

20 Best Stretch Exercises After A Workout For Full-Body Recovery!

Mahi Baraskar

Written By :

Mahi Baraskar

Mahi Baraskar

Researched By :

Mahi Baraskar


Published on : 03-May-2024


5 min read



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20 Best Stretch Exercises After A Workout For Full-Body Recovery!

Just as you let your phone charge overnight to ensure it functions optimally the next day, incorporating post-exercise stretches into your fitness routine is akin to giving your muscles the recharge they need after exertion. Despite its significance in regular physical activity, many overlook the importance of stretching exercises after a workout, dismissing it as an optional add-on.  Also, when you invest a lot of time into a workout, giving an extra 15 minutes to get those stretch exercises after one becomes difficult. However, many benefits entail stretching exercises after a workout. 


To understand more, here’s a guide on how post-workout stretches for the full body can help you gain many benefits, along with a list of 20 after-workout stretches that are best post-workout. Let’s begin! 


Table Of Contents 

1. Is Stretching Good After A Workout? 

2. 20 Stretch Exercises After Workout 

3. How To Stretch Properly After A Workout? 

4. The Final Say 

5. FAQs 

6. References 


Is Stretching Good After A Workout? 


Serving as a bridge between the intensity of exercise and the return to a resting state, stretch exercises after a workout offer many physical and mental health benefits. It helps to improve flexibility by elongating the muscles that have contracted during exercise. This can enhance the overall range of motion and reduce the injury risk by preventing muscles from becoming overly tight and aiding in muscle toning. Also, post-workout stretching aids recovery by promoting blood flow to tired muscles, which can help reduce soreness and stiffness.  


Beyond its physical benefits, stretch exercises after a workout also encourage relaxation and can serve as a mental cool-down after intense physical activity, promoting wellness and reducing stress. Thus, stretching into your post-workout routine enhances physical performance and contributes to a holistic approach to fitness and wellness. 


Also Read: Explore 12 Targeted Stretch Exercises For Back Pain Relief With Benefits! 


20 Stretch Exercises After Workout 

20 Stretch Exercises After Workout

Let’s explore the best-targeted stretch exercises after a workout to help your muscles release tension and prepare for the next day: 

1. Buttock Stretch 

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Stretching the buttock muscles after a workout helps to alleviate tension and tightness in the glutes, which can occur from activities like running, cycling, or weightlifting. This stretch targets muscles such as the gluteus maximus, medius, and minimus, promoting increased flexibility and reducing the risk of post-workout soreness or discomfort.  


Steps to perform the Buttock Stretch after the workout: 


1. Lie with both knees bent and cross one ankle over the opposite knee, creating a figure-four shape with your legs. 

2. Reach your hands through the gap between your legs and clasp your hands behind the thigh of the bent leg. 

3. Gently pull the bent knee towards your chest until you feel a stretch in the buttock of the crossed leg. 

4. Hold the stretch, then release and switch legs, repeating to stretch both buttocks evenly. 


2. Toe Touch 

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The toe touch stretch targets the hamstrings and back muscles, which can become tight from running, jumping, or weightlifting. Performing this stretch after a workout helps improve the hamstrings' flexibility and reduce the risk of muscle stiffness or tightness. Elongating the muscles along the back of the legs and spine promotes better posture and range of motion. 


Steps to perform the Toe Touch after the workout: 


1. Stand with your hips, feet distant and knees slightly bent. 

2. Slowly hinge forward at the hips, reaching your hands to toes with your back straight. 

3. If you can't touch your toes, that's okay. Just reach your comfort pose while feeling a stretch in the hamstrings and lower back. 

4. Hold the stretch, then slowly roll back up to standing, allowing the spine to stack vertebra by vertebra. 


3. Inner Thigh Stretch 

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Stretching the inner thigh muscles after a workout helps to improve flexibility and reduce the tightness risk or discomfort in the groin area. This stretch before workouts for thighs targets muscles such as the adductors, which can become tight from activities like squatting, lunging, or running. By increasing flexibility in the inner thighs, this stretch also enhances overall lower body mobility and function. 


