

Explore 10 Workouts To Reduce Face Fat With Routine, Tips And Causes!

Mahi Baraskar

Written By :

Mahi Baraskar

Mahi Baraskar

Researched By :

Mahi Baraskar


Published on : 17-May-2024


5 min read



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Explore 10 Workouts To Reduce Face Fat With Routine, Tips And Causes!

Struggling with excess fat in the face can be frustrating. Still, targeted workouts to reduce face fat, comprehensive routines, and helpful tips can help you achieve a slimmer and more defined facial appearance. Also, targeted face exercise to lose face fat can help tone the muscles in your face, leading to improved facial contouring and reduced puffiness. From facial exercises to reducing face fat to trying cardio workouts, understanding the causes of face fat and incorporating effective strategies into your routine can make a significant difference. 


This blog explores targeted workouts designed to reduce face fat, tips to lose face fat, and enhancements to your routine, as well as insights into what causes face fat accumulation. 


Table Of Contents 

1. 10 Workouts To Reduce Face Fat 

2. How To Reduce Face Fat In 7 Days? 

3. How Can You Lose Face Fat Fast? 

4. What Causes Face Fat? 

5. The Final Say 

6. FAQs 

7. References 


10 Workouts To Reduce Face Fat 

How To Lose Chest Fat 10 Workouts To Lose Chest Fat.jpg

Let’s explore the best workout to reduce face fat in a targeted way: 


1. Lip Pull 


This exercise targets the mouth and jawline muscles, helping to tone and strengthen them, which can reduce face fat and improve facial definition. This exercise also helps improve jawline definition and reduce the sagging skin appearance around the mouth area, resulting in a more sculpted facial appearance. 


Steps to perform this workout to reduce face fat: 


1. Gently tilt your head back and look towards the ceiling. 

2. Keep your lips closed and relaxed, then push your lower lip up towards your nose as far as possible. 

3. Hold this position for 10-15 seconds, feeling a stretch in the muscles around your mouth and jawline. 


2. Chin Lifts 


This lift exercise targets the muscles in the neck and chin, helping to tone and strengthen them, which can reduce the appearance of double chin and face fat. Regular practice of chin lifts can help improve jaw mobility and alleviate tension in the neck and shoulder area, promoting relaxation and reducing stress-related facial bloating. 


Steps to perform this workout to reduce face fat: 


1. Tilt your head back and look towards the ceiling. 

2. Keep your lips closed and relaxed, then tighten the muscles in your neck and lift your lower lip over your upper lip. 

3. Hold this position for 5-10 seconds, feeling your neck and chin muscles engage. 


3. Cheek Puffs 


This exercise targets the cheeks and jawline muscles, helping to strengthen and tone them, which can reduce facial fat and improve facial contouring. This exercise also promotes better circulation to the facial muscles, aiding in the breakdown of fat deposits and promoting a more youthful and radiant complexion. 


Steps to perform this workout to reduce face fat: 


1. Sit and inhale deeply through your mouth, filling your cheeks with air. 

2. Hold the air in your cheeks for 5-10 seconds, feeling the muscles in your cheeks and jawline engage. 

3. Exhale slowly through your mouth, releasing the air from your cheeks. 


4. Chewing Gum 


This exercise helps stimulate the muscles in the jaw and face, promoting better muscle tone and reducing the appearance of face fat. This exercise also increases saliva production, which can aid in digestion process and help prevent bloating and puffiness in the face. 


Steps to perform this workout to reduce face fat: 


1. Choose sugar-free gum and pop it into your mouth. 

2. Begin chewing slowly and deliberately, focusing on engaging your jaw and face muscles. 

3. Continue chewing for 10-15 minutes, taking breaks if needed. 

4. Spit out the gum once you're done chewing and avoid chewing gum excessively to prevent overworking the jaw muscles. 


5. Simha Mudra 


This Mudra, also known as Lion Pose, is a yoga posture that involves stretching the face and neck muscles, helping to reduce tension and promote relaxation. This exercise also stimulates blood circulation to the face, promoting a healthy complexion and reducing puffiness and bloating in the facial area. 


Steps to perform this workout to reduce face fat: 


1. Start by sitting in a comfortable cross-legged position on the floor or a yoga mat. 

2. Place your hands on your knees or thighs, palms facing downwards. 

3. Inhale deeply through your nose, then open your mouth wide to stick out your tongue as far as possible. 

4. Exhale forcefully through your mouth while making a "ha" sound, stretching your facial muscles downwards. 


Also Read: 15 Targeted Exercises To Reduce Neck Fat With Tips For Better Results! 


6. Hippo’s Jaws 


This exercise involves exaggerated jaw movements that help tone the facial muscles and strengthen them, reducing the face fat and promoting a more defined jawline. This workout also stimulates blood circulation to the facial area, aiding in the breakdown of fat deposits and promoting a healthier complexion. 


