

White Hair At An Early Age: Causes And Treatment Options

Anvesha Chowdhury

Written By :

Anvesha Chowdhury

Lavina Chauhan

Researched By :

Lavina Chauhan


Published on: 19-Sept-2024


5 min read



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White Hair At An Early Age: Causes And Treatment Options

White hair is associated with the ageing process. Having white hair or premature greying after 40 is normal. But what if it happens at an early age? Finding out in your thirties or early twenties is disheartening.  


Grey hair occurs when the hair pigment is significantly reduced. Nowadays, many young people complain about dealing with white hair. While in most cases, it is linked to genetic problems, it can also be linked to underlying health problems. Discolouration can be triggered by factors such as stress, hormonal changes, or a skin condition called vitiligo.


Premature greying, though typically linked to age, can happen for a number of reasons, such as stress, heredity, malnutrition, and specific medical disorders. This sudden transformation in appearance raises important questions about health and self-identity and challenges conventional notions of beauty. 


Understanding its causes and appreciating the beauty of grey hair has become a topic of growing relevance and fascination as more people come into contact with this distinctive element of ageing. Let us dive into this blog to learn about the occurrence of white hair at an early age, the causes of white hair at a young age and the possible treatment and prevention methods. 


Table Of Contents

1. An Overview Of What Causes White Hair At An Early Age

2. What Are The Causes Of White Hair At A Young Age?

3. What Is The Treatment For White Hair At A Young Age?

4. Expert’s Advice

5. The Final Say

6. FAQs

7. References


About White Hair At An Early Age 

Premature greying of hair is one of the most unpleasant problems of today's youth, both boys and girls. The occurrence of white hair at an early age can be attributed to various factors such as genetics or certain medical conditions. Although this may seem unusual, it is generally not just a cause of concern or a sign of severe health problems. Grey hair occurs when melanin production, the pigment responsible for hair colour, decreases. This reduction can occur at any age, including childhood. 


You can blame it on factors like stress, pollution or bad eating habits; there is no denying that "one little strand" of grey hair makes us panic and immediately seek medication or turn to home remedies. In most cases, white hair at an early age can result from genetics and does not indicate any underlying health problems.


It is best to speak with a doctor to rule out any health issues if you start to detect white hair at an early age. They can evaluate your general health and, if necessary, offer suitable advice. However, without any symptoms or other health problems, grey hair is generally considered a natural variation and is not a cause for concern.


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What Are The Causes Of White Hair At A Young Age?

What Are The Causes Of White Hair At A Young Age.jpg

What causes white hair at an early age? Let’s have a look at these causes in detail: 


1. Genetics

Genetics is one of the main elements that contribute to the early onset of white hair. You would have a higher chance of developing premature grey hair if your parents or grandparents did. Premature greying can result from the generation of melanin, the pigment that gives hair its colour, which is regulated by specific genes.


2. Oxidative Stress

Oxidative stress is caused by an imbalance between the body's antioxidants and free radicals. Environmental factors such as pollution, UV rays, and an unhealthy diet can cause oxidative stress. Stress can harm the melanocytes that give hair its colour, causing white hair or early greying. Even occupational stress can create disharmony in your body, increasing the chances of white hair at an early age. You can sign up for ToneOp Fit’s Live Yoga Session, which goes beyond just poses and helps you with calming meditation techniques.


Also Read: 5 Stress Relief Workouts And 7 Ways To Unwind For A Balanced Life


3. Vitamin Deficiencies

Greying hair may result from inadequate consumption of vital vitamins and minerals, particularly iron, copper, zinc, and the vitamins B12 and D. These nutrients are key in melanin production and maintaining hair follicle health. ToneOp Care’s Skin and Hair Care Combo gets rid of acne and wrinkles and reduces hair fall, breakage, and split ends with this detoxifying and nourishing combo.


4. Hormones

Hair pigmentation can be impacted by hormonal changes in the body, particularly during puberty, pregnancy, or menopause. Fluctuations in melanocyte-stimulating hormone (MSH) and cortisol can contribute to greying hair. ToneOp Care’s Ova 360 Sachets can help women regulate hormones, and normalise periods and ovulation.