Steps to perform the Inner Thigh Stretch after the workout: 


1. Sit with your legs straight out and open your legs into a wide straddle position, as wide as you comfortably can. 

2. Keeping your back straight, slowly hinge at the hips, reaching your hands to the floor between your legs. 

3. Hold the stretch, feeling a gentle stretch along the inner thighs. 

4. To deepen the stretch, walk your hands forward or gently press down on your knees. 


4. Puppy Pose 

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This pose stretch targets the chest, shoulders, and upper back muscles, which can become tight from weightlifting or prolonged sitting. Performing this stretch after a workout helps open the shoulders and chest, improving posture and reducing shoulder injuries. By stretching the muscles along the front of the body, this pose also helps to counteract the effects of forward-leaning movements


Steps to perform the Puppy Pose after workout: 


1. Start on your knees in a top position, with your knees under your hips and arms and wrists under your shoulders. 

2. Take your hands forward, lowering your chest while keeping your hips stacked over your knees. 

3. Allow your forehead to rest on the mat or a block if it reaches, and relax your chest towards the ground, feeling a stretch in the chest, shoulders, and upper back. 

4. Hold the stretch, breathing deeply and relaxing your muscles into the pose. 


5. Samson Stretch 

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The Samson stretch targets the hip flexors, quadriceps, and chest muscles, eventually becoming tight from running, cycling, or weightlifting. This stretch helps alleviate tension and improve flexibility in these muscles, reducing the risk of post-workout stiffness or discomfort. By stretching the muscles along the front of the body, the Samson stretch also promotes better hip mobility and overall lower body function. 


Steps to perform the Samson Stretch after the workout: 


1. Start in a lunge position, with the knee bent at a 45 or 90-degree angle and the other knee resting on the ground. 

2. Engage your core and tilt your pelvis slightly forward to deepen the hip flexors and quadriceps stretch. 

3. Reach both arms overhead and lean back slightly, feeling a stretch in the chest and shoulders. 

4. Hold the stretch, then alternate legs and repeat the other side, alternating to stretch both sides evenly. 


Also Read: Weekend Exercises: Boost Your Fitness Levels With These 8 Fun Workouts 


6. Lying Pectoral Stretch 

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The lying pectoral stretch targets the chest muscles, specifically the pectoralis major and minor, which can become tight and shortened from exercises like bench presses or push-ups. Performing this stretch after a workout helps to alleviate tension in the chest muscles, reducing the risk of post-workout stiffness or discomfort. 


Steps to perform the Lying Pectoral Stretch after the workout: 


1. Lie flat and extend your arms at shoulder height, palms facing up. 

2. Slowly lower your arms towards the floor, allowing gravity to gently stretch the chest muscles. 

3. Hold the stretch, focusing on relaxing and breathing deeply into the stretch. 

4. To deepen the stretch, place a rolled-up towel or yoga mat for support under your upper back.


7. Calf Stretch 

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Stretching the calf muscles after a workout helps to alleviate tension and tightness in the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles, which can become shortened from activities like running or jumping. This stretch targets the back of the lower leg muscles, reducing the risk of post-workout cramping or discomfort. 


Steps to perform the Calf Stretch after the workout: 


1. Stand facing a wall with one foot forward and the other back, keeping both feet flat. 

2. On the wall, place your hands at shoulder height for support. 

3. Keeping the back leg straight and the heel pressed into the ground, bend the front knee slightly until you feel a stretch in the calf of the back leg. 

4. Hold the stretch, then switch legs and repeat on the other side, ensuring both calves are stretched evenly. 

5. For a deeper stretch, lean your hips forward slightly or bend the back knee slightly. 


8. Arm & Wrist Stretch 

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Stretching the arms and wrists after a workout helps release tightness in the muscles and joints, reducing the risk of post-workout soreness or discomfort. This stretch targets muscles such as the triceps, biceps, and forearms, as well as the wrist flexors and extensors, especially before the compound movement exercises


Steps to perform the Arm & Wrist Stretch after the workout: 


1. Extend one arm straight out at shoulder height, palm facing down. 

2. Use your other hand to gently pull the extended arm fingers towards you, feeling a stretch in the wrist and forearm. 

3. Hold the stretch, then release and switch arms, repeating on the other side. 

4. For an additional stretch, you can also rotate your wrist to point the fingers towards the ceiling and repeat the stretch. 


