

10 Best Biceps And Triceps Workouts At Home To Give You That Amazing Burn In Just 10 Minutes!

Shrabani Pattnaik

Written By :

Shrabani Pattnaik

Shrabani Pattnaik

Researched By :

Shrabani Pattnaik


Published on: 12-Jul-2024


5 min read



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10 Best Biceps And Triceps Workouts At Home To Give You That Amazing Burn In Just 10 Minutes!

Welcome, readers! The path to getting killer and bigger arms doesn’t lead to spending hundreds of bucks on gym membership. Rather, all this could be done right in your living room! Here in this blog, your biceps and triceps, the dynamic duo of your upper arms, are about to get a serious wake-up call with this explosive at-home bicep tricep workout.


These two muscle groups, although neighbours in your upper arm, have distinct roles. The biceps on the front of your upper arm are the flexing all-stars. On the flip side, the triceps, residing on the back of your upper arm, are the masters of extension. Both biceps and triceps are composed of bundles of tiny muscle fibres. Bicep tricep exercises at home will challenge these fibres to grow and strengthen, leading to a more defined and sculpted upper body.


So, grab your favourite workout gear, clear some space, and get ready to torch some serious calories in just 10 minutes with the best biceps and triceps exercises at home! This guide will direct you to effective home workouts for triceps without equipment and biceps and triceps workouts at home for beginners so you can build sculpted arms without breaking a sweat (or the bank). 


Table Of Contents

  1. 10 Best Bicep And Tricep Workouts At Home
  2. Can I Workout My Biceps And Triceps Together?
  3. How To Build Your Biceps And Triceps At Home?
  4. Expert’s Advice 
  5. The Final Say
  6. FAQs
  7. References


10 Best Bicep And Tricep Workouts At Home

Let’s have a look at these biceps and triceps workouts at home, which also include dumbbell exercises for biceps and triceps at home: 


1. Diamond Push-Ups 

Traditional push-ups target the chest, shoulders, triceps and abs. But you can target your biceps by making a few tweaks to your push-up form. Named after the shape of your hands during the exercise, this biceps and triceps workout at home forces your arms together to help work your biceps.


How to do this biceps and triceps workout at home?

  • Start in a standard push-up position. Your back should be straight and parallel to the floor.
  • Put your hands together and keep your arms straight.
  • Extend your thumbs and turn your hands in an approximate 45-degree angle. The area that remains between your thumb and index finger should resemble a diamond.
  • Put your core to use.
  • Reduce your body slowly until your chest nearly touches the floor.
  • After two seconds, hold the position and then push yourself back up.
  • For each repeat, follow steps 4 through 6 again.


2. Reverse Hand Push-Ups

Reverse push-ups emphasise your biceps more than diamond push-ups, so get ready!


How to do this biceps and triceps workout at home?

  • Start in a standard push-up position.
  • Slowly rotate your arms outward until your fingers point toward your toes.
  • Move your hands a few inches toward your feet to a comfortable position, but keep your arms straight.
  • Engage your core.
  • Slowly lower yourself towards the ground. Your wrists and forearms may not be flexible yet, so don't force yourself to go lower than you're comfortable with. 
  • Hold the position for two seconds and then push up.
  • Repeat steps 4 through 6 for each repetition.


3. One Arm Push-Ups

One-arm push-ups force your biceps to compensate for the lack of support. Make sure you maintain the correct form of push-up while doing this for maximum burn. 


How to do this biceps and triceps workout at home?


  • Assume a regular push-up position to begin.
  • Reach over and put one arm behind your back.
  • Put your core to use.
  • Reduce your body slowly until your chest nearly touches the floor. Make sure your body is parallel to the ground, and your back is straight.
  • After two seconds of holding the pose, raise yourself up.
  • For each iteration, follow steps 3 through 5 again.
  • After you finish a set with one arm, switch arms.


4. Side Plank

Like push-ups, the plank is another exercise with variations that challenge your biceps.


How to do this biceps and triceps workout at home?

  • Start in a standard push-up position.
  • Slowly roll your body to one side and raise one arm until it points straight up.
  • Keep both arms straight, level and almost perpendicular to the ground. Stay in this position for 30 seconds.
  • Lower yourself into a traditional plank position, then repeat the exercise on the other side.


5. Up-Down Plank

The up-down plank works your biceps and provides a decent cardio workout if you do it quickly.


How to do this biceps and triceps workout at home?


