

6 Must-Try Oblique Exercises For Women With Benefits To Transform Your Abs

Anvesha Chowdhury

Written By :

Anvesha Chowdhury

Lavina Chauhan

Researched By :

Lavina Chauhan


Published on : 19-Apr-2024


5 min read



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6 Must-Try Oblique Exercises For Women With Benefits To Transform Your Abs

Welcome readers! Who doesn't love having impressive core muscles and incredible abs that give your entire body a desirable posture? Carving out a sculpted core is a common fitness goal, and fan-favourite crunches often take centre stage. But what if there were more effective exercises that targeted not just your rectus abdominis (the "six-pack" muscle) but also your obliques, the muscles that wrap around your sides?  


The abdominals comprise several muscle groups, including the often-overlooked obliques. Strong obliques are crucial for a well-rounded core. They contribute to a toned appearance and play a vital role in supporting the spine, improving balance, and enhancing overall athletic performance.   


This blog throws crunches out the window and introduces you to 6 dynamic oblique exercises for women. These effective and engaging abdominal oblique workouts can be done from the comfort of your home with minimal equipment. We'll break down the proper form for each exercise, explain its benefits, and even provide modifications to cater to different fitness levels. So, wait, no more ladies, and let’s get into the topic! 


Table Of Contents 


1. What Is An Oblique Muscle Workout And How Can I Tone My Obliques Fast? 

2. Oblique Muscle Training: Why Should Women Do Oblique Exercises? 

3. How Can I Do Oblique Exercises Without Equipment? 

4. What Are The Benefits Of Oblique Training For Women? 

5. Do Oblique Workouts Slim Your Waist?  

6. Expert’s Advice 

7. The Final Say 

8. FAQs 

9. References 


What Is An Oblique Muscle Workout and How Can I Tone My Obliques Fast? 


The obliques are muscles on both sides of the abdomen. They are an umbrella term for the "external obliques" and "internal obliques." They are an essential group of muscles that run down the sides of the torso next to the abdominal muscles. They are responsible for rotational and lateral flexion movements and consist of internal and external oblique muscles.   

The internal obliques provide stability to the body, while the external obliques provide shape and structure to the abdomen.   

The external oblique muscle runs diagonally down from the lower ribs to the pelvis, with its fibres running obliquely downward toward the body's midline.   

The internal oblique lies beneath the external oblique, but its fibres extend in the opposite direction and angle upward toward the body's midline. Contraction of these muscles helps perform movements such as torso rotation, torso lateral bending, and forward spine bending.  


Oblique training helps you get a defined, sculpted midsection. These lateral muscles play an important role in core stabilisation, improving posture, and enhancing athletic performance. Incorporating targeted exercises focusing on your obliques can help you achieve a harmonious and balanced physique quickly.   


Also Read: 12 Best Abdominal Fat Workout Exercises And Ways To Lose Belly Fat in 15 Days!  


Oblique Muscle Training: Why Should Women Do Oblique Exercises? 

Oblique Muscle Training Why Should Women Do Oblique Exercises.jpg

Anyone can benefit from oblique muscle training as a comprehensive exercise routine. Still, there are some excellent reasons women should include oblique workouts in their exercise routine. Oblique exercises for women are often highlighted due to their benefits like: 


1. Improves Core Strength And Stability 


Strong oblique muscles contribute to core strength and stability. Improving this condition can help with many daily activities, including lifting, carrying, and maintaining good posture. A strong core reduces your risk of back pain and helps improve overall functional strength, allowing you to lift heavier objects and enjoy greater flexibility.   


2. Toning And Shaping 


Developing and strengthening your oblique muscles can improve the shape of your back. So, if you want to use your time at the gym to update or reshape your body, training these muscles can help you trim your waistline.   


3. Helps With Postpartum Recovery 


During pregnancy, many women may suffer from diastasis recti or abdominal separation, which causes core muscles to become weak and unstable. Having a solid core before pregnancy can often reduce these effects, and strengthening the obliques afterwards can be particularly beneficial in restoring core function and eliminating diastasis recti that may occur. 


