

Practise These 15 Strength Exercises For Weight Loss And Rapid Transformation

Anvesha Chowdhury

Written By :

Anvesha Chowdhury

Lavina Chauhan

Researched By :

Lavina Chauhan


Published on: 24-May-2024


5 min read



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Practise These 15 Strength Exercises For Weight Loss And Rapid Transformation

If you are new to the weight loss journey or want to lose weight, doing some aerobic exercise may be a good idea first. However, while aerobic exercise is effective in burning fat during exercise, strength or weight training is most effective in burning fat after exercise. Strength exercises for weight loss for both men and women are highly effective because it builds muscle mass. This will be explained in more detail below.   


Increasing muscle mass has many benefits for everyone. Research shows that resistance exercise programs are effective and, when combined with a calorie deficit, are ideal for weight loss. A common mistake people make when trying to lose weight is focusing on cardio. However, if you incorporate weight training into your routine, you will see results faster. So, keeping this in mind, read on to learn the best strength training for weight loss in this blog! 


Table Of Contents 

1. Do Strength Exercises Help Lose Weight? 

2. What Is The Best Strength Workout For Weight Loss? 

3. Best 15 Strength Exercises For Weight Loss 

4. Expert’s Advice 

5. The Final Say 

6. FAQs 

7. References 


Do Strength Exercises Help Lose Weight? 

Strength training (sometimes called resistance training or resistance training) may help you lose weight due to its effects on your muscles and metabolism. Lifting weights is best at the gym or at home and doing other resistance exercises can help you build muscle mass. Strength training explicitly challenges the fast-twitch muscle fibres that control strength and strength. Our bodies see improvements in strength, muscle size, and even muscle endurance. 


As muscle mass increases, so does metabolism, which is critical to burning calories. Our resting metabolism is based on lean body mass, primarily muscle. Investing time in developing these muscles can also increase your metabolic rate. This means you burn more calories even when you're not exercising. If the intensity is high enough after exercise, an effect called excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC) occurs. This means an increase in the energy your body uses to recover and return to normal after exercise. You will continue to burn calories during this recovery process.     


Strength training for weight loss can provide better results in the following ways: 

  • As your muscles grow, you burn more calories. So, for every 500 grams of muscle added, you burn about 100 kcal.    
  • Strength training exercises for weight loss helps you lose fat, not valuable muscle.    
  • Strength training to lose fat is endurance strength training. It involves sets of 6 to 8, 15 to 30 repetitions, with short rest (15 to 45 seconds) between sets. It would help if you found a weight heavy enough to take your breath away but light enough to allow you to complete the entire series and number of repetitions. This exercise should last about 30 minutes to an hour.    
  • Exercises that burn the most calories are functional exercises that use large muscles, such as legs, back, chest, and butt = squats, pull-ups, pushups, bench press, and deadlifts. This was followed by exercise (75%) and strength training (25%). After a few weeks, we move to a 50-50 split. 


Also Read: Unlock The Best Exercises For Losing Weight Quickly And A 7-Day Workout Plan! 


Best 15 Strength Exercises For Weight Loss 

Best 15 Strength Exercises For Weight Loss.

After having an idea about strength exercises, let’s have a look at some of the best strength exercises for weight loss that can bring you rapid results:  


1. Plank 

The plank is an essential core exercise to help you gain better control and balance while running. A strong core improves stability even when navigating uneven surfaces. The plank is a simple exercise involving balancing your forearms and toes to keep your back "straight as a plank."  


How To Do This Strength Exercise For Weight Loss? 

  • Imagine drawing your belly button into your spine and using your abdominal muscles properly as you concentrate on maintaining their engagement. 
  • Aim for 30 to 45 seconds over several rounds. 
  • Ultimately, you want to hold it for as long as possible while maintaining the correct shape.     


2. Side Planks 

Side planks are a great strength training exercise for runners. The same concept applies to the regular plank, but now it engages your core and obliques differently.  


How To Do This Strength Exercise For Weight Loss? 

  • Lie on your side with your legs stacked on each other. 
  • Use your right forearm to lift your hips off the ground and keep your head aligned with your torso and ankles. 
  • Place your other hand on your hip to maintain balance and not move or shake. 
  • Squeeze your abdominals and hold the position for 30 to 45 seconds. Keep it longer than that if you can. 