  • Start in a lowered plank position - the weight should be on your forearms.
  • Straighten one arm so that your entire palm is on the floor.
  • Raise the other arm straight. You should now be in the standard push-up position with both palms flat on the ground.
  • Your forearm should be on the ground when you lower one arm.
  • To place both forearms on the ground, lower the other arm. Back in a lowered plank position is where you should be.
  • Repeat steps 2 through 5 to cycle through the lowered plank and the normal push-up positions.


Also Read: A Guide To Plank Exercise For Beginners to Enhance Your Core 


6. Classic Pull-Ups

If you have a pull-up bar, resistance bands, or simply a towel around your door, you can utilise pull-ups to develop strong forearms, back muscles, and biceps. 


How to do this biceps and triceps workout at home?

  • Grab the pull-up bar. Grasp it with your hands shoulder-width apart and palms facing forward.
  • Maintain a firm grip on the bar by using your core.
  • Bring your upper back muscles together and pull your elbows down to raise yourself up.
  • Pull till the bar is over your chin.
  • Two seconds of holding, then gradually lower yourself until your arms are straight.
  • For each iteration, follow steps 2 through 5 again.


7. Chin-Ups

Chin-ups are a variation of pull-ups that work your biceps more than your forearms.


How to do this biceps and triceps workout at home?

  • Grab the pull-up bar. Grasp it with your hands slightly closer than shoulder-width apart and palms facing back.
  • Maintain a firm grip on the bar by using your core.
  • Lower your elbows and flex your biceps to raise yourself up.
  • Pull till the bar is over your chin.
  • Two seconds of holding, then gradually lower yourself until your arms are straight.
  • For each iteration, follow steps 2 through 5 again.


8. Bicep Curls 

Curls are a classic dumbbell exercise for building biceps. You can use dumbbells or a homemade alternative, such as a gallon of water, a small toolbox, or even a brick.


How to do this biceps and triceps workout at home?

  • Start by standing up straight with your head facing forward.
  • Get your dumbbells or improvised weighted objects, and hold them in each hand with arms straight down and palms facing forward.
  • Engage your core.
  • Raise your hands. Take your right hand to the right shoulder and left hand to the left shoulder. Maintain a straight back, without involving hips.
  • Reach your arms down again.
  • Repeat steps 2 through 5 for each repetition.


9. Breakdancer

Are you ready for the challenge? Breakdancer is a sleek, high-intensity workout that will target your biceps and shred your abs.


How to do this biceps and triceps workout at home?

  • Place yourself on the floor, keeping your legs stretched out in front and arms straight down alongside your body with palms touching the ground.
  • Press the palms on the ground to raise your body as much as possible.
  • Move your legs to a single side. Lift the palm on this same side so your legs can pass through; they must be behind you now.
  • You put your legs on the other side and lift up the palm that is there to show them they can go by. Now, bring back your legs in front of you.
  • Do steps numbered from 2 to 5 again as quickly as you can. Keep your legs moving in a circular manner while your arms hold up the body.


10. Wall Stand

The squat is another challenging movement that helps you build your biceps. 


How to do this biceps and triceps workout at home?

  • Stand a few meters away from the wall.
  • Bend at the waist and place your hands shoulder-width apart on the floor.
  • Put your feet up on the wall.
  • Wall Walk – Keep your arms and back straight as you push your hands into the floor and walk your feet up the wall.
  • Move until your arms are straight overhead, hands pressing into the floor, and toes touching the wall.
  • Challenge yourself to see how long you can hold this position.


Also Read: Top 5 Highly-Effective Home Workouts For Toned Arms! 


Can I Workout My Biceps And Triceps Together?

Yes, you can definitely train biceps and triceps together in the same workout. In fact, training both muscle groups together can be an effective way to maximise your gym time and achieve better overall upper-body strength and muscle development.


Before finding out if the biceps and triceps can be trained in the same workout, it is important to know their functions. 


  • While the biceps are more critical for bending the elbow, the triceps are the key to extending the elbow and bringing the upper arm down from the overhead position. 
  • The biceps also work to supinate the forearm or turn it palm up and lift the upper arm forward.
  • Because they belong to different muscle groups, one back and the other front, you can train biceps and triceps on the same day. 


Generally speaking, when you focus on one muscle group during a workout, you want to give those muscles at least 48 hours of recovery. Since biceps and triceps are two different muscle groups, you can safely train them in the same workout or in different sessions – whichever you prefer.