Also Read: Nurturing Maternal Health: Best Exercises During Pregnancy Third Trimester! 


4. Improves Back Health 


Strong bending helps support the spine and reduces the risk of injury, especially during twisting or bending activities. This is important for maintaining a healthy back and is essential for everyday life and long-term well-being.   


5. Improves Athletic Performance 


If women participate in sports or fitness activities that require rotational movements, such as tennis, golf, or dance, strong oblique muscles can significantly enhance performance in these sports and minimise the risk of injury.   


6. Balanced Workout 


A well-designed training program should target different muscle groups to avoid imbalances. Incorporating incline movements strengthens your entire core, improving overall symmetry and functionality. Paying attention to your core is essential if you want to lift heavier weights in other strength training areas such as deadlifts, squats, hip thrusts, etc. 


Also Read: Discover The Best Muscle-Building Exercises With Workout Routine & Benefits 


How Can I Do Oblique Exercises Without Equipment? 


Yes, you can do oblique exercises for women without equipment by incorporating equipment-assisted abdominal external oblique muscle exercises in your daily exercise routine: 


1. Bicycle Crunch 


Bicycle crunches are the top contenders for the best exercise for oblique muscles. This is one of the best incline exercises for targeting your core and engaging your entire abs. When performing this exercise, ensure your core is involved and you stand firmly on your support.    



Sets x Reps  

Total Time 


Lie on your back on the floor. 

Keep your legs in the table position. 

Place both hands behind your head and keep your elbows bent. 

Raise your upper body while keeping your core tight. 

Bring your left knee close to your right elbow. 

At the same time, straighten your right leg. 

Turn to the other side, bending your right knee and extending your left leg. 

Always make sure your feet are off the ground. 

3 to 4 sets of 15 to 20 reps. 



40 seconds to 1 minute.   

This oblique exercise helps build your oblique muscles and stabilise your outer abdominals. 


2. Rotating Side Plank 


This incline exercise is a side plank with a twist. It helps strengthen your oblique muscles. 


Start in a side plank position with your left forearm on the floor. Your shoulders should be higher than your elbows. 

Place your feet on each other and lift your hips off the floor. The right arm can be thrown to the side or raised straight to the sky. 


Rotate your body forward and place your right hand under your torso. 

This completes one iteration. Repeat on the other side. 

1 to 3 sets of 10 to 12 reps on each side 

30 seconds to 1 minute. 

This incline exercise activates your abdominal muscles and helps tighten and slim your waist. 


It also helps improve endurance, core strength and balance. 


3. Spiderman Push Up 


This is the superhero of incline exercise and is beneficial because it involves challenging movements. It is a variation of the regular pushup but requires more core control. This is also one of the ideal incline exercises for women who want to burn belly fat. 


Get into the plank position.  

Place your hands a little more than your shoulder-width apart distance. Your body should be straight.  

Lower your chest to the floor and bend your elbows to form a 45-degree angle with your body.  

Lower your chest to the floor so that your right knee touches your right elbow and your left foot touches the floor directly. 

Return your right leg to the floor and repeat on the other side. 

1-3 sets of 10-12 reps 

40 seconds to 1 minute. 

The Spiderman pushup incline exercise targets your abs, glutes, lats, back, chest, shoulders, and obliques. 



4. Russian Twists   


This incline exercise is one of the best for a ripped look. 


Start with being seated with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. 

Lean back slightly and lift both legs. Balance your body on your tailbone. 

Extend your arms and turn your body to rotate your arms and move them to one side at the same time. 

Place your hands on your left and right sides and rotate them to each side. 

Repeat this movement back and forth as quickly as possible. 

2-3 sets of 8-10 reps 

40 seconds to 1 minute 

This is one of the best exercises for flexing your core, and it can be done at home because it doesn't require any equipment for a cardio workout. 




5. Woodchops 


This exercise simulates chopping down a tree but at different heights. It is a full-body exercise that can be done with dumbbells or bare hands. 


