

Top 20 Stretch Exercises For Whole Body For Beginners With A Routine!

Mahi Baraskar

Written By :

Mahi Baraskar

Mahi Baraskar

Researched By :

Mahi Baraskar


Published on : 04-May-2024


5 min read



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Top 20 Stretch Exercises For Whole Body For Beginners With A Routine!

Engaging in the best stretch exercises for the whole body might seem daunting for beginners. However, starting with simple and gentle stretches can gradually build confidence and pave the way for more advanced routines. These best stretching exercises for full-body target muscle groups from head to toe, improve flexibility and promote better posture alignment, your body’s blood circulation, and relaxation. Moreover, incorporating full-body stretching exercises into daily training routines is optional for specialised equipment or a significant time investment. 


Whether you aim to alleviate muscle tension, enhance athletic performance, or gain a deeper connection with your body, integrating a full-body stretching routine into your daily regimen can yield numerous benefits. So, let's explore the best stretch exercises for the whole body with a sample full-body stretching routine and learn its benefits for improving flexibility for beginners. 


Table Of Contents 

1. 20 Stretch Exercises For Whole Body 

2. How To Stretch Full Body For Beginners? Full-Body Stretching Routine For Beginners 

3. Can Stretching Improve Body Shape? 

4. How To Train Full Body Flexibility? 

5. The Final Say 

6. FAQs 

7. References 


20 Stretch Exercises For Whole Body 

20 Stretch Exercises For Whole Body

Let’s explore the best stretch exercises for the whole body to strengthen and give flexibility to your muscles for better workout results: 


1. Scissor Hamstring Stretch 


This dynamic stretch primarily targets the hamstrings, aiding in lengthening these muscles to improve flexibility and reduce stiffness. Additionally, it engages the lower back, glutes, and calves, promoting better overall lower-body mobility. 


Steps to perform this stretch exercise: 


1. Sit with legs extended straight in front, ensuring your spine is tall and shoulders relaxed. 

2. Spread your legs apart, maintaining a slight knee bend to prevent strain. 

3. Hinge forward from your hips, keeping your back flat and core engaged. Reach your hands toward one foot, feeling the stretch along the back of the thigh. 


2. Twisted Glute Stretch 


This seated stretch primarily targets the gluteus maximus and medius, along with the lower back and hip flexors. Gently twisting the torso and hips helps release tension in these areas, promoting improved hip mobility and reducing discomfort. 


Steps to perform this stretch exercise: 


1. Sit with your legs straight, maintaining a tall spine and relaxed shoulders. 

2. Cross your right knee over the left, placing the right foot flat outside the left knee. 

3. Slowly twist your right torso, placing your left elbow on the outside of the right knee for support, and gently press into the twist until you feel a comfortable stretch in the right glute and lower back. 


3. Seated Leg Cradle Stretch 


The seated leg cradle stretch targets the hips, hamstrings, and lower back, relieving tightness and improving flexibility. Pulling the knee towards the chest while seated elongates the muscles along the back of the leg and hip, promoting a better motion range and reducing injury chances.


Steps to perform this stretch exercise: 


1. Sit with your legs straight, maintaining a tall spine and relaxed shoulders. 

2. Cross your right knee over the left leg, keeping the right foot flat outside the left knee. 

3. Reach your arms between your legs, clasping your hands behind the right knee, and gently pull the knee to the chest until you feel a stretch along the outer hip and glute. 


4. Supine Cow Face Stretch 


The supine cow face stretches target the hips, glutes, and outer thighs, helping to release tension and improve flexibility. By lying on your back and crossing one leg over the other, you can deepen the stretch in the outer hip and glute muscles, promoting better hip mobility and reducing discomfort. 


Steps to perform this stretch exercise: 


1. Start by laying on your back with your feet flat on the floor, ensuring your spine is neutral and shoulders relaxed. 

2. Cross your right leg over the left, stacking the knees and ankles, and flex both feet to protect the knees. 

3. Reach your arms through the space between your legs, clasping your hands around the back of your left thigh, and gently draw both knees towards your chest until you feel a stretch along the outer right hip and glute. 