9. Figure Four Stretch 

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The figure four stretch targets the hip muscles, including the glutes and piriformis, which can become tight and shortened from running or cycling. This stretch reduces tension in the hip muscles, reducing the risk of post-workout stiffness or discomfort. 


Steps to perform the Figure Four Stretch after the workout: 


1. Lie flat and bend your knees, plus place your feet flat.  

2. Cross your right ankle over your left knee, creating a 4 figure shape with your legs. 

3. Reach your hands through the gap between your legs and clasp your hands behind the thigh of the left leg. 

4. Gently pull the left knee towards your chest until you feel a stretch in the right glute and hip. 

5. Hold the stretch, then release and switch legs, repeating on the other side. 


10. Wrist Extension Stretch 

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Stretching the wrists after a workout helps to alleviate tension and tightness in the wrist flexors and extensors, reducing the risk of post-workout soreness or discomfort. This stretch targets the muscles and tendons of the wrists and forearms, which can become tight from activities like weightlifting or typing. 


Steps to perform the Wrist Extension Stretch after the workout: 


1. Extend one arm straight at shoulder height, facing down, and use your other hand to gently press down on the fingers, feeling a stretch in the wrist and forearm. 

2. Hold the stretch, then release and switch arms, repeating on the other side. 

3. For a better stretch, you can also rotate your wrist to point the fingers towards the ceiling. 


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11. Child’s Pose 

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After a workout, the Child’s Pose stretch is excellent for targeting the lower back, hips, and thigh muscles. It helps to release tightness in these areas, promoting relaxation and aiding muscle recovery. By gently stretching the hips, this pose also helps to improve spine flexibility and reduce the risk of post-workout stiffness or discomfort. 


Steps to perform the Child’s Pose after workout: 


1. Start on your knees, with knees under your hips and wrists under your shoulders. 

2. Sit back onto your heels, lowering your chest and extending your arms before you. 

3. Rest your forehead on a block if it reaches, and relax your arms alongside your body. 


12. Seated Spinal Twist 

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This twisted stretch is beneficial after a workout for targeting the spine, shoulders, and hip muscles. It helps to release tension in these areas, promoting improved spinal mobility and reducing the risk of post-workout stiffness or discomfort. 


Steps to perform the Seated Spinal Twist after workout: 


1. Sit with your legs straight. Bend your right knee and cross it over the other leg, placing your right foot flat outside your left knee. 

2. Right twist your torso, placing your left elbow on the right knee and gently pressing to deepen the stretch. 

3. Hold the stretch, switch sides and repeat on the other side, twisting your torso to the left. 


13. Hip Opener 

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After a workout, the hip opener stretch is beneficial for targeting the hip muscles, including the hip flexors and external rotators. It helps to release tightness in these areas, promoting improved hip mobility and reducing the risk of post-workout stiffness or discomfort. By opening up the hips, this stretch also helps to reduce lower back strain and improve lower body function.


Steps to perform the Hip Opener after the workout: 


1. Start seated with your feet flat and knees bent. 

2. Place the sole of your right foot on the inside of your left thigh. 

3. Keep your left foot flat and your left knee pointing forward. 

4. Lean forward slightly, feeling a stretch in the outer hip of the right leg. 

5. Hold the stretch, then switch sides and repeat on the other side, stretching both hips evenly. 


14. Seated Neck Stretch 

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After a workout, the seated neck stretch is beneficial for targeting the neck and shoulder muscles. It helps to release tension in these areas, promoting relaxation and reducing the risk of post-workout soreness or discomfort. Gentle stretching of the neck muscles also helps to alleviate strain from activities like weightlifting or cycling. 