If using a kettlebell, hold the kettlebell in both hands. If you are not using weights, use both hands. 

Extend your arms before your right leg and bend your knees to support your weight. 

Rotate your right leg while simultaneously rotating your body and shifting your weight to the left. 

Your arms should always be straight. Repeat on both sides. 

1 to 3 sets of 8 to 15 reps on each side. 

Repeat on both sides. 

30 seconds to 1 minute 

The firewood chopping exercise engages your entire core and helps strengthen your abs. 

It can also enhance shoulder strength and hip stability. 



6. External Oblique Exercise 


External oblique exercises strengthen and tone the muscles on the sides of your abdomen, enhancing core stability and improving posture. Here are some external oblique exercises for women:  


Side planks with leg raises  

Plank is the best exercise for a flat stomach. It would help if you practised side planks by alternately lifting your legs. 

Lie on your side and place your feet next to your feet and below your elbows. 

Lift your hips into the air, forming a straight line from your ankles to your shoulders, and tighten your core. 

Keeping your torso stable, lift your upper leg without bending your knee. 

Make sure your hips don't drop. 

Return to starting position.   

Crunch And Hold  

You should include regular crunches in your regular exercise routine. It works on thighs and arms and provides perfect sculpting and toning.   

Lie on your back with your knees bent and shoulder-width apart. 

Place your hands behind your head. 

Open your elbows to the sides of your body. 

Leave a few inches of space between your chin and chest. 

Gently pull your abdomen inward. 

Lift your head, neck, and shoulder blades off the floor. 

Pause briefly at the top of the movement and slowly return your body to the starting position. 

Leg raises 

This exercise can be performed in a variety of positions and styles. To strengthen your abdominal muscles, you can do simple leg raises.   

Lie on your back. 

Place your hands behind your head. 

Then, lift your legs straight up. 

Stay in this position for a while. 

If you feel a lot of pressure on your abdomen, slowly lower your legs and relax. 


Also Read: Importance Of Exercise: Explore 35 Benefits Of Fitness In Daily Lifestyle! 


What Are The Benefits Of Oblique Exercises For Women? 


Oblique muscles workout provides multiple benefits when done consistently. Here are some benefits of oblique exercise for women: 


1. Strengthen Your Core   


One of the main benefits of incline exercises is strengthening your abs and core. Incline exercises strengthen your abdominal, lower back, and hip muscles, improving your balance and stability. They help develop strong abdominal muscles that protect your spine and organs and support your weight as you move. Regular incline exercise increases your range of motion and improves flexibility, making it easier to perform everyday activities. 


 2. Improve Your Posture  


Strong core muscles are essential for good posture. Oblique exercises, such as Russian crunches, help strengthen your abdominal and oblique muscles, which are also essential for proper posture. In addition to strengthening your core, these exercises help improve your posture by increasing flexibility and range of motion. Working multiple muscle groups allows you to become more aware of your posture and correct misalignments before they lead to chronic pain.   


3. Reduce Back Pain   


Strong abdominal muscles help reduce back pain by improving posture and supporting the spine. Strengthening your core muscles also helps support your spine and creates a stable base for other movements you perform.  Light stretching after a core workout can help improve circulation to the area, reducing muscle tension and tightness. Focusing on core exercises and stretching can help relieve back pain and reduce your risk of injury.   

4. Improves Balance And Stability  


One of the most beneficial aspects of incline exercises is that they help improve balance and stability. Incline exercises are great for improving balance and strength because they require you to keep your body in a static position while engaging your core. Improving your balance and stability will also allow you to perform everyday activities with ease and confidence.     


5. Improved Respiratory Function   


Abdominal exercises help you develop a strong midsection that supports your rib cage and allows you to breathe and exhale deeply. Solid and balanced abdominal and oblique muscles improve overall breathing function. By improving your breathing, you can enjoy a better quality of life, more energy, and a healthier body.   