5. Modified Pigeon Stretch 


The modified pigeon stretch primarily targets the hip flexors, glutes, and lower back, helping to release tension and improve flexibility. By performing this stretch in a modified position, with one leg extended behind and the other bent in front, you can deepen the stretch in the hip and glute muscles, promoting better hip mobility and reducing discomfort. 


Steps to perform this stretch exercise:


1. Begin kneeling with your hands placed on the floor before you for support, ensuring your spine is neutral and shoulders relaxed.   

2. Bring forward your right knee and place it on the floor in line with your right hand, positioning your right foot under your left hip. 

3. Extend your left leg straight behind you, keeping your hips square, and slowly lower your upper body until you feel a stretch along the outer right hip and glute. 


Also Read: 20 Best Stretch Exercises After A Workout For Full-Body Recovery! 


6. Low Back Knee-Hug Stretch 


The low-back knee-hug stretch is an excellent exercise for improving flexibility and mobility throughout the entire body. It primarily targets the lower back muscles, hamstrings, and glutes, helping to alleviate tension and improve posture. Bringing the knees close to the chest also stretches the hip flexors and promotes relaxation in the lower body. 


Steps to perform this stretch exercise: 


1. Lay on your back with your legs straightened

2. Bend one knee and hug it towards your chest, holding onto the shin or knee. 

3. Hold the stretch, feeling a gentle pull in the lower back and hamstring. 


7. Side Lying Quad Stretch 


The side-lying quad stretch is beneficial for increasing flexibility in the quadriceps while also engaging the core muscles for stability. This stretch targets the front of the thigh, hip flexors, and the specific muscles surrounding the knee joint. It helps to relieve tightness in the quadriceps, which can contribute to knee and hip discomfort. 


Steps to perform this stretch exercise: 


1. Lie on one side with your bottom leg bent for stability and your top leg extended straight. 

2. Reach back and grab the ankle or foot of the top leg. 

3. Gently pull the heel towards the glutes until you feel a stretch in the front of the thigh. 


8. Child Pose Stretch With Reach 


The child pose stretch with reach is an effective full-body stretch that targets the back, shoulders, hips, and thighs. It helps to lengthen the spine, release lower back tension, and improve shoulder and hip flexibility. By reaching the arms forward, it also engages the upper back muscles and promotes relaxation throughout the body. 


Steps to perform this stretch exercise: 


1. Start on your hands and knees with your toes touching and knees apart. 

2. Sit back on your heels, reaching your arms forward as you lower your chest towards the floor. 

3. Keep reaching your arms forward while pressing your hips back towards your heels. 


9. Crossbody Shoulder Stretch 


The crossbody shoulder stretch is excellent for releasing tension in the shoulders, upper back, and neck, making it beneficial for people with long hours sitting or working at a computer. Crossing one arm over the body and gently pulling it towards the chest stretches the shoulder and upper back muscles, promoting better posture and reducing stiffness. 


Steps to perform this stretch exercise: 


1. Stand or sit tall with your shoulders relaxed. 

2. Reach one arm across your body, placing the hand on the opposite shoulder. 

3. Use your other hand to gently pull the elbow towards the chest until you feel a stretch in the shoulder and upper back. 


10. Standing Pecs Stretch 


The standing pecs stretch targets the chest muscles and the front of the shoulders, helping to counteract the forward rounding posture often associated with sitting for long periods. Opening the shoulders and chest improves posture, reduces tension in the upper body, and enhances overall mobility and range of motion. 


Steps to perform this stretch exercise: 


1. Stand with your feet hip-width distant. 

2. Interlace your fingers behind your back or clasp your hands together. 

3. Straighten your arms and lift them slightly away from your body as you gently squeeze your shoulder blades together. 


Also Read: Try These 15 Best Stretch Exercises Before Workout For Full-Body Efficiency! 


