuring stability during training.  
  • Resistance bands or tubing offer dynamic tension exercises that adapt to different strength levels.  
  • Dumbbells, known for their adjustable resistance, can be very useful. As a cost-effective alternative, filled water bottles can serve as starting weights.  


3. Start With A Warm-up  

Every effective workout starts with proper preparation. Before jumping into the main exercise, do stretch exercises before workout for 5-10 mins. Brisk walking or jogging can raise your heart rate and prepare your muscles and joints for the next activity.  


4. Start With Bodyweight Exercises  

These basic yet powerful strength exercises at home rely only on your body weight- 

  • Lunges: This robust exercise is perfect for the legs and glutes. Step forward and be mindful of your form; bend both knees to a right angle.   
  • Squats: Include this in your workout regimen to work your core, shoulders, back, legs, and triceps. You can add weight with light dumbbells.  
  • Planks: This exemplary exercise targets the core muscles. Keep an upright posture from head to toe.   
  • Push-ups: This is a complex exercise for the upper body. For push-ups, if you're starting, it's okay to let your knees down. You're still working out your pectoral muscles. 

Also Read: 15 Plank Exercises For Beginners To Help You Start Your Fitness Transformation Today! 


Top 15 Strength Exercises At Home 


1. Plank 

The plank is a vital core exercise to help you gain better control and balance while running. A strong core improves stability even when navigating uneven surfaces. The plank is a simple exercise involving balancing your forearms and toes to keep your back straight as a plank. 


How to do it? 

  • Imagine drawing your belly button into your spine and using your abdominal muscles properly as you concentrate on maintaining their engagement. 
  • Aim for 30 to 45 seconds over several rounds. 
  • Ultimately, you want to hold it for as long as possible while maintaining the correct shape. 


2. Side Plank 

Side planks are a great strength training exercise for runners. The same concept applies to the regular plank, but now it engages your core and obliques differently. 


How to do it? 

  • Lie on your side with your legs stacked on each other. 
  • Use your right forearm to lift your hips off the ground and keep your head aligned with your torso and ankles. 
  • Place your other hand on your hip to maintain balance and not move or shake. Squeeze your abdominals and hold the position for 30 to 45 seconds. 
  • Keep it longer than that if you can. 


3. Clamshells 

For this exercise, you will need a simple resistance band. Start by wrapping the tape around both legs just below the knees. 


How to do it? 

  • Start on the floor on your side, with your upper thighs and shoulders facing the ceiling. 
  • Your butt will touch the ground. Keep your back straight and feet together, and lift your top knee as high as possible while resisting. 
  • Pause briefly at the top and lower back down under control. 
  • You can aim for 2 to 3 sets of 10 reps on this side and an additional 10 reps before switching. 
  • Clams help strengthen your abductors and hips as you run, giving you stronger hips and increased stability, especially for runners. 


4. Single-Leg Bridge 

It's ideal for any desk-bound worker because it helps strengthen the back area, reduce knee pain, and increase hip mobility, in addition to boosting posture. 


How to do it? 

  • Start lying on your back with your feet on the ground, shoulder-width apart, and your knees bent.  
  • Extend one leg in the air, lift your body, and push off the ground with your leg.  
  • Engage your abs and glutes as you move up, keeping your hips level before returning to the ground.  
  • You can also keep your body upright for 5 to 10 seconds before coming back to the ground to gain more resistance before switching to the other leg. 


5. Standing Calf Raises 

This is a simple runner's strength exercise at home but essential for strengthening calf strength for all. The more intense you are, the less fatigue you will feel while running. For this activity, you will need to locate a high platform or stairs. 


How to do it? 

  • Place your heels hanging over the edge of the platform as you stand there. 
  • Find something stable for balance and lower your heels until you feel a stretch in the back of your calves. 
  • Then, lift your heels as if trying to look over a fence. 
  • Do three sets of 10 repetitions. 


6. Arch Lifting 

It's easy to ignore your feet when training strength, but the more robust your arches, the better they can support them. Your running stride will become stronger and prevent leg fatigue. 


How to do it? 

  • Begin by standing with your feet directly under your hips; this is best done without shoes. 
  • Rotate the arch of your foot upward, keeping your toes and heel on the ground. 
  • Hold at the top for a few seconds without straining your toes before returning to the ground. 
  • Doing three sets of 10 reps will help strengthen your arches. 


7. Half-Knee Hip Flexor Stretch 

Strong hips are paramount for running, and hip flexors can quickly become tense and hyperextended. This exercise helps strengthen your muscles and provides greater strength and stability while running. 


How to do it? 

  • Start kneeling with one foot in front of you and the other knee under your hip. Tighten your abdominals, straighten your back, and move your weight forward until your front thighs start to expand. 
  • Hold this position for 20 to 30 seconds before switching to the other leg. 