3. Clamshells 

This exercise requires a simple resistance band. Start by wrapping the tape around both legs just below the knees. Clams help strengthen your abductors and hips as you run, giving you stronger hips and increased stability, especially for runners. 


How To Do This Strength Exercise For Weight Loss? 

  • The starting position is on the floor on your side, with your upper thighs and shoulders facing the ceiling. Your butt will touch the ground. 
  • Keep your back straight and feet together and lift your top knee as high as possible while resisting. 
  • Pause briefly at the top and lower back down under control. 
  • You can aim for 2 to 3 sets of 10 reps on this side and an additional 10 reps before switching. 


4. Single-Leg Bridge 

This exercise helps build strength in the glutes and improves hip mobility and lower-back strength. 


How To Do This Strength Exercise For Weight Loss? 

  • Start lying on your back with your feet on the ground, shoulder-width apart, and your knees bent. 
  • Extend one leg in the air, lift your body, and push off the ground with your leg. 
  • Engage your abs and glutes as you move up, keeping your hips level before returning to the ground. 
  • You can also keep your body upright for 5 to 10 seconds before returning to the ground to gain more resistance before switching to the other leg. 


5. Standing Calf Raises 

For runners's strength training, this is a simple yet effective strength exercise for weight loss but an essential exercise for strengthening calf strength. The more intense you are, the less fatigued you will feel while running.   


How To Do This Strength Exercise For Weight Loss? 

  • Place your heels hanging over the platform's edge as you stand there. 
  • Find something stable for balance and lower your heels until you feel a stretch in the back of your calves. 
  • Then, lift your heels as if trying to look over a fence. 
  • Do three sets of 10 repetitions. 


6. Arch Lifting 

It's easy to ignore your feet when training strength, but the more robust your arches, the better they can support them. Your running stride will become stronger and prevent leg fatigue. 


How To Do This Strength Exercise For Weight Loss? 

  • Stand with your feet directly under your hips; best done without shoes. Rotate the arch of your foot upward, keeping your toes and heel on the ground. 
  • Hold at the top for a few seconds without straining your toes before returning to the ground. 
  • Doing three sets of 10 reps will help strengthen your arches. 


7. Half-knee Hip Flexor Stretch 

Strong hips are paramount for running, and hip flexors can quickly become tense and hyperextended. This exercise helps strengthen your muscles and provides greater strength and stability while running. 


How To Do This Strength Exercise For Weight Loss? 

  • Start kneeling with one foot in front of you and the other knee under your hip. 
  • Tighten your abdominals, straighten your back, and move your weight forward until you feel a stretch in the front of your thighs. 
  • Hold this position for 20 to 30 seconds before switching to the other leg. 


8. Alternative Lunges 

These help build strength and power in your quadriceps and glutes, giving you more powerful strides. 


How To Do This Strength Exercise For Weight Loss? 

  • Begin by standing with your hands on your hips and looking straight ahead. 
  • Step your right foot forward and bring your body down before your opposite knee touches the ground. 
  • Then press through your heel to return to standing before lunging with your left leg. 
  • Alternate between right and left legs and repeat ten times each. 


9. Jump squats 

This can be done with just your body weight and will help build explosive strength in your lower body. Jump squats are helpful when running up a hill and require more strength for more challenging sections of your run. 


How To Do This Strength Exercise For Weight Loss? 

  • Start with squatting with your feet shoulder-width apart. 
  • You drive through your heels and explode upwards. Once your weight returns to the ground, adjust your weight by returning to the squat position to engage your muscles fully. 
  • This is a great strength training exercise for runners, but make sure you don't let your knees roll in, engage your abs, and keep your head up and your chest forward. 
  • Aim for three sets of 10 reps. 


10. Skater Hops 

This helps strengthen your legs and core and improve your balance. 


How To Do This Strength Exercise For Weight Loss? 

  • Start by standing upright, then bend your knees slightly as if you are about to sit down. 
  • Then, push off with your right foot and jump a few feet to the left. Land on your left foot with your right leg swinging behind your left leg. 
  • Then, as you swing back, use the momentum from your right leg to push off with your left leg. 
  • You will continue to perform 10 of these lateral jumps on each leg, and the movement will look like the skater is moving from side to side. 