Steps to perform this workout to reduce face fat: 


1. Open your mouth as wide as possible, stretching your jaw muscles to their full extent. 

2. Hold this position for 5-10 seconds, then relax and close your mouth. 

3. Take breaks as needed and avoid overexerting the jaw muscles to prevent strain or discomfort. 


7. Tongue Rolling 


This rolling exercise targets the muscles in the cheeks and jawline, helping to strengthen and tone them, which can reduce facial fat and improve facial contouring. This workout also promotes better circulation to the facial muscles, aiding in the breakdown of fat deposits and reducing the risk of facial bloating and puffiness. 


Steps to perform this workout to reduce face fat: 


1. Start by clinging out your tongue and rolling it clockwise in circular motions. 

2. Continue rolling your tongue for 10-15 seconds, feeling the muscles in your cheeks and jawline engage. 

3. Reverse the direction and roll your tongue in circular motions counterclockwise for another 10-15 seconds. 


8. Face Stretch 


These stretch exercises help relax and tone the face muscles, reducing tension and promoting circulation, which can help reduce face fat. This workout targets facial muscles around the cheeks, jawline, and forehead, resulting in improved muscle definition and a more sculpted appearance. 


Steps to perform this workout to reduce face fat: 


1. Begin by gently tilting your head, bringing your ear up to your shoulder. 

2. Hold this stretch for 10-15 seconds, feeling a gentle pull along the side of your neck and face. 

3. Next, tilt your head back slightly and look towards the ceiling, feeling a stretch along the front of your neck and chin. 

4. Finally, tilt your head forward and bring your chin to your chest, feeling a long stretch in your neck. 


9. Forehead Smoother 


These smoother exercises target the muscles in the forehead and upper face, helping to reduce tension and promote relaxation, which can reduce face fat. This workout involves gentle massaging and stretching of the forehead muscles, promoting blood circulation and improving skin elasticity for a smoother appearance. 


Steps to perform this workout to reduce face fat: 


1. Begin by keeping your fingertips on your forehead, between your eyebrows. 

2. Gently apply pressure with your fingertips and slowly glide them toward your hairline, using smooth and gentle motions. 

3. Continue massaging your forehead in upward strokes, focusing on any areas of tension or tightness. 

4. Once you reach your hairline, release the pressure and return your fingertips to the starting position. 


10. Eyebrow Lifter 


These lifter exercises target the muscles around the eyebrows and forehead, helping lift and tone them, creating a more refreshed appearance while reducing face fat. This workout involves raising and lowering eyebrows in controlled motions, promoting blood circulation and improving muscle definition for a smoother, more sculpted look. 


Steps to perform this workout to reduce face fat: 


1. Sit or stand with your back and shoulders relaxed. 

2. Place your fingertips on your eyebrows, just above the outer corners of your eyes. 

3. Gently press down on your eyebrows with your fingertips and try to lift them upwards, using the muscles in your forehead. 

4. Hold this lifted position for 5-10 seconds, then release and relax your eyebrows. 


Also Read: Super Brain Yoga: Discover Its Procedure, Benefits, Exercises & More! 


How To Reduce Face Fat In 7 Days? 


Note this sample routine to try workouts to reduce face fat in a well-rounded way: 



Routine Steps 


Day 1 

Facial Exercises 

Start your day with facial exercises targeting the cheeks, jaw, and neck muscles. Include movements like cheek lifts, jaw clenches, and neck stretches. 

Day 2 

Cardio Exercise 

Engage in nearly 30 minutes of cardiovascular exercise to promote overall fat loss and burn calories, which includes a reduction in facial fat. Opt for activities like brisk walking, jogging, cycling, or swimming. 

Day 3 

Neck and Jawline Exercises 

Incorporate specific exercises, such as neck tilts, chin tucks, and neck resistance exercises, to target the muscles in the neck and jawline. 

Day 4 

Healthy Diet 

Follow a nutritious diet rich in healthy lean proteins, fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Avoid excessive processed foods, added sugary snacks, and high-sodium meals, which can contribute to water retention and facial bloating. 

Day 5 

Facial Massage 

Get yourself a relaxing facial massage using gentle upward strokes for blood circulation and lymphatic drainage. Use a facial oil or moisturiser to hydrate and nourish the skin. 

Day 6 

Yoga or Pilates for Face 

Practice yoga or Pilates exercises designed to tone and strengthen facial muscles while promoting relaxation and stress reduction. Poses like Lion's Breath, Fish Pose, and Jaw Release can help release tension and improve facial definition. 

Day 7 

Relaxation and Stress Management 

Dedicate time to relaxation techniques such as deep breathing exercises, meditation or mindfulness practices to reduce stress levels. Treat yourself to a soothing facial mask or DIY spa to pamper your skin and unwind. 


Also Read: Discover The Best Sitting Exercise For Belly Fat With 4 Chair Positions! 


How Can You Lose Face Fat Fast? 


Let’s explore these tips to lose face fat fast: 


1. Try Targeted Facial Exercises 


Incorporating targeted facial exercises can help tone muscles in your face, leading to a more sculpted appearance. These exercises focus on specific areas such as the cheeks, jawline, and neck, helping to reduce the appearance of face fat and improve overall facial definition. By dedicating just a few minutes daily to facial exercises, you can effectively combat facial bloating and achieve a slimmer, more contoured look. 