11. Grounded Tipover Tuck Stretch 


The grounded tip-over tuck stretch is a beneficial exercise for improving flexibility and mobility throughout the entire body. It primarily targets the hamstrings, lower back, and shoulders, helping to release tension and increase the range of motion. It also stretches the spine, hips, and calves by folding forward and reaching the ground, promoting relaxation and improved posture. 


Steps to perform this stretch exercise: 


1. Start seated with your legs extended in front of you. 

2. Bend your knees and bring your torso towards your thighs, reaching your arms forward. 

3. Allow your head to relax towards the ground and hold the stretch, feeling a gentle pull in your hamstrings and lower back. 


12. Cross Legs IT-Band Stretch 


The cross-legs IT-band stretch effectively targets the iliotibial (IT) band, a thick tissue band that runs along the outside of the thigh. Crossing one leg over the other and leaning to the side stretches the IT band, outer thigh, and glutes, helping to alleviate tightness and discomfort in the hips and knees. This stretch also engages the core muscles for stability and balance.


Steps to perform this stretch exercise: 


1. Sit on the surface with your legs extended before you. 

2. Cross one leg, placing the foot flat on the plain surface. 

3. Lean towards the side of the crossed leg, reaching the opposite arm overhead. 


13. Twisted Hip Flexors Stretch 


Twisted hip flexor stretch is beneficial for releasing tension in the hip flexor muscles while also stretching the muscles of the lower back and spine. Twisting the torso while in a lunge position targets the hip flexors, quadriceps, and obliques, improving flexibility and mobility in the pelvis and hips. This stretch can help alleviate tightness and discomfort associated with prolonged sitting or physical activity. 


Steps to perform this stretch exercise: 


1. Start in a lunge position by keeping one foot forward and the opposite knee resting on the ground. 

2. Place your hands on your hips and twist your torso towards the front leg, keeping the opposite elbow on the outside of the knee. 

3. Hold the stretch, feeling a gentle twist through the torso and a stretch in the hip flexors. 


14. Inner-Thigh Straddle Stretch 


The inner-thigh straddle stretch is excellent for increasing flexibility in the adductor muscles of the inner thighs, hamstrings, and groin. Sitting in a wide-legged straddle position and reaching towards each foot stretches the inner thighs and groin area, promoting better hip mobility and range of motion. This stretch also helps to improve posture and alleviate tightness in the lower body. 


Steps to perform this stretch exercise: 


1. Sit on a plain surface with your legs extended wide apart in a straddle position. 

2. Keep your back straight and hinge forward at the hips, reaching your hands towards one foot. 

3. Hold the stretch, feeling a gentle pull along the inner thigh. 


15. Adductor Stretch In Side Lunge 


The adductor stretch in a side lunge is beneficial for targeting the adductor muscles of the inner thighs, hips and groin. Lunging to the side and shifting your weight onto one leg with the other leg straight stretches the inner thigh muscles, improving flexibility and mobility in the hips. This stretch also helps to alleviate tightness and discomfort in the groin area. 


Steps to perform this stretch exercise: 


1. Start standing with your feet farther than hip-width apart. 

2. Shift your weight to one side and bend the knee with your other leg straight. 

3. Lower your body towards the bent knee, keeping your chest upright and back straight. 


Also Read: Explore 12 Targeted Stretch Exercises For Back Pain Relief With Benefits! 


16. Thoracic Rotation Stretch 


The thoracic rotation stretch improves mobility and flexibility in the upper back and spine. Rotating the torso targets the thoracic vertebrae, shoulder joints, and chest muscles, helping to alleviate stiffness and discomfort in the upper body. This stretch also engages the core muscles, promoting better posture and spinal alignment. 


Steps to perform this stretch exercise: 


1. Begin in a seated or standing position with your back straight. 

2. Place one hand behind your head and the other on your lower back. 

3. Rotate your torso towards the side of the hand behind your head, keeping your hips facing forward. 


17. Wall Calf Stretch 


The wall calf stretch effectively increases flexibility in the calf muscles and Achilles tendon. Pressing the heel into the ground while leaning forward targets the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles, promoting a better ankle and reducing the injury risk. This stretch also helps to improve circulation and alleviate tightness in the lower legs. 