Steps to perform the Seated Neck Stretch after the workout: 


1. Sit tall with your spine straight and shoulders relaxed. 

2. Tilt your head, bringing your ear to your shoulder until you feel a stretch in the side of your neck. 

3. Use your hand on the same side to gently press down on the opposite shoulder, increasing the stretch. 


15. Iron Cross 

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After a workout, the Iron Cross stretch targets the lower back, hips, and shoulder muscles. It helps to release tension in these areas, promoting relaxation and aiding muscle recovery. By gently stretching the spine, this pose also helps to improve hip flexibility and reduce the risk of post-workout stiffness or discomfort. 


Steps to perform the Iron Cross after workout: 


1. Lie flat and extend your arms to the sides, palms facing down. 

2. Lift your legs and bend your knees to a 90-degree angle. 

3. Keeping your shoulders grounded, slowly lower your legs until they reach the floor or a comfortable distance. 

4. Hold the stretch, then return to the centre, stretching both sides evenly. 


Also Read: 6 Best Resistance Band Exercises For Legs: Tone Your Legs In 2 Weeks! 


16. Side Lunge Stretch 

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After a workout, the side lunge stretches target the inner thighs, groin, and hip muscles. It helps to release tension in these areas, promoting improved flexibility and reducing the risk of post-workout stiffness or discomfort. Stretching the muscles also helps improve hip mobility and lower body function


Steps to perform the Side Lunge Stretch after the workout: 


1. Start standing with your feet away than hip distance. 

2. Shift your weight, bending that knee and lowering your body into a lunge position. 

3. Keep the other leg straight and extended, feeling a stretch along the inner thigh and groin. 


17. Biceps Stretch 

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After a workout, the biceps stretch targets the upper arm muscles, specifically the biceps brachii. It helps to release tightness in these muscles, promoting relaxation and reducing the risk of post-workout soreness or discomfort. Stretching the biceps also helps to improve flexibility and range of motion in the arms. 


Steps to perform the Biceps Stretch after the workout: 


1. Stand tall with extended one arm at shoulder height, palm facing up. 

2. Use your other hand to gently pull the fingers of the extended arm, feeling a stretch in the biceps. 

3. Hold the stretch, then release and switch arms, repeating as required. 


18. Cross-Body Shoulder Stretch 

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After a workout, the cross-body shoulder stretch targets the shoulders and upper back muscles. It helps to release tightness in these areas, promoting relaxation and reducing the risk of post-workout stiffness or discomfort.  


Steps to perform the Cross-Body Shoulder Stretch after workout: 


1. Stand tall with your feet within shoulder distance. 

2. Extend one arm across your body at shoulder height, keeping it straight. 

3. Use your other hand to gently pull the extended arm towards your chest, feeling a stretch in the shoulder and upper back. 


19. Cobra Pose 

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After a workout, the cobra pose targets the back muscles, including the latissimus dorsi and erector spinae. It helps to release tightness in these muscles, promoting improved flexibility and reducing the risk of post-workout stiffness or discomfort. By opening the chest and stretching the spine, this pose helps improve posture and ease the strain on the lower back. 


Steps to perform the Cobra Pose after workout: 


1. Lie face down with your legs extended and the tops of your feet resting.  

2. Place your hands under your shoulders and elbows close to your body. 

3. Press into your hands and lift your chest, keeping your hips and legs grounded. 

4. Draw your shoulder blades down and back, opening the chest and gently arching your back. 


20. Kneeling Hip Flexor Stretch 

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After a workout, the kneeling hip flexor targets the muscles at the front of the hips, including the hip flexors and quadriceps. It helps to release tightness in these muscles, promoting improved hip mobility and reducing the risk of post-workout stiffness or discomfort. Stretching the hip flexors also helps to alleviate strain on the lower back. 


Steps to perform the Kneeling Hip Flexor Stretch after the workout: 


1. Kneel on the ground with one knee bent in front of you and the other on the surface behind you. 

2. Keep your torso upright and engage your core. 

3. Gently press your hips forward, feeling a stretch in the front of the hip of the back leg. 

4. Hold the stretch, then switch legs, stretching hip flexors evenly. 


Also Read: 15 High-Impact Standing Ab Exercises For Maximum Core Activation! 