2. Prevent Facial Bloating 


It can contribute to the appearance of excess fat in the face, making it important to take steps to prevent bloating. Avoiding foods high in sodium, such as highly processed snacks and regular fast food, can help reduce water retention and puffiness in the face. Additionally, staying hydrated by drinking fluids and water can reduce toxins and prevent fluid buildup, promoting a more defined facial contour. 


3. Limit Alcohol And Caffeine 


Its consumption can contribute to dehydration and bloating, leading to puffiness in the face. Limiting your caffeine and alcohol proves beneficial to prevent facial bloating and promote a slimmer facial appearance. Opt for energy-boosting foods, herbal teas as healthier alternatives to stay hydrated and reduce the risk of fluid retention in the face. 


4. Prevent Excessive Calorie Intake 


This can lead to weight gain and faster fat accumulation throughout the body, including the face. To prevent excessive calorie intake, eat a healthy diet rich in whole foods such as colourful fresh fruits, vegetables, healthy lean proteins, and whole grains. Practice portion control in each bowl and avoid overeating to maintain a healthy weight and reduce the risk of face fat accumulation. 


5. Consider Professional Treatments 


In some cases, professional treatments may help reduce face fat and improve facial contouring. Non-invasive procedures such as cryolipolysis, radiofrequency therapy, or injectable treatments can target stubborn fat deposits in the face, leading to a more sculpted and defined facial appearance. Consult a dermatologist or cosmetic surgeon to explore your face fat reduction options and determine the best plan. 


Also Read: 5 Detox Water For Weight Loss: Benefits And All About 7-Day Detox Diet! 


What Causes Face Fat? 


Note these major face fat causes to opt for the right massage and workout to reduce it: 




Tips to Manage 


This genes predisposition can play a significant role in fat distribution in the face. Some have a natural tendency to store fat in certain areas, including the face. 

Focus on overall body fat removal through a balanced diet and regular exercise. While genetics cannot be changed, healthy lifestyle habits can help manage fat levels. 

Weight Gain 

Excess calories leads to weight gain and can accumulate fat throughout the body, including the face. Poor diet and lack of moderate-intensity activity contribute to increased facial fat. 

Maintain a calorie-controlled diet with nutrient-dense foods. Regular exercise, including HIIT, cardio activities and strength training, promotes overall fat loss. 


As people age, the skin loses collagen and elasticity, leading to a loss of definition in the face. This can make areas such as the cheeks and chin appear fuller due to decreased muscle tone and skin laxity. 

Practice good skincare habits, including moisturising and using sunscreen to protect against sun damage. Incorporate facial exercises and massage techniques to help tone and tighten facial muscles. 


The Final Say 


Whether looking to slim down your cheeks, define your jawline, or reduce facial bloating, these workouts can help you achieve your goals. Combining facial exercises, cardio workouts, and healthy lifestyle habits can address the underlying causes of face fat accumulation and achieve lasting results. With dedication, you can sculpt a more youthful and contoured facial appearance while improving your overall health and well-being. 



1. How does face exercise to lose face fat work? 

Face exercises target the facial, jaw, and neck muscles, helping to strengthen and tone them. This can improve muscle definition and reduce face fat by increasing blood circulation and promoting lymphatic drainage, ultimately leading to a slimmer facial appearance. 


2. What are the best exercises for slim face? 

Some of the best exercises for slimming the face include cheek lifts, jaw clenches, neck stretches, and chin tucks. These exercises target different areas of the face and can help strengthen and tone the muscles, leading to a more sculpted and defined facial appearance. 


3. Which chubby face exercises show the best results? 

Chubby face exercises that target multiple areas of the face, such as the cheeks, jawline, and neck, tend to show the best results. Exercises like cheek lifts, jaw clenches, and neck stretches can help improve muscle tone and reduce puffiness, leading to a more contoured face. 


4. What is the best time to practice facial exercises to lose face fat? 

The best time to practice facial exercises is typically in the morning or evening when you have some free time and can focus on them without distractions. You can also incorporate facial exercises into your skincare routine, such as after cleansing and moisturising your face. 


5. How to schedule a workout to reduce face fat in 1 week? 

To schedule a workout to reduce face fat in one week, aim to incorporate targeted facial exercises for at least 10-15 minutes daily. Additionally, cardiovascular exercises such as brisk and backward walking or cycling for about 30 minutes per day should be included to promote overall fat loss. 





About ToneOp Fit   

ToneOp Fit is a platform dedicated to improving and maintaining good health through a comprehensive range of goal-oriented health plans with up to 3 Coach support. With a range of Weight Management, Medical Condition, Detox Plans, and Face Yoga Plans, the app also provides premium health trackers, recipes and health content. Get customised diet, fitness, naturopathy & yoga plans and transform yourself with ToneOp.  

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