8. Alternative Lunges 

It is a good lower body weight training exercise and helps to build strength and power in your quadriceps and glutes, giving you more powerful strides. 


How to do it? 

  • You will begin by standing with your hands on your hips and looking straight ahead. 
  • Bring your right foot forward and lower your body before your opposite knee touches the ground. 
  • Then press through your heel to return to standing before lunging with your left leg. 
  • Alternate between right and left legs and repeat ten times each. 


9. Jump Squats 

This can be done with just your body weight and will help build explosive strength in your lower body. Jump squats are helpful when running up a hill and require more strength for more challenging sections of your run. 


How to do it? 

  • Start by squatting with your feet shoulder-width apart. 
  • You drive through your heels and explode upwards. Once your weight returns to the ground, adjust your weight by returning to the squat position to engage your muscles fully. 
  • This is a great strength training exercise for runners, but make sure you don't let your knees roll in, engage your abs, and keep your head up and your chest forward. 
  • Aim for 3 sets of 10 reps. 


10. Skater Hops 

It is one of the most effective strength exercises at home that helps strengthen your legs and core and improve your balance. 


How to do it? 

  • Start by standing upright, then bend your knees slightly as if you are about to sit down. Then, push off with your right foot and jump a few feet to the left. 
  • Land on your left foot with your right leg swinging behind your left leg. Then, as you swing back, use the momentum from your right leg to push off with your left leg. 
  • You will continue to perform 10 of these lateral jumps on each leg, and the movement will look like the skater is moving from side to side. 


11. Bulgarian Split Squat 

This is similar to a lunge but increases the load on the quadriceps and is a great strength exercise for runners. You will need a raised surface or bench to stand in front of. 


How to do it? 

  • Stand up straight, head up, hands on hips. Start by leaning against the bench with your right foot behind you. 
  • Drop your hips and lower your left leg to about a 90-degree angle, stopping just before your right knee touches the ground. 
  • Then, lift your heels until you return to the starting position and repeat 10 times. , take control before switching to your right leg. 
  • Perform 3 sets. 
  • To make the exercise more difficult, you can hold dumbbells in your hands at your sides. 


12. Arabesque 

This helps activate and condition your hips. It enhances balance, foot strength, and single-leg strength. 


How to do it? 

  • Start by standing on one leg with your hands on your hips, making sure your hips are level and balanced. 
  • You can then spread your arms out to the sides for more balance. 
  • Begin by leaning your torso forward with your non-weight-bearing leg extended behind you. 
  • To gain more control, you may want to slightly bend your knees and keep your back and outstretched legs as level as possible. 
  • Your shoulders, hips, and ankles should be in a straight line and approximately parallel to the floor. 
  • Once you've gone as far forward as possible, return to the starting position and complete eight reps before switching to the other leg. 
  • Perform 2-3 approaches. 
  • Quality is more important than quantity here, so if you can only do 4 or 5, that's okay. 


13. Hip Bridge 

This is another excellent exercise for strengthening your glutes, which are the source of your running power. 


How to do it? 

  • Lie flat on the floor with your knees bent and your feet flat. Raise your hips toward the ceiling while tightening your glutes. 
  • You should have a straight line across your shoulders, hips, and knees. Pause briefly at the highest point and then lower down as you adjust. Do this 12 times, 3 sets. If you feel better, you can add more resistance by pressing a kettlebell or medicine ball against your stomach. 


14. Push-Ups 

This is a classic strength training exercise for runners, and for good reason. Even if you want to focus your strength training on your lower body, you must focus on your upper body. Your arms help guide and propel your body when you run; a solid upper body helps maintain overall balance and stability. 


How to do it? 

  • Start by lying face down on the floor with your palms facing down and your elbows by your sides. 
  • Concentrate on pushing the bottoms of your palms up, stopping just before your elbows spread. 
  • Take back control of your body and stop just before your chest touches the ground. 
  • Keep your elbows close to your sides and be careful not to swing them outward. You can do 10 repetitions in 3 sets. 


15. Squats And Overhead Presses 

Best strength exercises at home like these are full–body exercises that target most muscles and develop strength, explosiveness, and coordination. You will need two dumbbells. 


How to do it? 

  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and place the dumbbells on your shoulders. 
  • Once your thighs are parallel to the floor, stoop down by bending your hips back. 
  • Dumbbells should be pushed overhead and returned to the starting position as you stand up. 
  • Repeat 10 times for 3 sets.  


Also Read: Try 25 Variations Of Squat Workouts With Weights And Know Its Benefits!  


What Are The 5 Exercises Of Starting Strength? 

These five strength training exercises for starting that will work on your entire body:   




How To Do It? 


Regarding cost-effectiveness, squats are the best strength training for beginners. Squats work not only on your legs but also on your core and upper body. 