How To Stretch Properly After A Workout? 


Though selecting the right stretch exercises after a workout is essential, doing them properly is also necessary for better efficiency. So, have a look at these steps for reference and customise it basis your capacity and need: 



Action Step 


Warm Up 

Begin with light aerobic activity such as brisk walking for 5-10 minutes to increase the body's blood flow and warm up muscles.  

Avoid static stretching when muscles are cold, as it can lead to injury. 

Target Major Muscle Groups 

Focus on stretching major muscle groups, including hamstrings, quadriceps, calves, chest, back, and shoulders. 

Hold each stretch to allow muscles to relax and lengthen. 

Hold Each Stretch 

Gently stretch each muscle to the point of tension, not pain, and hold the position without bouncing. 

Remember to breathe slowly throughout each stretch to promote relaxation. 

Gradually Increase Intensity 

Slowly increase the intensity of each stretch as muscles begin to relax, but avoid pushing too hard. 

Listen to your body's cues and stop if you feel any sharp pain or discomfort. 

Cool Down 

Finish with light stretching or yoga poses to promote relaxation and reduce muscle soreness. 

Incorporate leg swings or arm circles to transition from static stretching to restorative movements. 

Hydrate and Replenish 

Drink water to rehydrate and replenish electrolytes lost during exercise to aid in muscle recovery. 

Aim to drink at least 8 ounces of water within 30 minutes of completing your workout. 


Remember, proper stretching after a workout can enhance flexibility, reduce muscle stiffness, and improve overall recovery. Make it a regular post-exercise routine to optimise your fitness results and prevent injury. 


The Final Say 


In the end, remember incorporating stretch exercises into your post-workout routine promotes flexibility, reduces muscle tension, and enhances overall recovery. Dedicating just a few extra minutes to stretching can help prevent injury, improve your range of motion, and optimise your performance in future workouts. So, make stretching a priority after each session to reap the full benefits of your hard work and keep your body feeling strong, supple, and ready for whatever challenges. 



1. Is stretching after a workout good or bad? 

Stretching after a workout is generally considered good. It helps improve flexibility, reduce muscle tension, and may prevent injury. However, the type and intensity of stretching should be appropriate to avoid overstretching or harm. 


2. What are the best stretch exercises after a workout for your legs? 

Some effective leg stretches after a workout include hamstring, quad, calf, and hip flexor stretches. Examples include standing hamstring stretch, seated quad stretch, calf stretch against a wall, and hip flexor stretch. 


3. What are some notable benefits of stretching after a workout? 

Stretching after a workout can improve flexibility, increase range of motion, enhance blood circulation to muscles, reduce muscle stiffness and tension, and promote relaxation. It may also aid in preventing muscle imbalances and injury. 


4. What are the preferred post-workout stretches for the upper body? 

For the upper body, consider stretches like shoulder stretches (e.g., cross-body arm stretch, overhead triceps stretch), chest stretches (e.g., doorway stretch), upper back stretches (e.g., seated spinal twist), and arm stretches (e.g., triceps stretch). 


5. How can I do stretching after a workout for muscle growth? 

While stretching after a workout primarily focuses on flexibility and recovery, it can indirectly support muscle growth by improving muscle function and reducing the risk of injury. Pair stretching with a balanced strength training routine and adequate nutrition for optimal muscle growth. 


6. How does an after-exercise stretch routine prevent muscle soreness?  

Stretching after a workout reduces muscle soreness by promoting blood flow to the major muscles, which aids in the removal of lactic acid. It also helps prevent muscle stiffness and tension, reducing delayed-onset muscle soreness (DOMS). 




About ToneOp Fit  

ToneOp Fit is a platform dedicated to improving and maintaining good health through a comprehensive range of goal-oriented health plans with up to 3 Coach support. With a range of Weight Management, Medical Condition, Detox Plans, and Face Yoga Plans, the app also provides premium health trackers, recipes and health content. Get customised diet, fitness, naturopathy & yoga plans and transform yourself with ToneOp.  

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