Also Read: Diet For Hormonal Imbalance: Fix Your Hormones With These Key Nutrients And 8 Vital Foods 


5. Smoking

Smoking is associated with various health problems, and premature grey hair is one of them. It introduces harmful toxins into the body and disrupts natural processes, including the formation of melanin. Smoking narrows blood vessels, which lowers blood supply to hair follicles and causes hair loss. Cigarette smoke toxins can damage hair follicles and lead to greying earlier than anticipated.


6. Vitiligo

Vitiligo is a skin disease in which the immune system attacks and destroys pigment cells. Although it primarily affects the skin, it can also affect hair colour. Due to the loss of pigment cells, vitiligo patients can experience premature greying of the afflicted hair.


7. Thyroid Disorder

Hair colour can be affected by certain medical diseases, such as anaemia, thyroid abnormalities (hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism), and chemotherapy treatments. Side effects of medications or an underlying medical condition can contribute to white hair at an early age.


8. Chemical Based Hair Products

Excessive use of harsh chemicals, hair treatments such as bleach, and dyes can damage the hair shaft and affect the melanocytes. Constant exposure to these chemicals can contribute to grey hair by disrupting the hair's natural pigmentation.


Also Read: Constantly Complaining Of Hair Thinning And Hair Loss? Try These 10 Exercises For Hair Regrowth


9. Autoimmune Disorder

Hair color may be impacted by some autoimmune diseases, in which the body's cells are mistakenly attacked by the immune system. Alopecia areata is a popular condition that can cause changes in pigmentation, including white hair, as well as hair loss.


10. Malnutrition

Are you giving your body enough nutrition? Or are you suffering from malnutrition disease? The right kind of healthy diet with all the nutrients will keep your hair, skin, nails and overall body healthy and beautiful. Provide your body with all types of nutrients as it will ensure that you are healthy and free from diseases caused by malnutrition, which can help you attain thick hair and help delay the greying process.


11. Stress

Yes, stress can cause grey hair. Stress is one of the main culprits that plays a major role in faster hair greying. It comes with a very simple understanding—the more stressed you are, the more your health is affected. Stress hormones are released after extended periods of stress, and these hormones have an impact on many body processes, including the colour of hair. 


Chronic or high stress accelerates the depletion of melanocytes, which causes white hair. Stress can also lead to a flurry of problems like anxiety and depression, high blood pressure, sleep problems, skin disorders, and so on. Try to relax, do deep breathing exercises, and keep stress at arm's length if you want to avoid grey hair. 


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12. Lack Of Vitamin B12

If you are greying quickly, vitamin B12 deficiency may be the reason. Pack diets rich in vitamin B12, such as cereals, dairy products, and eggs, or try supplements to boost levels and stop grey hair at the right time. You can also take ToneOp Care’s Vitamin 360 to supplement this vitamin. 


13. Unbalanced Diet

An unbalanced diet can accelerate the greying of hair. Processed foods, cold drinks, and excessive salt and sugar intake increase the risk of free radicals in the body that can cause grey hair. 


To prevent this, you must follow a balanced diet plan. Eat a meal full of protein, carbohydrates and the right amount of nutrition. Our skin and hair are made of keratin - a protein. Foods like spinach, dairy products and protein supplements will strengthen your hair roots and ensure they don't lose their natural shine.


Also Read: 10 Easily Accessible Healthy Foods For Weight Loss To Add To Your Diet! 


What Is The Treatment For White Hair At A Young Age?


Here are some easy treatment options available to combat white hair at an early age:


1. Homeopathic Medicine 

Here are some effective homoeopathic remedies that can be used to cure white hair at an early age:


  • Lycopodium: The natural homoeopathic medicine, Lycopodium is an excellent remedy for stopping hair greying, which occurs when the hair becomes depigmented in spots. Lycopodium is the most natural and safest way to prevent hair greying.

  • Natrum Mur: Natrum Mur is a natural homoeopathic medicine that is very effective in treating grey hair, especially in weakened and anaemic people. This remedy improves the patient's overall health and strengthens immunity against grey hair.