Steps to perform this stretch exercise: 


1. Stand facing a wall with one foot a few feet away from the wall and the other foot closer to the wall. 

2. Place your hands on the wall for support and lean forward, keeping the back leg straight and the heel on the ground. 

3. Switch legs and repeat the stretch, feeling a gentle pull in the back leg calf. 


18. Toe-Up Curb Calf Stretch 


The toe-up curb calf stretch is beneficial for targeting the calf muscles and Achilles tendon from a different angle. Placing the ball of the foot on a higher surface and pressing the heel down stretches the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles, improving ankle flexibility and reducing the risk of injury. This stretch also helps to enhance balance and stability in the lower body. 


Steps to perform this stretch exercise: 


1. Stand on a curb or step with the ball of one foot, allowing the heel to hang off the edge. 

2. Press the heel toward the ground while keeping the knee straight. 

3. Hold the stretch, feeling a deep stretch in the calf of the elevated leg. 


19. Upper Traps Stretch 


The upper trap stretch is effective for relieving tension and tightness in the trapezius muscles, which can contribute to neck and shoulder discomfort. Gently stretching the muscles of the upper back and neck helps improve posture and reduce shoulder stiffness. This stretch also promotes relaxation and can help alleviate headaches caused by muscle tension. 


Steps to perform this stretch exercise: 


1. Sit straight with your shoulders relaxed. 

2. Tilt your head to one side, bringing your ear towards your shoulder. 

3. Place the hand on the same side of your head and apply pressure to deepen the stretch. 


20. Hip Open And Close Stretch 


The hip open and close stretch improves mobility and flexibility in the hips and groin. By dynamically moving the legs in and out while seated, it targets the hip abductor and adductor muscles, promoting a better range of motion and reducing stiffness in the hip joints. This stretch also engages the core muscles and helps to improve balance and stability. 


Steps to perform this stretch exercise: 


1. Sit with your legs extended and your hands resting behind your hips for support. 

2. Open your legs as wide as comfortable, feeling a stretch in the inner thighs. 

3. Slowly bring your legs back together, engaging the outer hip muscles. 


Also Read: Is Eating Banana On An Empty Stomach Healthy? Know It Here! 


How To Stretch Full Body For Beginners? Full-Body Stretching Routine For Beginners 


Note this sample workout routine with stretch exercises for the whole body: 


Body Part 

Best Stretches with Sets & Duration 


Neck & Shoulders 

Neck Rolls (2 sets of 10, 10 sec each) Shoulder Rolls (2 sets of 10, 10 sec each) 

Relieves tension built up from poor posture or stress. Increases motion level in the neck and shoulders, reducing the risk of stiffness and injury. 


Cat-Cow Stretch (2 sets of 10, 10 sec each) Child's Pose (2 sets of 10, 15 sec each) 

Improves flexibility and mobility in the spine. Alleviates lower back pain and tension. Releases tightness in the back muscles, promoting relaxation and stress relief. 

Chest & Arms 

Chest Opener Stretch (2 sets of 10, 15 sec each) Triceps Stretch (2 sets of 10, 15 sec each) 

It opens up the chest and improves body alignment and posture. It increases flexibility in the chest and shoulders, reducing the risk of shoulder injuries. It also relieves tightness in the triceps. 


Forward Fold (2 sets of 10, 20 sec each) Quadriceps Stretch (2 sets of 10, 15 sec each per leg) 

It lengthens the hamstrings and calf muscles, improving flexibility and preventing injury. It also relieves tension in the lower back and improves circulation in the legs. 

Hips & Groin 

Butterfly Stretch (2 sets of 10, 20 sec each) Hip Flexor Stretch (2 sets of 10, 15 sec each per leg) 

It increases flexibility in the hips and groin area, reducing the risk of hip pain and injury. It also improves mobility for activities like walking, running, and dancing. 