11. Bulgarian Split Squat 

This is similar to a lunge but increases the load on the quadriceps and is a great strength exercise for runners. You will need a raised surface or bench to stand in front of.  


How To Do This Strength Exercise For Weight Loss? 

  • Starting position: Stand up straight, head up, hands on hips. 
  • Start by leaning against the bench with your right foot behind you. 
  • Drop your hips and lower your left leg to about a 90-degree angle, stopping just before your right knee touches the ground. 
  • Then, lift your heels until you return to the starting position and repeat ten times. , take control before switching to your right leg. 
  • Perform three sets. 
  • To make the exercise more difficult, you can hold dumbbells in your hands at your sides. 


12. Arabesque 

This helps activate and condition your hips. Start by standing on one leg with your hands on your hips, making sure your hips are level and balanced. You can then spread your arms out to the sides for more balance. 


How To Do This Strength Exercise For Weight Loss? 

  • Lean your torso forward with your non-weight-bearing leg extended behind you. To gain more control, slightly bend your knees and keep your back and outstretched legs as level as possible. 
  • Your shoulders, hips, and ankles should be aligned straight and parallel to the floor. 
  • Once you've gone as far forward as possible, return to the starting position and complete eight reps before switching to the other leg. 
  • Perform 2-3 approaches. 
  • Quality is more important than quantity here, so if you can only do 4 or 5, that's okay.   


13. Hip Bridge 

This is another excellent exercise for strengthening your glutes, which are the source of your running power. 


How To Do This Strength Exercise For Weight Loss? 

  • Start lying on the floor with your feet flat and your knees bent. Squeeze your glutes, then lift your hips toward the ceiling. 
  • Your hips, knees, and shoulders should be aligned straight. 
  • Pause briefly at the highest point and then lower down as you adjust. 
  • Do this 12 times, three sets. If you feel better, you can add more resistance by pressing a kettlebell or medicine ball against your stomach. 


14. Pushups 

This is a classic strength training exercise for runners, and for good reason. Even if you want to focus your strength training on your lower body, you must focus on your upper body. Your arms help guide and propel your body when you run; a solid upper body helps maintain overall balance and stability. 


How To Do This Strength Exercise For Weight Loss? 

  • Start by lying face down on the floor with your palms facing down and your elbows by your sides. 
  • Concentrate on pushing the bottoms of your palms up, stopping just before your elbows spread. 
  • Take back control of your body and stop just before your chest touches the ground. 
  • Keep your elbows close to your sides and be careful not to swing them outward. 
  • You can do ten repetitions in 3 sets. 


15. Squats And Overhead Presses 

This full-body exercise targets most muscles and develops strength, explosiveness, and coordination. 


How To Do This Strength Exercise For Weight Loss? 

  • Take 2 dumbbells Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and place the dumbbells on your shoulders. 
  • Lean your hips back and lower yourself into a squat until your thighs are parallel to the floor. 
  • As you stand up, push the dumbbells overhead and return them to the starting position. 
  • Repeat ten times for three sets. 


What Is The Best Strength Workout For Weight Loss? 

Compound movement exercises are ideal when choosing exercises to help you lose weight, especially when it comes to strength exercises for weight loss for beginners. Compound movements involve the simultaneous movement of multiple joints, meaning that various muscles or muscle groups are involved. This results in a higher calorie burn from the exercise, which means you don't have to exercise as much to exercise your entire body.     


In addition to challenging exercises, it's helpful to choose a variety of movements that help you work out your entire body. Incorporating pushes, pulls, twists, squats, lunges and rotations into every exercise will keep your training program effective and balanced. Here are some examples of such moves: 


Pushup Movement 



Start in a high plank position with your hands under your shoulders and your feet shoulder-width apart. Your body should form a straight line from head to toe throughout the movement. Bend your elbows and bring down your chest to the ground, keeping your abs and glutes tight. Exhale as you rise to the starting position. 

Slowly lower down (about 4 seconds), stop at the bottom, hold for 2 seconds, and press up after 1 second. 

Start with pushups on an elevated surface, such as a wall, counter, or bench. The further down you go, the more difficult this move becomes. 