  • Face forward, and your feet must be slightly wider than your hips. 
  • Look forward and open your arms in front of your body. With your chest up, shoulders, back and abs tense, slowly lower your hips. 
  • Ensure your knees do not press as much as possible in front of your toes; the weight should be on your heels, not your toes. 
  • Standing without bending your back, return to the starting position and complete 15-20 repetitions. 
  • Boost the effect; add a dumbbell to the sides or middle of your chest for extra protection. 
  • You can also use a stability ball to test your form and stability, try sumo squats or engage in lunges. 


Fortunately, millions of variations suit every beginner's needs and comfort levels. 

  • Start in a plank position with your arms and bring down your body until your chest almost touches the floor. 
  • Push yourself back, keeping your body straight with your elbows close to your sides. 
  • Aim to do as many reps as possible. 


Some people love to hate push-ups, but whether you do them on your hands, sides, or forehead, they strengthen your entire body. To do them, bring your body into a push-up position with your hands shoulder-width apart 

  • Keep your belly over your spine to engage your core so you don't fall or float. 
  • Place your shoulders over your wrists and your heels over your ankles. 
  • Hold for 30 seconds, up to several minutes over time. 
  • If you master these movements, you'll have a robust and solid foundation to keep your injury-free and ready for more intense workouts. 

Dead Lifts 

Deadlifts on one leg and both legs while standing help your ankles, knees, hips and back. It also allows you to build strength for heavier body lifts while walking. 

  • Stand with feet hip-width apart, barbell over midfoot, near shins. 
  • Grasp the bar, bending at the hips and knees, with your hands just outside the knees.  
  • Choose overhand or mixed grip for stability.  
  • Keep your back flat, your chest up, your shoulders back, and engage the core.  
  • Stand up, breathe deeply, flex your knees and hips, keeping the bar close.  
  • At the top, shoulders are back, hips extended, and pause briefly. 
  • Lower barbell with controlled movement, maintaining form. 
  • Complete desired reps with proper technique and form. 


Almost everyone works at a desk, and when we bend over the computer, our back muscles weaken. Certain types of rowing (rope, body rowing, bent-over rowing) will improve your posture and protect your back and shoulders in the long run. 

  • Sit on the rowing machine with straight back, knees slightly bent, and feet flat. Adjust seat or footrests as needed. 
  • Grab handles or bars with a shoulder-width grip, either palms up or down.  
  • Start with arms extended in front, leaning forward slightly from hips.  
  • Pull handles towards the upper or lower abdomen, retracting shoulder blades.  
  • Squeeze shoulder blades together, keeping elbows close to the body.  
  • Pause briefly at full contraction.  
  • Slowly extend arms back to the starting position, maintaining tension in back muscles.  
  • Complete desired reps with proper form and technique. 


Also Read: Discover The Most Effective Workout Routine For Back Strength And Posture!  


Expert Advice 

You can see results by staying at home and doing strength training for an hour every day, 5 days a week, without spending money on the gym. Both men and women can do this type of exercise. Warm up before starting this exercise. If you're new to strength training at home, do the exercises right. We recommend consulting with a fitness professional. Contacting a professional is a good idea if you want answers to questions about strength training at home. 

Health Expert 
Lavina Chauhan 



The Final Say 

Indulging in daily strength exercises at home, your workout routine becomes more feasible and beneficial without complicated equipment or a dedicated gym space. If you have a pre-existing medical condition, consult a doctor or professional trainer before incorporating strength exercises at home. Also, if you feel uncomfortable while exercising, stop exercising and seek professional advice. 



1. What is an ideal at-home weight training regime?  

Strength exercises at home for your training regime are:  

  • Squat  
  • Push-up  
  • Bench press  
  • Overhead press  
  • Plank  


2. How can you do weightlifting at home?  

Here is how you can do another form of strength exercise at home, i.e., weightlifting:  

  • Place your feet shoulder-width apart as you stand.   
  • Raise the dumbbells to shoulder height after picking them up.  
  • Lift the dumbbells up above your head and extend your arms completely.  
  • After a brief time spent in this posture, return the weights to shoulder height.   
  • Perform 1-3 sets of 8–12 reps.  


3. Mention the 5 best power exercises to do at home.  

Here some the 5 best at home power exercises:  

  • Glute bridge  
  • Mountain climber  
  • Chair squat  
  • Squat jumps  
  • Burpee  


4. What are the best strength training workouts at home specifically for arms?  

Top at-home strength workout exercises for arms are:  

  • Tricep extension  
  • Bench press  
  • Tricep dips  
  • Dumbbell rows  
  • Planks 




About ToneOp Fit   

ToneOp Fit is a platform dedicated to improving and maintaining good health through a comprehensive range of goal-oriented health plans with up to 3 Coach support. With a range of Weight Management, Medical Condition, Detox Plans, and Face Yoga Plans, the app also provides premium health trackers, recipes and health content. Get customised diet, fitness, naturopathy & yoga plans and transform yourself with ToneOp. 

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