Seated Forward Bend (2 sets of 10, 20 sec each) Hamstring Stretch with Strap (2 sets of 10, 15 sec each per leg) 

It improves flexibility in the hamstrings, reducing the risk of hamstring strains and injuries. It also helps reduce lower back pain and improves posture. 


Also Read: 25 Effective Slipped Disc Exercises To Manage Pain And Improve Mobility! 


Can Stretching Improve Body Shape? 


Stretching is essential to a well-rounded fitness routine that can improve body shape in several ways. While stretching itself doesn't directly lead to significant changes in muscle size or fat distribution, it helps in supporting overall muscle health and flexibility. By reducing muscle tightness and tension, it helps in improving the range of motion, stretching enables more effective engagement of muscles during exercises aimed at sculpting specific areas of the body, potentially enhancing muscle definition over time. 


Additionally, stretching promotes better posture by targeting muscles responsible for alignment, which can positively influence how your body appears and moves, contributing to a more aesthetically pleasing physique. Furthermore, incorporating stretching into your fitness regimen can help prevent injuries by maintaining muscle elasticity and joint mobility, allowing you to engage in workouts consistently without setbacks. 


Also Read: Do Dance Workout Exercises Really Work? Explore 5 Best Exercises! 


How To Train Full Body Flexibility? 


Try considering these ways to train full body flexibility: 


Flexibility Method 



Static Stretching 

Holding a stretch position for an extended period to lengthen muscles and improve flexibility. 

Hamstring stretch, quadriceps stretch, shoulder stretch. 

Dynamic Stretching 

Incorporating movement into stretches to gradually increase the range of motion and warm up muscles before physical activity. 

Leg swings, arm circles, walking lunges with torso twists. 

Yoga and Pilates 

Utilising specific poses and movements to increase flexibility, strength, and balance through controlled breathing and mindful movement. 

Downward dog, child's pose, cat-cow stretch (Yoga), Hundred, Roll Up, Swan (Pilates). 


The Final Say 

Whether you're just starting or stretching for a while, these exercises have many benefits. Whether you're just starting or stretching for a while, these exercises have many benefits. They can help relax your muscles, make you stand up straighter, boost how well you move when you play sports, and even help you chill out. By sticking with it, being patient, and paying attention to how your body feels, you can make stretch exercises a regular part of your routine and enjoy all the good things they bring to your life.  


So, listen to your body, and start stretching for a healthier body! 



1. What are the components of the whole body stretch routine? 

A whole-body stretch routine typically includes stretches for the neck, shoulders, back, chest, arms, legs, hips, groin, and hamstrings. These stretches target major muscle groups to improve flexibility, stability, and mobility and reduce the risk of injury. 


2. What are the best full-body flexibility exercises? 

Some of the best full-body flexibility exercises include yoga poses like Downward Dog, Cobra Pose, and Warrior Pose series. Pilates exercises such as Roll-Up, Swan Dive, and Spine Twist are also effective for improving overall flexibility. 


3. Which is the best full-body flexibility stretch for athletes? 

Dynamic stretches like twisted leg swings, arm circles, and torso twists are excellent for warming up the body and improving flexibility. Yoga sequences that incorporate a variety of poses targeting different muscle groups are also beneficial for athletes. 


4. How can I make a 30-minute full-body stretching routine? 

To create a 30-minute full-body stretching routine, divide your time evenly among different muscle groups. Spend 5 minutes on each major area, such as neck and shoulders, back, chest and arms, legs, hips and groin, and hamstrings. Choose a variety of stretches for each area and hold each stretch for 15-30 seconds. You can also incorporate gentle movements or yoga poses to increase flexibility and relaxation. 




About ToneOp Fit  

ToneOp Fit is a platform dedicated to improving and maintaining good health through a comprehensive range of goal-oriented health plans with up to 3 Coach support. With a range of Weight Management, Medical Condition, Detox Plans, and Face Yoga Plans, the app also provides premium health trackers, recipes and health content. Get customised diet, fitness, naturopathy & yoga plans and transform yourself with ToneOp.  

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