6. Improved Athletic Performance   


One of the most significant benefits of strengthening your abdominal muscles is improved athletic performance. Strengthening your core and obliques helps improve strength, agility, balance, speed and coordination. Core exercises are essential for athletes because they provide a strong foundation and help prevent injuries. If you want to take your athletic skills to the next level, add incline exercises to your workout routine.  


7. Reduces Risk Of Injury 


A strong core is essential to reduce your risk of injury, especially in physical activity. By strengthening your core, you will improve your posture and body stability, reducing the chance of injury when lifting weights or engaging in other high-impact activities. This exercise helps engage and strengthen the oblique muscles, which are essential in maintaining balance and alignment in the body. The harder you bend, the better your body can withstand the force of sudden movements, making your muscles less likely to strain or strain.  

8. Improves Digestion   


Core muscles play an essential role in the proper functioning of digestive health. Strengthening your abs and abdominal muscles can improve digestion and relieve digestive problems such as constipation, acid reflux, and bloating. Core exercises also help increase your body's flexibility, making it easier to digest food.     


9. Relieves Stress And Headaches  


Headaches are often caused by stress, tension, and fatigue. These exercises can be a great way to relieve this type of headache. They help reduce the stress and tension that builds up in your muscles. When done correctly, they can also help increase blood flow to the head, neck, and shoulders. This helps relieve headaches by relieving tension in the head and neck area. 


10. Helps Lose Weight And Tone Abdominal Regime   


Oblique exercises to build your abdominal and oblique muscles are very effective for weight loss and abdominal toning. Stronger core muscles increase metabolism, allowing you to burn more calories and fat in less time. Working your abs and obliques will also help tighten these areas, creating a leaner, more toned appearance. 


Do Oblique Workouts Slim Your Waist?  


Yes, Oblique exercises help shape your back. They can also help improve waist circumference as you lose weight through regular aerobic exercise and diet. Core exercises, including balance ball crunches, cable crunches, cable chops, medicine ball Russian crunches, planks, and side planks, help develop strength and tone in the external and internal obliques. Increasing tone provides visible muscle definition, and tone increases strength. Bending harder improves abdominal and spinal stability and helps prevent injury. 


Expert’s Advice 


Oblique exercises for women are especially beneficial in regular exercise routines. They will help you lose belly fat and improve your strength, agility, and stability. These exercises can be done almost anywhere and require very little equipment, making them easy to incorporate into any daily routine. Try incorporating some critical exercises into your routine to lose weight and get a toned stomach. 

Health Expert  
Lavina Chauhan  

The Final Say 


No proper core workout is complete without spending time on your obliques. These lateral muscles are essential for your core's overall stability and aesthetics. You can effectively target and strengthen them by incorporating oblique exercises for women, like side planks, Russian crunches, bicycle crunches, lumberjacks, and side bends into your exercise routine.  You will see a visual transformation in your core definition, and experience improved stability, better posture, and a stronger foundation for all your workouts. So, ditch the crunches, embrace the obliques, and get ready to transform your core!   



1. What are some external oblique exercises for women? 

Here are some external oblique exercises you can include in your workout routine- 

  • Oblique Crunch 
  • Side Plank 
  • Russian Twist 
  • SpidermanPush-Up 
  • Mountain Climbers 
  • Elbow to Knee 


2. What is the best exercise for oblique muscles? 

Here are the best exercises to tone oblique muscles- 

  • Seated oblique twist 
  • Plank rotation 
  • Heel ups 
  • Side plank 
  • Kettlebell windmill 
  • Standing side crunch 


3. What are some exercises that can be included in an abdominal oblique workout? 

Here are some exercises that can be included in your abdominal oblique workout- 

  • Plank hip dips 
  • Leg raise 
  • Heel taps 
  • Oblique crunch 
  • Woodchop 
  • Side bend 




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ToneOp Fit is a platform dedicated to improving and maintaining good health through a comprehensive range of goal-oriented health plans with up to 3 Coach support. With a range of Weight Management, Medical Condition, Detox Plans, and Face Yoga Plans, the app also provides premium health trackers, recipes and health content. Get customised diet, fitness, naturopathy & yoga plans and transform yourself with ToneOp.  

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