  • Silicea: Silicea is a very beneficial natural homoeopathic medicine for treating grey hair caused by improper and weak digestive power, especially the absorptive capacity of the intestines. Due to poor absorption, nutrients from food are not properly absorbed and utilised. Lack of nutrients leads to many problems, and greying of hair is one of the consequences. Silicea can remedy that and enhance the absorption capacity of the gut. 

  • Vinca Minor: It is a natural homoeopathic remedy for stopping grey hair. It is the best remedy when the hair has fallen in patches and been replaced by grey hair. This homoeopathic remedy also treats scalp eruptions with discharge that leads to hair sticking.

  • Phosphoric acid: Phosphoric acid is the best natural homoeopathic remedy for premature greying of hair, which may be accompanied by thinning or hair loss. In homoeopathy, phosphoric acid helps restore the pigmentation of hair that the ill effects of grief have destroyed.


2. Topical Treatment

Some topical treatments, such as minoxidil, have been shown to promote hair growth and can help improve the appearance of thinning white hair at an early age. However, more research is needed to determine their effectiveness specifically for treating white hair at an early age.


3. Home Remedies


  • Amla

Amla is a popular tonic for preventing grey hair because of its high antioxidant content. It promotes hair growth and strength and improves hair pigmentation.



Preparation Method

  • 3-4 Indian gooseberries
  • 1 cup of water
  • Cut the Indian gooseberry into small pieces.
  • Add them to a glass of water and bring to a boil.
  • Cook for a few minutes.
  • Turn off the stove.
  • Allow the mixture to cool and strain.
  • Apply the mixture to your hair.


  • Coconut Oil

Grey hair is often thick and coarse, so it needs to be well-nourished and maintained. With its moisturising properties, coconut oil can help reduce protein loss from grey hair and keep it nourished.



How To Apply

  • 1-2 tablespoons of virgin coconut oil.
  • Take this virgin coconut oil to your scalp and hair.
  • Leave on for an hour and rinse with a mild cleanser.
  • Follow with conditioner


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Expert’s Advice

The natural ageing process causes hair to turn grey. Premature greying of hair is a problem that many people have to face, but there is no single common cause for it. Genetic factors, lack of nutrients such as vitamins and proteins, pre-existing medical conditions such as hypothyroidism, vitiligo, stress or the use of certain medications can cause it. 


Although hair greying cannot be completely reversed, premature greying of hair can be prevented with a proper diet and a healthy lifestyle to prevent further greying and slow down the process.

                                                                         Health Expert

                                                                     Lavina Chauhan


The Final Say 

For many people, having grey hair is an inevitable and normal aspect of growing older. However, understanding that having white hair at an early age has underlying causes and effective treatment options can help manage its appearance and maintain healthy hair. By focusing on genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors and exploring various treatment options such as hair dyes, nutritional supplements, and lifestyle changes, individuals can gracefully embrace white hair at an early age while maintaining shiny, healthy-looking locks.



1. What are the causes of grey hair at a young age?

White hair at an early age can be caused by a combination of genetic predisposition, environmental factors, nutritional deficiencies and lifestyle.


2. Are there any natural remedies or lifestyle changes that can help prevent grey hair?

Yes, maintaining a balanced diet rich in essential nutrients, managing stress levels effectively, avoiding smoking and minimising exposure to environmental stressors can all naturally help prevent grey hair.


3. Which fruit is good for preventing white hair?

Indian gooseberry, also known as Amla, can promote pigmentation and reduce greying. Gooseberries are rich in antioxidants and have anti-aging properties. It is also used in many hair care products.




About ToneOp Fit 

ToneOp Fit is a platform dedicated to improving and maintaining good health through a comprehensive range of goal-oriented health plans with up to 3 Coach support. With a range of Weight Management, Medical Condition, Detox Plans, and Face Yoga Plans, the app also provides premium health trackers, recipes and health content. Get customised diet, fitness, naturopathy & yoga plans and transform yourself with ToneOp. 

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