Suspension Trainer Row 



Face the anchor and hold the strap with your palms facing each other. Start with your arms straight and tension on the rope, then lean back and move your feet forward until you stand at an angle. Your body should remain in a straight line. Pull your body toward the anchor, keeping your elbows closed. Row until your wrists are close to your chest while you squeeze your shoulder blades together at the top. Slowly return to the starting position. 

1 second to rise, hold for 2 seconds at the top point, and 4 seconds to lower to the starting position.   

To make this movement more difficult, walk your feet toward the anchor. 


Glute Bridge 



Lay flat on your back with your feet shoulder-distance apart, knees bent, and arms on your sides, palms facing up. Tighten your glutes and raise your hips to make your shoulders, hips, and knees straight. Then, bring your body down to the initial position.   

1 second to rise, hold for 2 seconds at the top point, and 4 seconds to lower to the starting position.   

Lift your legs at the top of the movement. The goal is to keep your hips neutral at all times. 


Ball Squats 



Lean the ball against the wall and place it on your lower back. Lower your hips straight into a squat until your thighs parallel the ground. To get up, clench your buttocks and press through your heels. 

4 seconds to lower to squat, 2 seconds to squat, 1 second to stand. 

Proceed into free squats with good form (not leaning too far forward or too far back). 


Step up to balance Stairs 



To start, choose 8 to 12 inches tall stairs. Step forward and lift your opposite knee to hip height. Squeeze your hips with your standing leg while balancing. Lower your body fully to the starting position. 

1 second to go up, 2 seconds to balance and maintain balance at the top, 4 seconds to go down. 

Gradually increase step height or change the plane of movement (forward, sideways, rotation). 


Pall of Press Exercise 



As you grasp the wire or band, ensure your arms are straight and parallel to the band. Your feet should be shoulder-width apart, you should have good posture, and your hips and abs should be strong. Pull the handle close to your body and press down to prevent your body from rotating. 

4 seconds to pull the handle toward you, 1 second to push it back, 2 seconds to hold the arm straight. 

Narrow the base and eventually progress to standing on one leg while doing the press. You will be standing on the foot closest to the anchor. 

Also Read: Power Twister Workout: Benefits, Best Exercises, Target Muscles And A Beginner's Routine Guide  


Expert’s Advice 

Building muscle is an investment in higher metabolism, essential to burning body fat and staying lean more easily. By incorporating strength training into your exercise regimen, you'll notice improvements over time, and it will impact your strength and coordination, as well as your fitness level and appearance. It takes time to achieve results, but you can lose weight and feel better with consistency and determination. Ultimately, the best type of exercise is one you can do weekly. Choosing a form of exercise that you enjoy will keep you motivated and best contribute to your weight loss goals. 

Health Expert 
Lavina Chauhan 


The Final Say 

Strength training is essential for weight loss because it helps burn fat while maintaining or increasing muscle strength and size. A regimen combining strength training, HIIT, cardio, and rest is proven effective by boosting your metabolism and burning extra calories after exercise. Of course, eating a balanced diet is also essential. Consult your doctor before starting a strength training program if you have concerns.   



1. What are the best strength exercises for weight loss? 

The best strength exercises for weight loss are 

  • Burpees 
  • Push-up 
  • Bench press 
  • Barbell squat 
  • Barbell deadlift 


2. Mention 5 strength and conditioning workout for weight loss. 

5 strength and conditioning workout for weight loss are: 

  • Plank 
  • Pullups 
  • Squats 
  • Step-up 
  • Deadlifts 


3. What are the best strength exercises for weight loss with weights? 

Best strength exercises for weight loss with weights are: 

  • Lunges 
  • Dumbbell flys 
  • Overhead press 
  • Squats 
  • Kettleball-swings 
  • Bicep curls 


4. Mention some of the best types of strength training for weight loss. 

The best type of strength training for weight loss are: 

  • Skipping 
  • Cardio 
  • Yoga 
  • Glute bridge 
  • Bent rows 




About ToneOp Fit   

ToneOp Fit is a platform dedicated to improving and maintaining good health through a comprehensive range of goal-oriented health plans with up to 3 Coach support. With a range of Weight Management, Medical Condition, Detox Plans, and Face Yoga Plans, the app also provides premium health trackers, recipes and health content. Get customised diet, fitness, naturopathy & yoga plans and transform yourself with ToneOp. 

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