Benefits Of Doing Biceps And Triceps Workouts At Home

Training the biceps and triceps provides an advantage known as reciprocal inhibition. This occurs because these muscles are opposing groups, implying that when one group of the muscle is functioning, the other group is at ease.

You can use this to do supersets or circuits, where you switch between exercises that target your biceps and triceps with minor or no breaks in between. It is an effective method for saving time and boosting the intensity of your workout.

A good advantage of doing biceps and triceps exercises together is that they can assist in attaining a well-balanced and proportioned upper body.

While the biceps are responsible for elbow flexion, the triceps is responsible for elbow extension. 

By working both muscle groups together, you can ensure that the upper arm muscles are equally developed, which can improve your strength and aesthetics!


Also Read: Want To Get A Strong Upper Body? Try These 8 Shoulder Exercises For the Gym And Learn the Benefits! 


How To Build Your Biceps And Triceps At Home?

The biceps and triceps exercises below are suitable for home gyms, and only the best home gym equipment is used. If you have a cable machine at home, you're in luck; the rest of us will have to use barbells and kettlebell exercises instead.


Resistance training—combined with a good diet and adequate rest—is a great way to effectively build muscle and boost your metabolism at home. It also has the added convenience of not being around other people, and you can significantly reduce your commute to and from the gym. 


Be especially careful when working with heavy weights; it's easier than you think to get hurt if you're not paying enough attention to your surroundings. Working out at home also means fewer (or no) people are around to help you if you need it, so it's a good idea to pay extra attention.


Before working out, do warm-up exercises and stretch to prepare your muscles for exercise. Improving joint mobility can do more than make lifting easier, so you twist and bend all body parts appropriately.


Here is a 10-minute routine along with reps and sets you can follow for biceps and triceps workouts at home: 

Standing Dumbbell Curl Equipment needed: dumbbells or kettlebell

Best for: biceps gains

Set/Rep: 3-4/10-12

Dumbbell Triceps Extension Equipment needed: barbell or barbell (E-Z bar)

Best for: quick triceps gains 


Set/Rep: 3-4/10-12

Push-UpEquipment needed: weight vest or resistance bands

Best for: BIG gains in triceps and pectorals

Series/Rep: 3-4/8-15

Overhead Press Equipment needed: dumbbells, kettlebell or barbell

Best for strengthening shoulders and triceps


Set: 3 Reps: 8

Dumbell Bent Over RowEquipment needed: barbell, kettlebell or barbell

Best for: biceps and back strengthening


Set/Rep: 3-4/10-12


Also Read: Guided Cable Front Raises: Steps & Benefits | ToneOpFit 


Expert’s Advice 

You could do all the exercises that build biceps and triceps, but without giving your body the energy to repair and build those muscles, you won't have much success building the arms you want. When exercising to achieve the healthiest body shape, we often forget to take in the right nutrients. This is the only thing that can cause serious obstacles to achieving the perfect body. If you're not giving your body the fuel it needs, your journey to muscle growth will eventually halt.


Health Expert 
Lavina Chauhan 

The Final Say 

For a powerful upper body, you must do bicep and tricep training one to three times in a week. Commence with lighter weights, striving for 12-15 reps while keeping a good posture. When your body can handle these exercises without difficulty, it is time to increase the weight. You might think about adding an arm blaster. This could be the best thing you can do for yourself because it will help isolate and focus on your biceps and triceps. Doing so is crucial to reach your goals quickly. 


While exercise is vital, giving enough fuel (calories) to your body along with necessary nutrients holds great significance as well. Supplements such as protein or creatine powder can act as a catalyst in taking a step forward towards achieving faster results from the fitness routine you are following.



1. Can I do biceps every day?

No, you have to do the unusual exercise 2-3 days/week. Muscles need at least 48 hours of rest after the type of training (in your case, high-intensity resistance training) that continues to initiate the growth response.


2. Can you exercise biceps and triceps together?

Yes, you can definitely train biceps and triceps together in the same workout. In fact, training both muscle groups together can be an effective way to maximise your time in the gym and achieve better upper-body strength and muscle development.


3. What are some easy-to-do bicep and tricep workouts at home with dumbbells that I can add to my routine?

You can add these easy exercises: 

  • Dumbbell Curls 
  • Reverse Curls 
  • Triceps Extension 
  • Hammer Curls 




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